Legalization of Marijuana

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People can get that way when you want to violate peoples' rights and pack prisons full of folks that haven't done anything to anyone.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there had been an amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving people the right to get high.
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Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there had been an amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving people the right to get high.

What on earth makes you think the constitution gives you rights?
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Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there had been an amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving people the right to get high.
Actually you've got it completely backwards. There's nothing in the Constitution denying a right to get high (on a federal level anyway) so people have the right.
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Actually you've got it completely backwards. There's nothing in the Constitution denying a right to get high (on a federal level anyway) so people have the right.

There's also nothing to deny me the right to drive 150. So why can't I drive 150?

What on earth makes you think the constitution gives you rights?

What did I just read? :lol:
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize there had been an amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving people the right to get high.
There isn't a need for an amendment to the US Constitution giving people the right to get drunk. :rolleyes:
There's also nothing to deny me the right to drive 150. So why can't I drive 150?
The Tenth Amendment.
What did I just read? :lol:
I'm not sure what you just read but what Dan said was "What on earth makes you think the constitution gives you rights?"

It's a good question, since the Constitution's job is to say what rights the Federal government can't take away from you.
What did I just read? :lol:

Your government (even the constitution) can't give you rights, you have them. The phrase often used is "inalienable". You don't suddenly have rights when they are written down. If our constitution were amended to remove the bill of rights, you wouldn't suddenly lose your rights - you'd suddenly find your rights being trampled. It's impossible to trample rights that don't exist.
I oppose it's legalization for the same reasons everyone else against it have posted here, I won't bother restating them.

It's a topic I hate debating because it seems like everyone for it is extremely stubborn.

So you come into a thread with the better part of a thousand posts to say this?

What is it that you have against it any? Persuade us to see it from your perspective? Or just spout non-sense as if it is fact because 'Murica.
I oppose it's legalization for the same reasons everyone else against it have posted here, I won't bother restating them.
No fear. You live in a state that will likely be one of the last hold outs. I mean, we can't have wine shipped to our houses from out of state, can't buy alcohol at certain times on certain days (literally, chains on the grocery store beer coolers on Sundays), and God help the politician that tries to legalize gambling in a state famous for horse racing.
There's also nothing to deny me the right to drive 150. So why can't I drive 150?

You can. What on Earth makes you think there might be a law against you driving a 150, specifically?

Although, at a quick guess to the question, I'd say "age".
You can. What on Earth makes you think there might be a law against you driving a 150, specifically?

Although, at a quick guess to the question, I'd say "age".

This isn't even a debate anymore. Goodbye.
If you don't see the difference between driving 150mph on public roads and smoking weed on private property then you're right, there is no sense debating with you.

Also curious if you drink alcohol or coffee.
I oppose it's legalization for the same reasons everyone else against it have posted here, I won't bother restating them.

It's a topic I hate debating because it seems like everyone for it is extremely stubborn.

Just like everyone against it is extremely stubborn.

Pot, meet kettle.
I wonder when JMoney will emulate "ConcernedMom420". :lol:
I feel basically the same for different reasons. I have never liked marijuana. Never liked the high. Never even like potheads for the most part. But, I am highly considering starting to smoke for medical reasons. I can't say that I am that excited about it. But the benefits are tough to deny.
You get used to it, beginning is a bit tough as your body is confronted with an unknown substance but after a while you get used to the feeling of being stoned, and learn to appreciate it as it enhances a lot of your senses in a way you'll never experience during sober life.
Let's put this tram back on the tracks.
I vote yes, Marijuana should be legalised, but it will be difficult, and take a lot of time and cooperation (and nightmares for airports). There's mountains of evidence to suggest that it is a much safer alternative to alcoholism and tobacco. Also, on a related note, 2 weeks ago the house directly across the street from mine was raided, turns out it was three storeys of elaborate hydroponics setups and millions of dollars worth of pot. If it had been legal and well controlled, people wouldn't need to go to these lengths.
Making a plant illegal that has NO proven bad side effects is pretty stupid imo. Britain should take a look at parts of America and follow along.
Jmoney there is actually . It is called repeal of prohibition . Google it .
I use medical weed its great stuff and I never smoked as I was in LE long ago and got high from beer .
Now having broken back and other issues docs give me free weed , its so strong I can sleep despite even morphine not helping .
So, since this thread was last active, three more U.S. states (Alaska, Oregon and Washington) have legalised cannabis, rumblings are being made elsewhere in the world and with 4/20 just a month away I thought it would be a good time to re-open this debate.

I'm completely for the legalisation of cannabis. It's my body, my choice. As long as I'm not hurting/offending anyone, doing it in the comfort of my own home then there's no good reason why anybody should be allowed to stop me. We now know it's not as harmful as once thought, there's medicinal properties and our governments can make a **** tonne of money from regulating it and less money will be going into the hands of organised crime. That's really just the tip of the iceberg. The prohibition of cannabis is unjustifiable.

I'm all fired up now, after watching The Culture High, a 2014 film which questions the current state of cannabis prohibition. It's very interesting and well worth watching... I highly recommend it.

I'd also like to add, since we're on a Gran Turismo forum, that after smoking marijuana I become a more focused (and sometimes faster) racer in GT6 and the main reason I haven't updated my photomode thread is due to 'dankrupcy'.
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My friend and I play chess often. We're both very good but we don't enter organized competitions. We used to be very even in skill, about half the time I would win and half the time he would win. In the past few months, he has taken to smoking weed, and his skill in chess has dramatically lowered. He plays much better when he isn't high. Ever since he has become addicted to pot (yes, addicted), he has been more irritable, more argumentative. His grades in college have gone down and he has quit his job where he had worked for over a year. He hasn't got a new job, and he isn't looking for one. I wish there was some way I could help him, but any time I try to talk him out of smoking weed, he refuses to listen to me.
My friend and I play chess often. We're both very good but we don't enter organized competitions. We used to be very even in skill, about half the time I would win and half the time he would win. In the past few months, he has taken to smoking weed, and his skill in chess has dramatically lowered. He plays much better when he isn't high. Ever since he has become addicted to pot (yes, addicted), he has been more irritable, more argumentative. His grades in college have gone down and he has quit his job where he had worked for over a year. He hasn't got a new job, and he isn't looking for one. I wish there was some way I could help him, but any time I try to talk him out of smoking weed, he refuses to listen to me.

None of this has anything to do with it's legalization or whether weed is good or bad in general, it's neither and affects everyone differently like anything else. Also, correlation does not imply causation. Also, being irritable or argumenative is not necessarily a negative thing. I myself am more irritable and argumenative around people who want to throw me in jail or fine me money I might not have simply because I have and smoke a little grass. I do have a job but like your friend my chess skills would probably lower dramatically if I was high, duh. Oh and my grades where crap from 3rd grade to my senior year and I didn't even go to college, all before even thinking about smoking weed. None of this means anything when it comes to whether weed should be legal or not, I think that's more of an issue with human rights and whether someone should be able to do what they want with their body.
My friend and I play chess often. We're both very good but we don't enter organized competitions. We used to be very even in skill, about half the time I would win and half the time he would win. In the past few months, he has taken to smoking weed, and his skill in chess has dramatically lowered. He plays much better when he isn't high. Ever since he has become addicted to pot (yes, addicted), he has been more irritable, more argumentative. His grades in college have gone down and he has quit his job where he had worked for over a year. He hasn't got a new job, and he isn't looking for one. I wish there was some way I could help him, but any time I try to talk him out of smoking weed, he refuses to listen to me.
My friend smokes weed all the time. He doesnt have a job, and doesnt seem to be looking or care to look for one. He spends most of his money on partying and going to big music festivals, and beer. He also doesnt pay rent and lives with his mom.

I smoke weed pretty much every day, as well. I have my own apartment, I buy my own groceries, I moved up from Customer Service Rep to the Production Supervisor within a year of being at my current job and I'm still moving up, hell I'm even very physical and excercise 3-4 days a week. It even lets me focus on something that needs to be done(albeit, a very deep focus :lol:)

Both two very situations from two different pot heads. So with both of us being potheads, how are we so different? Oh that's because it has less to do with the actual weed, and more to do with the persons mentality and morality. Just like owning a gun doesn't mean I'm looking to kill someone.

He probably refuses to listen to you because you're so stubborn.
My friend and I play chess often. We're both very good but we don't enter organized competitions. We used to be very even in skill, about half the time I would win and half the time he would win. In the past few months, he has taken to smoking weed, and his skill in chess has dramatically lowered. He plays much better when he isn't high. Ever since he has become addicted to pot (yes, addicted), he has been more irritable, more argumentative. His grades in college have gone down and he has quit his job where he had worked for over a year. He hasn't got a new job, and he isn't looking for one. I wish there was some way I could help him, but any time I try to talk him out of smoking weed, he refuses to listen to me.

That is a shame, but there's not much you can do to prevent people from making bad decisions other than to point out how you feel about it. That can be easier said than done, and it is perhaps unlikely that they will share your view of the negative consequences of their behaviour. I've not had much experience with habitual weed users (although I have had some), but I have had many conversations with friends about alcohol and it is largely the same issue. It is very hard to help someone who either doesn't want help or doesn't believe they need it, especially if that person hasn't experienced tangible negative effects of their substance abuse yet - but they probably will sooner or later. However, it is possible (indeed it's probably the most likely outcome) that your friend will learn their limits and realise that their substance use does have an impact on the rest of their lives, and will moderate accordingly. As their friend, it may fall to you to give them good advice and warn them against going too far, but you know what they say about taking a horse to water...
My friend smokes weed all the time. He doesnt have a job, and doesnt seem to be looking or care to look for one. He spends most of his money on partying and going to big music festivals, and beer. He also doesnt pay rent and lives with his mom.

I smoke weed pretty much every day, as well. I have my own apartment, I buy my own groceries, I moved up from Customer Service Rep to the Production Supervisor within a year of being at my current job and I'm still moving up, hell I'm even very physical and excercise 3-4 days a week. It even lets me focus on something that needs to be done(albeit, a very deep focus :lol:)

Both two very situations from two different pot heads. So with both of us being potheads, how are we so different? Oh that's because it has less to do with the actual weed, and more to do with the persons mentality and morality. Just like owning a gun doesn't mean I'm looking to kill someone.

He probably refuses to listen to you because you're so stubborn.
There is also the fact weed doesnt effect everyone entirely the same way. I too use to work out 5 times a week with a full time job and got stoned (and did all the things your friend did too).

If you look at Portugals records over the last 10 years then you will see right there why drugs (not just ganja) should be legal.

There is one thing with marijuana though that people should know before they start smoking it, And this is do not be under the misconception that it is harmless because from my personal experience it is quite a devastating drug in the long run (if abused)

Making a plant illegal that has NO proven bad side effects is pretty stupid imo. Britain should take a look at parts of America and follow along.
This is not true, Unfortunately i found proof with my own experience before research came out pretty much stating everything i was going through about a year after i finally gave up. Marijuana has severe phsycoligical effect, Everyone i assume knows of the paranoia effect so there some proof already.

Anyone who thnks it is harmless needs to rethink that notion, I must point out that i was smoking it a hell of a lot whilst going through a tough time in my life, I use to smoke it only when with friends but eventually it seamed everyone was smoking it and would also invite me for a joint when i bumped into them (even my boss at work), I couldnt get away from it.

When you smoke it loads it becomes hard to live with reality (hence why you see stoners irritable when sobre). Things got a lot worse when i quit, I had really bad withdrawall symtoms which lead to deep depression, I could not even look in the mirror, I was barely eating and i could not see a tommoro. But i knew no matter what things could not stay this bad and would get better so soldiered on.

Then during that time my nan died, and whilst i was in italy attending her funeral, A couple weeks later on my birthday i got a phone call notifying me my dad had died.

Was really bad timing, That was 2003. following that the happiest times of my life were to follow.

None of that last bit really had anything to do with the topic but hey. But still, I think and want most drugs to be made legal and people and kids especailly should be educated on them and not simply told "drugs are bad dont do them", Kids will just think parents dont know what they are talking about.

Looking back i wished i had just smoked it on the weekend because i did really enjoy the effects (especially a bucket before a session on pro evo), If i had a smoke now all the neg effects will come back in half a joints time.

Peace out you hippies.
I'm not really sure where I stand on this. I've never used it (Nor do I want to), so it wouldn't bother me one way or the other.

I guess, if it isn't hurting anyone, I don't see why it shouldn't be legal. People are going to get it either way, why shouldn't the government make a killing off of it?