Legalization of Marijuana

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5th gear did a show on driving under the influence of weed and driving without sleep. the guy that was high drove slightly slower on the track they had set up and handled all the obsticles they threw at him much better. The guy that was tired did worse.

i make this point to make another. while your high on weed, you generaly react slower. you shouldnt drive while high, but those who do gerneraly are better drivers then people that are drunk. drunks tend to speed and swerve. imo drinking is much more deadly then weed.

not to say either should be allowed to drive, just that weed is safer imo.
Now I'm not too sure about this but with weed being an inhaled smoke is it possible for anyone in the general area of marijuana being smoked to be affected?

That's why I feel use in public places should be outlawed.

They claim it doesn't but then again they don't say the same thing for cigarettes. I agree though.
They claim it doesn't but then again they don't say the same thing for cigarettes. I agree though.

Very similar I guess to 2nd hand cigarette smoke.. Famine can extend on the 2nd hand smoking theory..
5th gear did a show on driving under the influence of weed and driving without sleep. the guy that was high drove slightly slower on the track they had set up and handled all the obsticles they threw at him much better. The guy that was tired did worse.

i make this point to make another. while your high on weed, you generaly react slower. you shouldnt drive while high, but those who do gerneraly are better drivers then people that are drunk. drunks tend to speed and swerve. imo drinking is much more deadly then weed.

not to say either should be allowed to drive, just that weed is safer imo.

Drunks are more unpredictable. Sleepy follow close behind or maybe the same and stoned are the "safest".
Yeah... I'm just saying from my personal experience for the first two. I've heard from a friend when they are stoned they are generally safe people.
its all a matter of who it is i guess but i to have heard first hand that driving while high isnt as band as driving while drunk.
It should be legal . Its a farce that its not legal and the criminalization of it does more harm to people who use it than the drug itself could ever do . That alone is enough to make it wrong never mind beer and cigarettes are legal and are more harmfull .
Secondhand weed smoke doesn't have much of an impact. Proof? I've never gotten high or buzzed. I'm not sure how a LOT of secondhand smoke in an enclosed room would be. Secondhand tobacco smoke is more potent.

Even if stoned drivers drive slower, it should still be under the same regulations as alcohol. When you're a potential risk to other people, the law should be firm.

"Hurting others is wrong... hurting yourself is just stupid." I think people should be free to hurt themselves. It's the interaction of people to others within the context of the greater society that should be regulated by that society.
I voted yes but only just.

This is because yes Marijuana may be as "safe" (if thats the right word) as alcahol and cigerattes but it can lead to harder drugs like Heroin and Crack, I put yes because I think its a stress relief, much like ciggerattes, but can also give you a good time like alcahol.

But to stop the addiction going on any further perhaps something like a rationing card? Quite simply go up to a supply with your card, get it signed and off you go with your green, but you can only do that so often per a month/week therefore your getting it, but you not doing enough of it to lead you onto harder drugs.

Just an idea.

And please note I do not spoke green, or even cigerattes, never have done. :) But I know from pals the experiences they go through, one has sadly moved onto pills..
One really sad thing about the "marijuana leads to harder drugs" debate is reason for that...

Think about it... :dunce:

Why are you introduced to harder drugs because of getting involved with pot?

Because you are dealing with illegal drug dealers to get it! :ouch:

If drug dealers were not pushing grass then smoking it would not introduce you to an underground world of drug dealers, hence, you would never be introduced to harder drugs based on your usage of weed.

A similar concept comes up with paranoia...
Am I paranoid because of the drug, or am I paranoid because police want to bust me? :lol:

My bottom line:
Pot is in a state that is similar to the prohibition of alcohol.
Keeping it illegal creates a larger illegal market and so there are even more negative elements to the drug's existance than if it was just legalized and controlled like any other controlled substance.

Legalizing grass would kill off the "gate-way" drug element as well as the black market demand.

Just like booze, making this drug illegal does more damage than allowing it to be traded as a controlled substance.


btw, reading through this thread makes me sick. :yuck:

Some of the most liberal people are also some of the most totalitarian. :irked:

Telling me what I can and can't do... What in that respects my individual freedoms?

Keeping me from smoking or drinking, or doing any sort of controlled substance is a violation of my civil rights (just like keeping a woman from having an abortion).
Any libs voting nay in this thread should be ashamed.
Here in Holland people know the effects of drugs, and most people in the US and other countries think that if you can take drugs legally, you take it. So everyone thinks half of Holland is stoned lol:lol:

No no no no. I will never smoke in my life, no point for it.

So if it would become legal I hope people themselves will understand it's still VERY much LETHAL!!!:scared:

Edit: And bee, mind u cigarettes are lethal too!!
One really sad thing about the "marijuana leads to harder drugs" debate is reason for that...

Think about it... :dunce:

Why are you introduced to harder drugs because of getting involved with pot?

Because you are dealing with illegal drug dealers to get it! :ouch:

If drug dealers were not pushing grass then smoking it would not introduce you to an underground world of drug dealers, hence, you would never be introduced to harder drugs based on your usage of weed.

A similar concept comes up with paranoia...
Am I paranoid because of the drug, or am I paranoid because police want to bust me? :lol:

My bottom line:
Pot is in a state that is similar to the prohibition of alcohol.
Keeping it illegal creates a larger illegal market and so there are even more negative elements to the drug's existance than if it was just legalized and controlled like any other controlled substance.

Legalizing grass would kill off the "gate-way" drug element as well as the black market demand.

Just like booze, making this drug illegal does more damage than allowing it to be traded as a controlled substance.


Ah fair point indeed. I stand corrected.

btw, reading through this thread makes me sick. :yuck:

Some of the most liberal people are also some of the most totalitarian. :irked:

Telling me what I can and can't do... What in that respects my individual freedoms?

Keeping me from smoking or drinking, or doing any sort of controlled substance is a violation of my civil rights (just like keeping a woman from having an abortion).
Any libs voting nay in this thread should be ashamed.

Ah but in theory just then you have taken away the freedom of opinion, people can share liberal ideas in certain areas and other ideas in other certain areas.

We are all entitled to an opinion my friend, don't take that away.
Ah but in theory just then you have taken away the freedom of opinion, people can share liberal ideas in certain areas and other ideas in other certain areas.

We are all entitled to an opinion my friend, don't take that away.

He hasn't... don't try to claim that he's being a hypocrit for attacking other people's opinions. He's simply voicing his own. The minute he advocates that the police come arrest you for having your opinion I'll be on your side. Until then don't accuse Kent of taking anyone's freedom away.
Ganja/skunk is for the stupid. I used to peddle the stuff never used it myself and I could smoke half my stash and my dealing would have paid for it. I had the proppa strong stuff aswell. When I tested it to see if it was good the only difference I could notice was that I got very paranoid and shifty.So the more paranoid I got the better the stuff was :lol:

But yeah its stupid and it being downgraded to class C has already had a negative effect on society that more little kids are using it and more little kids are peddling it.+

But then again alchohol kills a whole lot more that mary jane
He hasn't... don't try to claim that he's being a hypocrit for attacking other people's opinions. He's simply voicing his own. The minute he advocates that the police come arrest you for having your opinion I'll be on your side. Until then don't accuse Kent of taking anyone's freedom away.

Ahhhhhhhh!! The power!! I'm obviously not educated enough for the opinions forum quite yet. :indiff:

Cheers for enlightening me anyway.
My bottom line:
Pot is in a state that is similar to the prohibition of alcohol.
Keeping it illegal creates a larger illegal market and so there are even more negative elements to the drug's existance than if it was just legalized and controlled like any other controlled substance.

👍 That's what I've been trying to say, too. 👍

Kinda weird... I've seen cigarettes and alcohol lead to harder stuff, too. It's more to do with susceptibility to peer pressure and addiction than anything else.
Why are you introduced to harder drugs because of getting involved with pot?

Because you are dealing with illegal drug dealers to get it! :ouch:
Good point, and while I agree, I don't think that is the sole reason why marijuana is considered the "Gateway" drug. Way I look at it, people who smoke pot are the same type of people who would try other illegal drugs also. Like you said though, less the people deal with dealers, less "gateway" effect marijuana would have.
Good point, and while I agree, I don't think that is the sole reason why marijuana is considered the "Gateway" drug. Way I look at it, people who smoke pot are the same type of people who would try other illegal drugs also. Like you said though, less the people deal with dealers, less "gateway" effect marijuana would have.
Also, it is only a gateway drug because it is behind the gate of what the government sees as "illegal." once someone is in the "garden" behind the "gate," they want to see what else is in there, so they experiment! They figure they tried one illegal drug, why not another? If they can get away with smoking pot, they can get away with doin heroin, or meth, or ecstacy! They get a taste of what they're missing and the governemnt doesn't want people to have, so they want the whole garden!
I guess the problem would just be that it will be excessively used. In the states, I know it will. Holland is small, and the people are different and do go out wanting to smoke weed all day. It would be catastrophic.

If I look at some of my friends who smoke/smoked. Its just sad. Lazy, stupid, these people would destroy the country.


If it gets legal, what would be the fun of smoking it? Keep it back.
I vote NO. Strongly. I've seen what marijuana does to people.

A kid at my old school. Straight A's in year 8. One of the smartest in the school, he was really pleasant and happy. Above 90 marks in everything. He started smoking a bit of weed, by year 10 he couldn't talk or put sentences together well at all, and had no clue what was going on and was always miserable. He didn't finish year 12 because he was too lazy and got crap marks. Besides understanding all the well known facts about what dope does to you, there is seriously NO argument for legalisation. Drugs are bad and **** people up. We all know that.

I kow what you mean.

I had a dude in my class who came from the highest class of school you can go to. He was once on a field trip with his class and he tried weed. He changed from 0 to 100, from 1 to z (or you could say from 100 - 0).

The guy
- sings in class
- walks home crossing over my bus stop at least 10 times and sais bye each time
- he climbed a craned for 5 grams of weed which he didnt get
- he did it the next weekend again...

and on and on.

I couldnt even imagine children walking on the streets getting talked into the **** by some dealers.........

what it would do to them
what it would to the community
what the **** would it do to the country..

If it gets legal, what would be the fun of smoking it? Keep it back.
That's just another great reason to legalize it. It loses it's appeal if it's legal. It no longer becomes that "have to do" thing because anyone old enough to buy it can go acquire some. Ban alcohol and what did they get? A huge black market and suddenly booze became more appealing to the younger crowd because they were "rebelling". Same goes to weed

What about all the people who are pot-heads and still manage to graduate with a 3.? GPA?

Or whatever about all the college students that are big burn-outs and yet they still do well in school?

If your friends do poorly in school it is not because of a drug, it's because he did poorly on his own.

I have friends that did something similar... Acted like a fool and failed out.
However, I have 10 times as many friends who smoked every day and still graduated.

In my previous reply I gave legitimate reasons for legalizing Marijuana.
Don't act like there are no valid reasons... Especially if you're going to post bogus reasons for keeping it illegal.

Hell, now that I think of it...
What's teh point in it being illegal if it did that to your friends anyway?
(which I don't even believe is the reason for your friends failure)

Btw, ruining your life on your own with the help of any drug doesn't mean that drug should be out-lawed... If that was so, alcohol would be highly illegal.

Plus, don't you all realize this is about our personal freedoms?
Just like abortion, this is a matter of what I want to do to my body as long as I don't hurt anyone else.

Control the substance like alcohol and give the people the freedom to decide for themselves!

And this coming from a republican while so many libs are shouting that the drug should be kept illegal. :(

What a sad day for political stereotypes.
Yeah ok so you legalise the stuff. Then most kids who smoke ciggarettes start smoking weed cause regardless people like snoop dog will still make it sound appealing to lots of kids. Then you have 12 year olds smoking it on the street as a result and so it will become more used than it is already as it will be around everyone and easily to get hold off. As it is now you need to know the right people to get some and well the average kid wont have a clue where to look. Plus then all the drug dealers will just push the harder stuff.

It doesnt make sense to legalise it.

What about all the people who are pot-heads and still manage to graduate with a 3.? GPA?

Or whatever about all the college students that are big burn-outs and yet they still do well in school?

If your friends do poorly in school it is not because of a drug, it's because he did poorly on his own.

I have friends that did something similar... Acted like a fool and failed out.
However, I have 10 times as many friends who smoked every day and still graduated.

In my previous reply I gave legitimate reasons for legalizing Marijuana.
Don't act like there are no valid reasons... Especially if you're going to post bogus reasons for keeping it illegal.

Hell, now that I think of it...
What's teh point in it being illegal if it did that to your friends anyway?
(which I don't even believe is the reason for your friends failure)

Btw, ruining your life on your own with the help of any drug doesn't mean that drug should be out-lawed... If that was so, alcohol would be highly illegal.

Great post, most of the kids I know who smoked a lot of pot and failed out of school would have failed out whether they did it or not. As for the ones I knew who failed out because of pot, it was because they were stupid and did nothing else. It's like any other substance, it can be fine as long as it doesn't get out of control.

I've pretty much smoked every day in college, and I'm keeping a 3.0 gpa in an engineering program (I'm only a sophomore though). The only time I do smoke is after I'm finished with school, work, and homework for the day. I find that it's a nice way to wind down at the end of the day. But it seems people still want to stereotype me as a burnout just because I smoke pot.

I really don't see it happening anytime soon, especially with the stigma against it right now, but I think that marijuana should be legalized. The government would benefit from the tax, it would get dealers off of the streets, and it would keep our prisons open for those who commit serious crimes.

It's now legal in Denver to posess up to an ounce of marijuana. Of course this is only a city law, and the state/feds can still arrest the people for it, but it's a step in the right direction. Unfortunetely marijuana is a very high police priority here in Pennsylvania.
Yeah ok so you legalise the stuff. Then most kids who smoke ciggarettes start smoking weed cause regardless people like snoop dog will still make it sound appealing to lots of kids. Then you have 12 year olds smoking it on the street as a result and so it will become more used than it is already as it will be around everyone and easily to get hold off. As it is now you need to know the right people to get some and well the average kid wont have a clue where to look. Plus then all the drug dealers will just push the harder stuff.

It doesnt make sense to legalise it.

No, you see, a controlled substance is a substance that is kept out of the hands of minor by means of rules and regulations.

Refference the current status of alcohol if you still have a hard time understanding the concept.

Btw, Max Powers. 👍
Excellent post.
And I hear you about that priority thing, but that also comes back to the nature of police at times. :(
For instance, if you ask police the question related to this thread, they will be happier to answer with their own opinions (related to angst and depression) than they will to say "let the law makers decide, I just enforce the law."