- 24
- Blaze421
Date: 4/1/2012
Rival 1: CHRYSTALBUDS (Class B)
Rival 2: Street-King-07 (Class B)
Battle Style: CMSD-2
Course: Sekigahara
Winner: Street-King-07
Rate 5/5
Battle of the ages, me in the good 86, and SK in the crappy modern one. Was a good battle, I lead 1st and managed to keep the lead all the way, but had SK on my tail. 2nd round SK was alot quicker through the turns and managed to pull off a 5 second gap. Great fun
Date: 4/1/2012
Rival 1: CHRYSTALBUDS (Class B)
Rival 2: H_enry_T (Class B)
Battle Style: CMSD-2
Course: Sekigahara
Rate 5/5
Battle of the Hachi Rokus. Henry decided to lead 1st, I was able to keep on him but not right on his tail, I knew he wasnt going to escape though. 2nd round Henry kept up around the 1st section but after a few more turns I was able to get away and lead by 4 seconds. 1st win and probably the only win i'll get this season
Date: 4/1/2012
Rival 1: CHRYSTALBUDS (Class B)
Rival 2: Blaze421 (Class B)
Battle Style: CMSD-3
Course: Irabaki Complex
Rate 5/5
Good battle, went into 2nd round with me chasing, I managed to pass blaze but straight away he took the lead again, it was close right towards the end but then blaze oversteered too much around the corner and I cleverly drifted passed him, with only one corner left it was easy to keep the lead. Great battle!
Confirmed it was good