Legalization of Marijuana

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By haze, do you mean hayze? If so, then this is actually a synthetic cannabinoid, and not actually marijuana. And it is very dangerous. It became very popular with US military troops, as it was readily available, "legal" and kinda cheap. Had a troop of mine start convulsing at the CQ desk on this crap. It will definitely cause the affects you mentioned. More so than just strong pot.

No, haze. But that just the name of the type of weed. It's still a plant, it looks the same as any other type of weed you can buy, apart from the amount of crystals in and on the buds.

The worst part is that even seasoned stoners, as in 10+ years, turn into first timers with this stuff, every time.
Man, I had a blast my first time. Met Sergi Federov, drove my bike into a car, stole a shopping cart to make a go cart... Good times.
However, I can remember a time that I had gotten stupid sick stone. Felt like 5000 pounds, extremely drained and nauseated. It was my first time smoking "chronic". Guessing this is likely the same deal then.
I kinda miss it but I'm glad I kicked the habit. It started to mess with my mind from time to time and I didn't even smoke the heavy stuff.

A close friend of mine who also smoked for a looong time,and started with haze, realised after 2,5 years it was the new stuff that made him the junkie he turned into. He switched back to the lighter stuff and you can see him just getting healthier, and less of a eyes in the back of big black sockets numb person.
Haze strains have a THC potency of 25%, meanwhile, these dabs have up to 70%+.

Recreational cannabis has been legal here in Seattle for awhile. Today I walked into my local Herb House and perused the sales catalog for flower. THC varied from slightly under 20% to slightly over 30%. Price did not seem particularly to vary according to THC content. Price for 3.5g (1/8 oz.) varied from roughly $40 to $54, plus ~10% local and state sales tax (excise tax is included in base price).
Recreational cannabis has been legal here in Seattle for awhile. Today I walked into my local Herb House and perused the sales catalog for flower. THC varied from slightly under 20% to slightly over 30%. Price did not seem particularly to vary according to THC content. Price for 3.5g (1/8 oz.) varied from roughly $40 to $54, plus ~10% local and state sales tax (excise tax is included in base price).
The stronger strains definitely change in price here. You can get the usual mid-range stuff for about 30-40$ an 1/8th like you said. There are basically different tiers, that will come at different prices. Much like it was if you'd purchase it illegally before all this legalization happened.
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I am searching for a test that was conducted here last year, that sparked the discussion about the strength. The strongest one tested was called Amnesia Haze, and some of the test samples contained over 30% THC. That is a serious amount for just a plant. I remember that when I started smoking, White Widow was the strongest on the menu, containing a whopping 16-17%.
Hah, things had generic names when I first started. Regs, mids, the chronic/hydro. 25, 35 40-50 respectively. Left to serve for 5 years, came back and medicinal was legalized, growers and care takers abound. Freaking everyone had some crazy strain names. Probably the first time I felt old. Man, I don't care what you call it, if it smokes and taste good, light it.

Anywho, where I live, it is medicinal state wide and decriminalized city wide. We have a Republican crap government that fudge all sorts of things with the medicinal laws and closed pretty much all of the shops, and even started harassing the growers and care takers. Snyder at the Republican crap show running the state are on the way out though, so in the next election cycle I expect Michigan will likely be full legal, or very close too. Just gotta make sure corporate interests don't try pulling shady tricks like in ohio
I suppose this tuned weed is mainly coffeeshop stuff? Haze has been around since years so it would surprise me that's the one @Dennisch is talking about?
I suppose this tuned weed is mainly coffeeshop stuff? Haze has been around since years so it would surprise me that's the one @Dennisch is talking about?
Maybe weed culture is different there, but in the States, it's hard to say. People tend to name whatever batch they are growing whatever the popular selling names are, or even based on things like color, smell or taste, without regard to any relationship to the originally named strain.
There was a hippie commune here in the 70's, they were squatters in some high desert range near the mountains, they perfected a strain of indica they called 'purple haze' lol purple hair from the soil I suppose and well you can figure out the rest. It was a potent strain prolly in the mid 20's % I kept some clones of it going in the 80's for a while but you didn't hear it here ;)

No one went crazy or to the hospital though so I have to assume whatever @Dennisch is speaking of is tuned or maybe even laced.
Maybe weed culture is different there, but in the States, it's hard to say. People tend to name whatever batch they are growing whatever the popular selling names are, or even based on things like color, smell or taste, without regard to any relationship to the originally named strain.
Same here i suppose, difficult to identify it. Had to laugh when i saw the following name for 1 type, i present to you:

"Train wreck" :D:
I looked up cronic cause I have seen it around, what I was told is its sprayed with cocaine. But the definition says it's just another strain. I'm not talking about laceing it with crack/coke but actually curing it with said prosses. Anyone care to elaborate?
I looked up cronic cause I have seen it around, what I was told is its sprayed with cocaine. But the definition says it's just another strain. I'm not talking about laceing it with crack/coke but actually curing it with said prosses. Anyone care to elaborate?

Chronic is slang for high quality weed made popular in rap music in the 90's (Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg etc). I heard a story from Snoop Dogg where he explained how the term was invented in the early 90's. He said that in I believe 1991, he attended a party where somebody had some hydroponic grown marijuana, which was a new thing at the time. He said it was of really good quality and wanted more of the same from said person but couldn't pronounce "hydroponic" so he called it "Hydrochronic". Hence, the birth of the term. I don't know the legitimacy of the claim but it makes sense. Here in So Cal, Chronic is mostly the term everyone uses for high quality weed.
Long time smoker, 1st time commenting here. Since weed became "medically" legal in California, the booming demand for weed with high THC content created a race of some sorts among growers to come up with the new "it" strain. Names like ultra and skywalker were given to them and priced above the good old og kush, and that's when prices jumped to $50 or even $60 per 1/8

At this point these people ain't growers specializing on cannabis, more like chemists who mix and match to come up with a plant with ludicrous amount of THC and that to me is a concern. As some have mentioned before, recreational weed has become so potent nowadays I don't even know if we can call it weed anymore.

I just hope weed becomes fully legal in California so that I can grow my own plants so I know what I'm smoking

I also have a question for those regular smokers: do you guys feel the effects of weed while driving irl? For me it's actually a plus because driving in So Cal is very stressful so when I'm blazed I don't have the urge to speed nor do I feel road rage creeping in. I usually arrive at my destination happy and smiling
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I also have a question for those regular smokers: do you guys feel the effects of weed while driving irl? For me it's actually a plus because driving in So Cal is very stressful so when I'm blazed I don't have the urge to speed nor do I feel road rage creeping in. I usually arrive at my destination happy and smiling

It certainly helps you relax and stay focused while driving. But with the newer strains, I don't know, that might be a bit too much.
Does anyone know what the test is that the state of WA uses now? I know that they have set up roadblocks and tried to force people into a quick blood test to see if they are high, how does that work? THC stays in the body for some 30 days for an average young male right?

One thing I can say in no uncertain terms, driving stoned comes no where remotely close to driving drunk.
Does anyone know what the test is that the state of WA uses now? I know that they have set up roadblocks and tried to force people into a quick blood test to see if they are high, how does that work? THC stays in the body for some 30 days for an average young male right?

One thing I can say in no uncertain terms, driving stoned comes no where remotely close to driving drunk.

They have tried it here with saliva tests but all tests tried have been deemed to be unreliable,because as you say, it stays in your body for quite some time.


And absolutely. It's nowhere close to driving drunk. And if you're too stoned to drive, you don't want to move anyway. :lol:
In Belgium they use saliva tests in traffic controls, and you can lose your license when driving stoned.

Silly really, i too drive slower and more careful after blazing one up. They are just punishing people without a proper investigation into the effects of cannabis behind the wheel.
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The thing about pulling somebody over for driving while high is that weed doesn't have the same effect on people. For me, I smoke so often that it's second nature for me. But for casual smokers it can give them the same sensation as driving drunk
The thing about pulling somebody over for driving while high is that weed doesn't have the same effect on people. For me, I smoke so often that it's second nature for me. But for casual smokers it can give them the same sensation as driving drunk

The same argument can be and has been made about an alcoholic, it goes like this and I think it is true; a heavy drinker or alcoholic is most likely more safe behind the wheel after one or two but not much more than that, safer than he would be after zero. Sounds strange I know, and please do not ask me why I know this.

Surgeons back in the day used to drink a bit before a procedure to steady their hands, that is probably no longer the case though.
Effects are totally different though, drunk you get into a reckless euphoria, mostly causing speeding and dangerous driving, whilst totally stoned you drive slow as paranoia sets in.
I know and I agree, I was strictly speaking of one particular type of person, it's not a big deal and I don't want to derail anything. There have been studies and such, however one could easily argue that person should not have a license at all :lol:

One thing I can say in no uncertain terms, driving stoned comes no where remotely close to driving drunk.
I know and I agree, I was strictly speaking of one particular type of person, it's not a big deal and I don't want to derail anything. There have been studies and such, however one could easily argue that person should not have a license at all :lol:
Cheech or Chong?:

Since weed became "medically" legal in California, the booming demand for weed with high THC content created a race of some sorts among growers to come up with the new "it" strain. Names like ultra and skywalker were given to them and priced above the good old og kush, and that's when prices jumped to $50 or even $60 per 1/8

I would very much like to watch Star Wars with Skywalker.
That is one thing I remember well getting to MI. Everything was called Kush. Bubble Kush, Diesel Kush, Blueberry Kush, OG Kush. When the state cracked down on dispenseries, that kinda died off, and I have to admit, I'm glad for it. I'd rather not see marijuana become some sort of designer fad like craft beers. I am staunchly against corporatizing it as well. Last thing the legalization movement needs is RJ Reynolds and their ilk lobbying to make home growing and small, locally owned nurseries illegal.
That is one thing I remember well getting to MI. Everything was called Kush. Bubble Kush, Diesel Kush, Blueberry Kush, OG Kush. When the state cracked down on dispenseries, that kinda died off, and I have to admit, I'm glad for it. I'd rather not see marijuana become some sort of designer fad like craft beers. I am staunchly against corporatizing it as well. Last thing the legalization movement needs is RJ Reynolds and their ilk lobbying to make home growing and small, locally owned nurseries illegal.

I believe big tobacco has a contingency plan if weed becomes legal nationwide which would include lobbying against individuals growing their own stash, but I don't see them succeeding imo. Much like beer brewing, I think we'll be able to grow a specific number of plants for personal use. But anything beyond just growing plants such as making hash oil or similar by-products should be tightly regulated like distilling alcohol, leave it to the professionals
I believe big tobacco has a contingency plan if weed becomes legal nationwide which would include lobbying against individuals growing their own stash, but I don't see them succeeding imo. Much like beer brewing, I think we'll be able to grow a specific number of plants for personal use. But anything beyond just growing plants such as making hash oil or similar by-products should be tightly regulated like distilling alcohol, leave it to the professionals
Why? I mean, I am not a big fan of the idea of some guy using butaine in his garage, but there are plenty of safe ways to make hash, one of which is simply grinding you weed in a coffee grinder and pressing all the keef that get trapped on the lid. Keef from a catch in a grinder is basically a loose hash. In plenty of States you can buy and consume everclear, which can be used to create it as well. Stupid people will find stupid ways to hurt their stupid selves. That's why I am missing a finger. But thats no reason to try and ban something. Without hitting the slippery slope, that's just not a good idea.
Why? I mean, I am not a big fan of the idea of some guy using butaine in his garage, but there are plenty of safe ways to make hash, one of which is simply grinding you weed in a coffee grinder and pressing all the keef that get trapped on the lid. Keef from a catch in a grinder is basically a loose hash. In plenty of States you can buy and consume everclear, which can be used to create it as well. Stupid people will find stupid ways to hurt their stupid selves. That's why I am missing a finger. But thats no reason to try and ban something. Without hitting the slippery slope, that's just not a good idea.

I think you answered your own question but yea, I'm completely against the notion of my neighbor thinking he can make hash oil after watching how to do it on YouTube and hurting himself or others around

I'm not saying the Feds should worry about an individual smoking the contents of his grinder or making brownies, but any process to extract thc should be strictly regulated imo

If this county legalized weed things will still be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes, we're not gonna become a hippie society all of the sudden I would think
Out of curiosity, what is the result of a hash oil production gone wrong? Are talking turkey fryer incident, meth lab fire, or the end is nigh?