Legalization of Marijuana

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Out of curiosity, what is the result of a hash oil production gone wrong? Are talking turkey fryer incident, meth lab fire, or the end is nigh?

From my knowledge, meth lab fire.
Kind of like making water on Mars. Got it.

Is this the only way to make it? I see how it is the cheapest/quickest, but I can make essential oils from herbs using vodka and no fire (think cooking extracts). If I'm willing to put in the effort I can extract pure essential oils with a distillation process.

Or is hash oil completely different?
Kind of like making water on Mars. Got it.

Is this the only way to make it? I see how it is the cheapest/quickest, but I can make essential oils from herbs using vodka and no fire (think cooking extracts). If I'm willing to put in the effort I can extract pure essential oils with a distillation process.

Or is hash oil completely different?

You can do it like that as well, it just takes longer for the product to be ready. 3-4 days instead of a couple of hours.

And it's much safer.


It can also be done quick and safe, but that involves freezing your stuff.
You can do it like that as well, it just takes longer for the product to be ready. 3-4 days instead of a couple of hours.

And it's much safer.


It can also be done quick and safe, but that involves freezing your stuff.
So there wouldn't need to be broad rules against making your own for safety reasons, just general don't blow up other people or their stuff rules.

Coincidentally, I just saw a video on Facebook on how to make brownies by doing an oil extraction first.
So there wouldn't need to be broad rules against making your own for safety reasons, just general don't blow up other people or their stuff rules.

Sure thing, and we already have a bazilion laws to cover that :lol:

Unfortunately prevention laws of a possible actual crime prevail for some odd reason. I most likely should not be allowed access to walk down the street just in case I go ape **** and start jumping on cars.
So there wouldn't need to be broad rules against making your own for safety reasons, just general don't blow up other people or their stuff rules

I don't see how that could be enforced without creating more confusion. So as long as you don't cause an explosion it's fine?

I should clarify I'm not against extracting thc by cooking, freezing, or any other "natural" way. Those methods are not only time consuming but also wastes more weed and yields less thc, hence no one uses these methods for commercial production. The ones I have a problem with are the chemical methods that create fire hazards
Those methods are not only time consuming but also wastes more weed

That's why you use left overs from the plant. Smoke the buds and soak everything else in the alcohol. If it's for personal use that's the best and safest way. If it's for profit. Well, bombs away!
That's why you use left overs from the plant. Smoke the buds and soak everything else in the alcohol. If it's for personal use that's the best and safest way. If it's for profit. Well, bombs away!

So you think protecting the individual right to make homemade hash is more significant than protecting the public from houses randomly blowing up in the suburbs?
I don't see how that could be enforced without creating more confusion. So as long as you don't cause an explosion it's fine?
Kind of like fireworks, gas grills, lawn equipment, and turkey fryers? Yeah.

People use flammable/explodable stuff improperly all the time. No one says a word until they cause damage. Then they just committed gross negligence at a minimum and manslaughter at the most.

How would you enforce a ban on one very specific method of production that is done in a place shut up so tight that it lacks ventilation? It would be far less likely to happen or damaging if people felt able to do it outside.
So you think protecting the individual right to make homemade hash is more significant than protecting the public from houses randomly blowing up in the suburbs?

If there is a safe process then yes, it doesn't infringe on anybody. People being negative Nancys about the potential dangers to the surrounding area are just if it's unsafe like cooking meth in a trailer then I see your point. But from what I see there is a safe way to do this procedure.

Also at @FoolKiller beat me to the Turkey fryer example I was going to give to counter act your argument.
Kind of like fireworks, gas grills, lawn equipment, and turkey fryers? Yeah.

People use flammable/explodable stuff improperly all the time. No one says a word until they cause damage. Then they just committed gross negligence at a minimum and manslaughter at the most.

How would you enforce a ban on one very specific method of production that is done in a place shut up so tight that it lacks ventilation? It would be far less likely to happen or damaging if people felt able to do it outside.

We're talking about a hypothetical situation if weed became legal not what people do with a propane tank in their spare time. It's perfectly legal to use your gas grill, mow your lawn, and yes even deep fry a turkey if you please because all those things permitted under the law already (whether it can be a fire hazard doing those things it's another topic)... The issue is whether or not if weed became legal would it be ok for people to make hash at home right?

My point is that I don't want to see people thinking they can quit their jobs and start making hash at home to make profit anywhere they please

But yea by your logic dont regulate weed, let's just legalize it and let people figure out how best to use it like propane. I mean an explosion outside is not as a big deal compared to an indoor explosion right?

My solution? Leave it to someone with a license or permit to make hash so it's not done in residential area.

Like I said before, I doubt the Feds are gonna waste their time going after some guy making a batch for himself at home, most likely they would focus on people using their whole garage or basement to make hash for profit
We're talking about a hypothetical situation if weed became legal not what people do with a propane tank in their spare time.
Yes, we're talking about what people might do with weed if it became legal, most likely in their spare time.

My point is that I don't want to see people thinking they can quit their jobs and start making hash at home to make profit anywhere they please
Wow, you just jumped from the same idea as a guy making his own beer to trying to use his garage setup as a microbrewery. EHe would never be able to compete with mass production systems.

The reason they are essentially building butane pipe bombs and filling closed off rooms with fumes is because it is illegal. It's like moonshine. A home kit hidden in your cellar can be explosive and deadly. But now that moonshine is becoming legal there are large, open distilleries that have safety systems and work on a huge scale.

Sure, some idiot will try a homemade version, but that's like saying I want to grill my own food. I have a professionally designed grill with safety systems and valves. I could easily blow myself up if I made a homemade grill only using parts not intended for that purpose.

If it were legal to make homemade hash oil there will likely be kits sold that make it safer and/or oils sold that are cheaper and better quality (going back to homemade essential herb oils as an example).

I mean an explosion outside is not as a big deal compared to an indoor explosion right?
Exactly. Like a firecracker in an open palm vs a closed fist.

My solution? Leave it to someone with a license or permit to make hash so it's not done in residential area.
Because regulating to stop it works now?

Like I said before, I doubt the Feds are gonna waste their time going after some guy making a batch for himself at home, most likely they would focus on people using their whole garage or basement to make hash for profit
Hash for profit in a legal market is like selling your own cigars or cigarettes. Sure, you can do it, but you will barely get but when a professionally made product is available on a store shelf for half the cost.
Wow, you just jumped from the same idea as a guy making his own beer to trying to use his garage setup as a microbrewery. EHe would never be able to compete with mass production systems.

I didn't say everybody was going to become hash dealers as soon as weed is legalized, some will make just enough for personal use and some will try to make a buck. Whether they can compete is not the issue, it's preventing people from making hash for profit in residential areas

The reason they are essentially building butane pipe bombs and filling closed off rooms with fumes is because it is illegal. It's like moonshine. A home kit hidden in your cellar can be explosive and deadly. But now that moonshine is becoming legal there are large, open distilleries that have safety systems and work on a huge scale.

And these legal moonshine distilleries are operating without any licenses or permits?

Exactly. Like a firecracker in an open palm vs a closed fist.

Gotcha but I would prefer no explosion

Because regulating to stop it works now?


Hash for profit in a legal market is like selling your own cigars or cigarettes. Sure, you can do it, but you will barely get but when a professionally made product is available on a store shelf for half the cost.

Then why do people shop at farmer markets and boutique shops instead of supermarkets and malls? Some people don't mind paying extra for certain things if they believe they're getting a better product
Because making some sort of law, or regulation as @FoolKiller put it, completely stops people from doing something, right?

Then why do people shop at farmer markets and boutique shops instead of supermarkets and malls? Some people don't mind paying extra for certain things if they believe they're getting a better product
Which doesn't take away from his point though. Sure, some people might be doing it, and don't mind doing it, but people mostly will go for the cheaper product, price wise. Like you said, it's just some people that do that.
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Whether they can compete is not the issue, it's preventing people from making hash for profit in residential areas
Why? If it's otherwise legal what does it matter?

And these legal moonshine distilleries are operating without any licenses or permits?
They are, but almost no one is trying to make a profit against the now mass production of it. How many people do you think will be attempting to turn a profit from hash if they have to compete against just buying some at a store?

Gotcha but I would prefer no explosion
So ban fertilizer, propane, turkey fryers, and gasoline containers for home use as well.

That also is like banning alcohol to prevent drunk driving.

It's illegal now. How's that working out on stopping it?

Then why do people shop at farmer markets and boutique shops instead of supermarkets and malls? Some people don't mind paying extra for certain things if they believe they're getting a better product
Farmers markets are popular because food grown locally will be fresher. Produce has a quality improvement based on when it was harvested. Farming is also easy to do safely compared to making hash oil. Anyone can grow a tomato plant with near zero risk. Farmers markets also often have equivalent prices to grocery produce due to the reduced transportation and government market price control schemes.

Boutiques are about fashion. Does it gain you any popularity points if your hash oil is a one-of-kind design? It's made from the plant scraps. Boutiques also don't use crazy shortcuts to create a quick and easy product.

Each market has its own reasons for supporting a locally made product. Both farmers market farmers and boutique seamstresses have a proper setup to meet the demand and sell enough to actually be profitable. Farmers markets are like a microbrewery, not a guy with two buckets and some rubber hose in his garage.

I'm not denying some guy will try to make some for his friends or whatever, but again, he wouldn't have to resort to the equivalent of a pipe bomb to begin with.
Why? If it's otherwise legal what does it matter?

Zoning matters, I didn't buy a house expecting a cement plant to pop up next door. If it's just personal or non disruptive small business that's fine.

I say I don't care what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights, the chances of someone in my neighborhood blowing things up making hash is very low. The only thing I can think of that would get me riled would be if they had a criminal clientele flooding my street.
It baffles my mind that there are people that think legalizing a drug without any regulation is a good idea. Alcohol, tobacco, heck even spray paint cans are regulated so why shouldn't weed be as well?
It baffles my mind that there are people that think legalizing a drug without any regulation is a good idea. Alcohol, tobacco, heck even spray paint cans are regulated so why shouldn't weed be as well?

Regulation, for the most part, generally just turns into citations and loopholes for government paper pushers to profit from. All the hoops the LCCB (Liquor and Cannabis Control Board) puts people through in Washington is a bit absurd, and really hasn't kept people from growing at home, or making their butane hash oil at home.

@FoolKiller - the legalized weed is notably more expensive in Washington than black market weed simply as a function of taxes and regulations putting a decent amount of overhead on each level of the industry. Fairly interesting split between those that opt for black market versus legal based on things such as price and quality. Of course, the sin tax in Washington is pretty high compared to some states, with our booze being 60% more expensive than California or so, and cigarettes being nearly double. No clue what prices are like in Kentucky so can't compare there.
The tobacco prices in WA always piss me off, the booze isn't so bad. It's all still sin tax and that bothers me.

I'd take the state regulation over a federal one on all that though @Azeremen.
No clue what prices are like in Kentucky so can't compare there.
I can buy a pack cigarettes for less than $3, depending on brand, and a fifth of Captain Morgan can be had for $12.99. I can get bottom shelf Heaven Hill of almost anything for $10 or less. Bourbon likely can't be fairly compared to anywhere else

Zoning matters, I didn't buy a house expecting a cement plant to pop up next door. If it's just personal or non disruptive small business that's fine.

I say I don't care what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights, the chances of someone in my neighborhood blowing things up making hash is very low. The only thing I can think of that would get me riled would be if they had a criminal clientele flooding my street.
This goes back to the home brew vs microbrewery.

As for other issues, property rights come into play, even without zoning rules. You can fight a factory that pops up next to you and creates a ton of pollution and/or noise that affects your property now.

The real question is if making hash oil is as dangerous as claimed, no matter what, why would you allow its production in any setting? If I can make it legally will the only way to make it be by lighting contained butane? Or could I go buy a hash oil kit/machine that is much safer?
The real question is if making hash oil is as dangerous as claimed, no matter what, why would you allow its production in any setting?

Not anymore dangerous than some things I do at home from time to time.

There are some things I would agree with production being regulated at least as far as the setting, it's usually not so bad as some of the business I've done I've needed permits and such to produce products, on a state level and very reasonable. In fact I encouraged it because as long as I followed their guidelines I was protected under state law against silly liabilities.

Then again I am not a libertarian but I can understand your points well ;)
The real question is if making hash oil is as dangerous as claimed, no matter what, why would you allow its production in any setting? If I can make it legally will the only way to make it be by lighting contained butane? Or could I go buy a hash oil kit/machine that is much safer?

Fundamentally, it isn't much dangerous than having gas in your home. Just people are careless with handling and cheap on getting a vacuum system and instead evaporate off the butane using their oven or some other heat source. Generally that is where the accidents arise. Of course, these are often the people that think the vacuum just sucks the butane out of the marijuana, failing to understand how pressure impacts boiling temperatures. Kind of like Jesse vs Walter in Breaking Bad :lol:

Also, when you guys talk about hash are you talking about old fashioned hash or butane hash oil, aka wax/shatter/oil commonly used in dabbing setups? Regular hashish is far less common out here than hash oil from what I've seen, but I know things vary across the country, to the extent some north east states kept comparing hash oil to heroin :rolleyes:
And it baffles my mind that people willingly forfeit their inalienable rights.

You're comparing regulating a drug to giving up my right to vote? Ok...

Regulation, for the most part, generally just turns into citations and loopholes for government paper pushers to profit from. All the hoops the LCCB (Liquor and Cannabis Control Board) puts people through in Washington is a bit absurd, and really hasn't kept people from growing at home, or making their butane hash oil at home.

I agree that regulations suck but what's the alternative? Take the laissez-faire approach?

A lot of my friends own businesses and the ones that need to apply for a liquor license in LA tell me how difficult and frustrating the process to obtain one is. So should we deregulate alcohol and let anyone sell and consume alcohol whenever and wherever they please? I personally don't think so. Regulations may be annoying but it keeps people form going extreme doing something dangerous/stupid

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