Legalization of Marijuana

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You're comparing regulating a drug to giving up my right to vote? Ok...

Voting is a human construct, just ask any u.s. felon. Growing a plant and lighting it on fire however...

Perhaps I could have said natural right instead but I don't really see why anyone should be denied what I said above.

Or this even.
we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
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You're comparing regulating a drug to giving up my right to vote? Ok...
You have more than one right, ya know.

I agree that regulations suck but what's the alternative? Take the laissez-faire approach?
It's certainly not more regulation.

A lot of my friends own businesses and the ones that need to apply for a liquor license in LA tell me how difficult and frustrating the process to obtain one is. So should we deregulate alcohol and let anyone sell and consume alcohol whenever and wherever they please? I personally don't think so. Regulations may be annoying but it keeps people form going extreme doing something dangerous/stupid
People are going to do dangerous/stupid stuff no matter how many regulations you have.
I just find it funny that when we talk about regulations there are always people who think they stop the irresponsible.

Legalize marijuana but regulate hash oil production. You mean the thing that people do today and have to currently break about three laws just to think about doing? Yeah, one law will stop them.
You have more than one right, ya know.

It's certainly not more regulation.

People are going to do dangerous/stupid stuff no matter how many regulations you have.

Do you have anything to add to this conversation or did you just drop by to disagree with everything I say?

I just find it funny that when we talk about regulations there are always people who think they stop the irresponsible.

Legalize marijuana but regulate hash oil production. You mean the thing that people do today and have to currently break about three laws just to think about doing? Yeah, one law will stop them.

You mentioned earlier that you don't think anything should be regulated by the government and although I completely disagree with that it's your opinion and you're entitled to that. Conversely, I can guarantee you that you won't change my views about these issues either so I say we can agree to disagree at this point and move on because I don't feel like having a long debate about government regulations
Regulations may be annoying but it keeps people form going extreme doing something dangerous/stupid

They really, really don't though. Unless I'm just imagining the growing Heroin issue in the US or the fact I can go find nearly any drug without much trouble if I want. The expression "locks keep honest people out" exists for a reason and applies to this kind of thinking - regulation just keeps the honest people from doing the "dangerous/extreme" things you seem to think the world would descend into without regulation.
People love regulation until they find themselves being regulated.

We don't need anymore laws that's for sure, there are plenty in place for if/when a hash oil producer screws the pooch.
Looks like the DEA is headed toward changing marijuana to a schedule II drug instead of schedule I. Schedule II is for drugs that have some redeeming medical qualities, it would enable medical research on marijuana to help develop more medication from it.


DEA decides not to reclassify marijuana... and that's basically crazy. Well since the DEA makes law when it comes to that substance, and our lawmakers are elected, let's just vote for someone else when it comes time for re-election... wait... we don't vote for the people heading the DEA?

In the previous election (Obama vs. Romney) you'd have voted Obama if you wanted to send a signal that you wanted the DEA to ease up on marijuana. How'd that work out for you? This is why it's unconstitutional to have non-elected lawmakers.

Everyone go argue about the latest trump tweet, let's ignore what's actually happening in this country.
The issue is that they aren't the ones that made the law, they're just the ones tasked with enforcing it, and they can initiate proceedings to change the schedule of a substance. And until the FDA gets their crap together and conducts some serious research(Which should be easier now, since the DEA has eased up on research restrictions and growing for research purposes), it probably won't change. Until the FDA comes out and says that marijuana has proven medical benefits, the DEA isn't obligated to change anything. Granted, they probably like it that way, but still, there's nothing on the federal level to give them a reason to change the schedule of marijuana. So basically, they've acknowledged that marijuana may have some redeeming medicinal qualities, so they've eased up on research regulations to make it easier to prove that it has medicinal qualities.
The issue is that they aren't the ones that made the law, they're just the ones tasked with enforcing it, and they can initiate proceedings to change the schedule of a substance. And until the FDA gets their crap together and conducts some serious research(Which should be easier now, since the DEA has eased up on research restrictions and growing for research purposes), it probably won't change. Until the FDA comes out and says that marijuana has proven medical benefits, the DEA isn't obligated to change anything. Granted, they probably like it that way, but still, there's nothing on the federal level to give them a reason to change the schedule of marijuana. So basically, they've acknowledged that marijuana may have some redeeming medicinal qualities, so they've eased up on research regulations to make it easier to prove that it has medicinal qualities.

It has been proven, many times over. The simplest proof is that it diminishes pain while maintaining appetite, which is great for cancer patients - and that's one reason why medical marijuana has been so popular... because lots of people get cancer. You and I should be hoping that the DEA manages to change their minds before we get cancer.

The notion that it should be schedule I... that it has no redeeming medical qualities is... frankly... absolutely absurd.
Couldn't resist to go shopping today, another stoned period incoming now :dopey:.
For the people that smoke, how is your usage? I used to smoke daily, but luckily i am able to resist to the urge better now and only buy a bag every couple of seasons.
Couldn't resist to go shopping today, another stoned period incoming now :dopey:.
For the people that smoke, how is your usage? I used to smoke daily, but luckily i am able to resist to the urge better now and only buy a bag every couple of seasons.
3-5 blunts a day. A 50/50 mix of mid/loud. I can't afford a habit of full loud.

You remind me of my friend in the mountains. I take him a half oz every time I go see him and he'll still have some when I go back.
3-5 blunts a day. A 50/50 mix of mid/loud. I can't afford a habit of full loud.

You remind me of my friend in the mountains. I take him a half oz every time I go see him and he'll still have some when I go back.
Uff flying high all day i suppose, can you combine that with your job or are you a student? Smoking all the time can make me quite lazy, i notice that i have more energy in the periods that i quit for a while.

I appreciate the feeling of being stoned for a couple of weeks though, but for the sake of combining it with work/ family life it's better that i buy a bag and be done with it. That's the difference with me and your friend, he can last for days without resisting to the urge to light one up. I couldn't do that :D

Being relaxed after smoking also has it's positive side. I get a bit more interested in what my kids are doing and sit down to play with them. Sober i run around more and wouldn't make the time as much.
Nothing too bad i hope? I haven't read what you are suffering from.

I suffer from Crohn's, have had both my hips replaced with one of the surgeries being botched, and a somewhat recent heart attack. Without marijuana, it would be hard to get through a week.
A massive no from me. The last thing society needs is another euphoric substance that temporarily alters how you behave and perceive things. Alcohol is enough of a problem already, and I see no use in adding to it.

If you have a medical condition that requires it, then fair enough, but using it for fun or whatever is just plain sad.
Interesting that there are so many people here who want to ban it despite never having tried it and who evidently have little idea about its history and effect on society.

Legalisation wouldn't force people who didn't want to use it to become users but it'd prevent a lot of people who are doing nothing morally wrong from technically being criminals.
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A massive no from me. The last thing society needs is another euphoric substance that temporarily alters how you behave and perceive things. Alcohol is enough of a problem already, and I see no use in adding to it.

If you have a medical condition that requires it, then fair enough, but using it for fun or whatever is just plain sad.
I think you're exaggerating the effects. Sure with alcohol people can change their behavior a great deal and do stupid **** as a consequence, as they lose control over what they are doing or thinking so it has a negative effect on society that way. But i can assure you that's never the case with regular potheads. The effects are far more mellow compared to alcohol, and a lot of times people don't even realize someone just smoked a J so go figure. It's comparable to tranquilizers you can buy in the pharmacy legally.

That's why it's also hypocritical that alcohol is an accepted drug in society and nobody makes a big deal out of it when people drink, but on the other hand you have these myths going around about pot and it's illegal just because people aren't familiar with it. Luckily that attitude is finally changing.
Legalization wouldn't force people who didn't want to use it to become users but it'd prevent a lot of people who are doing nothing morally wrong from technically being criminals.

I just moved from Colorado, where weed is perfectly legal. Not only are you absolutely correct, but there is more to it that.

I was reading somewhere, I don't remember where (so don't hold my post as 100% perfect), that since Colorado legalized recreational marijuana crime has dropped 15%. Plus, last month alone, it brought in $35 million in taxes with 10% of that total going directly to the school systems. That's right, last month, marijuana gave $3.5 million to the local school systems. Not to shabby.


Marijuana is a bigger business than many people realize. Although some are worried about the long-term health effects of marijuana use, it's clear that legalization comes with some benefits to society -- namely, more jobs and tax revenue. In 2014, Colorado collected $76 million in total marijuana-related taxes, and it had collected an additional $87 million from January through August of 2015 -- and much of that revenue went to schools. Indeed, the state collects more from marijuana taxes than from alcohol taxes. Personal-finance website NerdWallet estimated that full nationwide legalization could bring in more than $3 billion in annual tax revenue to our 50 states.

So, the legalization of marijuana has not only skyrocketed the economy, helped with the school system and city infrastructure (some money goes to the highway system), increased tourism nearly exponentially, created a plethora of jobs, it did all of this while decreasing crimes.
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I was curious when I'd find a thread as a bad as the elections threads when it came to people basing crap on media norms rather than...being logical and actually researching for themselves. I'm all for legalization, so much so that I don't just stop at Marijuana.
I was curious when I'd find a thread as a bad as the elections threads when it came to people basing crap on media norms rather than...being logical and actually researching for themselves. I'm all for legalization, so much so that I don't just stop at Marijuana.
While other countries have seen a drop in overdoses, I don't think legalizing amphetamines etc... is a good idea.
By the way what other drugs are you ok with legalizing?
What someone does to their body is their business, besides the crime and quality of the product would be drasticly different with legalization.

By legalizing your making criminals compete with legal industries for business and there only real options are downsize or perish.