Legend of the Streets: Initial D GT5 Touge | Initial D Recreation

  • Thread starter TimberW
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hello SuperG, unfortunately we have to repeat run our B class because you are not registered in the B class, and thus the whole is invalid
I just placed my application to LotS (finally), but there are a few things that I am not sure about.

1. My S15's PP is that give or take 10PP (will give out actual PP when I find out)
2. I also use DS3 as well as a G27 (I built a simulator frame that incorporates a G27)

That is all
As long as it's 500 or under.

I've got a room up if anyones keen. Won't be on for long though. Maybe an hour.
I'm new to this forum and just accidently came across this thread and i am so happy as i would love to join in on this action. Going to register!!
Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: OSE_CAP__SHADOW (Class Beta)
Rival 2: H_enry_T (Class Beta)
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

H_enry choose to lead in this battle and i knew what i was getting myself into due to 450pp DC2 racing myself. So from the start i applied pressure and kept close to the DC2, It took a little while but H_enry made a mistake and ran wide letting me slip through. After the pass H_enry tried to keep up but he told me he damaged his car doing it, I pulled out another 10+ second lead at finish to take the win....

Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: OSE_CAP__SHADOW (Class A)
Rival 2: H_enry_T (Class A)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Again H_enry lead from the start and i sat back and took note of his BNR33's driving style on the track and soon noticed a lot of drifting. I waited for my moment and passed when H_enry ran wide due to a drift. By the time i crossed to line i was over 20 seconds ahead...
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Hi TimberW, I was wondering if it's possible to change a home course? If its an issue then forget it, but if not, I would like to change my BETA home course to my newly developed one Songai Shinro. :D

I'll read more about the Tuner Shootout on my lunch break
Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: OSE_CAP__SHADOW (Class Beta)
Rival 2: GTP_TimberW (Class Beta)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: Open-Room GGH
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

The first official Open-Room GGH i think and i went smoothly with timber leading for a good part of the track. I kept with Timber's SW20 and waited for a chance to pass and when it did i took it. There was damage involved in this battle but it was unavoidable. I managed to pass Timber and hold him off to the finish..

Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: OSE_CAP__SHADOW (Class Beta)
Rival 2: RedSuns-Maccar42 (Class Beta)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Wow what i DC2 maccer own's as it put up a good fight all the way through the lap. I kept on his rear bumper all the time and was waiting for maccer to make a mistake. In the end i placed my car nicely on the inside and made maccer run wide so i could pass. After the pass i held the DC2 off to take the win...
Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: OSE_CAP__SHADOW (Class Beta)
Rival 2: RedSuns-Maccar42 (Class Beta)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Wow what i DC2 maccer own's as it put up a good fight all the way through the lap. I kept on his rear bumper all the time and was waiting for maccer to make a mistake. In the end i placed my car nicely on the inside and made maccer run wide so i could pass. After the pass i held the DC2 off to take the win...

Confirmed 5 out of 5, I knew that you and the elise would be a tough opponant to face, My cornering speed wasnt no where near the speed of your elise and my straight line power that I have to use to win most of my beta battles wasnt enough to catch up.

Rival 1: RedSuns-Maccar42 (Class A)
Rival 2: HTrio (Class A)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Winner: HTrio
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Was a fun battle I was going all out trying to out pace his M3 but I couldnt do it, eventualy I got passed after running wide into a corner after some good close racing.
Confirmed 5 out of 5, I knew that you and the elise would be a tough opponant to face, My cornering speed wasnt no where near the speed of your elise and my straight line power that I have to use to win most of my beta battles wasnt enough to catch up.

Rival 1: RedSuns-Maccar42 (Class A)
Rival 2: HTrio (Class A)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Winner: HTrio
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Was a fun battle I was going all out trying to out pace his M3 but I couldnt do it, eventualy I got passed after running wide into a corner after some good close racing.

Confirmed was a nice race.
Rival 1: Street-King-07 (Class B)
Rival 2: H_enry_T (Class B)
Course: Michi-no-Eki
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Winner: Street-King-07
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Henry's DC2 is extremely capable in a straight line but a lack of expertise in a good FF setup meant that he understeered into the wall on several corners allowing my car to pull away. Given more tweaks and practice, victories should start rolling in.
ok. posting from psp so bear with me. i bought black preimum r32, 500pp and i havent been able 2 register. anything i should do before i finish?
ok. posting from psp so bear with me. i bought black preimum r32, 500pp and i havent been able 2 register. anything i should do before i finish?

Read the tuning restrictions on post #2. Then use the google form to send your application.
Rival's List Updated

Leaderboard update in progress.

By the way, Monstar and SuperG haven't sent in their results yet.

Leaderboard Updated to Post: 3051

SuperG Class Beta battles are not taken into account because he is not registed in beta.
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shisa who is up for a b class battle on Oct 6 around 5 or 6 PDT

I'm up for a Beta class bout. shoot me a friend request letting me know youre from GTP, i'll be online hosting a lobby. Cant put up the room number because my wireless routed is being a douche so i can't have my PS3 and laptop connected at the same time (there's always something wrong, eh? LOL)

I'll fix that issue soon though, seeya on the touge
Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: fullmoonzer0 (Alpha Class)
Rival 2: chevelle69 (alpha class)
Course: TDC Ginkyou Line
Battle Style: C&M 3 Sec
Winner: fullmoonzer0
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

pretty intense race that lasted about 5 rounds, his tires were dead at the 3rd round. Pretty deadly tarmac rally racer too, but at the 5th round where I was chasing, I bumped him a little bit in the corse, but let him gain the lead. its not until the last corner that I passed him in the inner line.

Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 1: fullmoonzer0 (Alpha Class)
Rival 2: solidsnake7735(alpha class)
Course: TDC Ginkyou Line
Battle Style: C&M 3 Sec
Winner: fullmoonzer0
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

A really short race that lasted around only one round. He insists that I lead so, in the first half in the course, I widend a gap that was 1.5 sec. but then,in the second half, I managed to widened the gap to 3 seconds and took the win.
hhhhhmmm after the ff season over im thinking of coming back for the 450pp

FF season is over mate. Were into the second week of season 2. Get your car up and start racing!!
Date: 5/10/2011
Rival 2: MONSTAR
Course: Songai Shinro
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Battle Rating: 5 out of 5

Well... pretty good race last night against SUPER G.
He lead 1st lap and i thought id just sit back and watch but he started pulling away so i had to get a giddy up. I didnt feel comfortable with my car, not sure why, maybe cause ive been driving the brown hornet last few days. Anyway..
Lap 2 i lead and he was all over me like a bad habit from the get go! Wasn't long before he put a great move on me and went for the pass, i tried to hang on with a bit of a drift block but he grinded his way pass and started to set sail for the finish line to collect the winners cheque. Stuff that! i wasnt going to let him get away with it that easy so started my fight back. He was drifting all over the joint and i thought good, you do that. He drifted a bit to wide into a corner which allowed me to get right up on him and then he drifted to wide into the following corner, so i held a nice tight line and got up the inside and headed for the finish line with him in hot pursuit.
3rd lap was pretty standard from memory, but he didnt drift as much and was a lot neater into the corner where i passed him.
4th lap i lead again and knew he was going to attack! we headed into 1 of the trickiest sections of the track with him looking for any kind of gap he could make. He gave me some damage to my left rear and my car didnt handle so well. A few corners later i was trying to hold a tight line when he tapped me, wasnt to hard but he got me when my car was off loaded and it caused me to spin. We were both like WTF do we do now? lol. Draw? rematch? pit for repairs? as he had damaged his car too, carry on as if nothing happened?
Timber siad no pit and to drive back to start line with me leading a new round. Fair enough.
Lap 5 i lead and i noticed straight away that he couldnt keep up but he did a great job trying. I had to go for it with a semi broken wheel and get the 3 second gap. Crossed the line 4 seconds n front, got the winners cheque, kiss the grid girls, sprayed the champagne and went to bed.

Also i know your little set up trick SUPER G ;)
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