Legend of the Streets: Initial D GT6 Touge |Returning in 2014

  • Thread starter Slender_Man
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I'll sign up a TCB built Amuse S2000 for 450PP so I don't get in trouble with my Toyobaru trio.

K class doesn't interest me as I'm extremely impatient regarding performance, and I'll need to rejig my NSX for 500PP
Alright! Lookin' forward to racing you guys. Next week, though, since I have school. :indiff:
Ive been gone from Lots for a while but it does seem like sign ups are pretty slow, i will be returning this season just testing some cars still as im sure others are doing. Im actually trying to recruite some new members that i converted from forza to gt5. Look forward to seeing you all on the touge...
I think the PP limits might need rebalancing.. this new update has brought down many of my slower cars (Except the BRZ, which is incredibly fast) to a lower PP. My 420 cars shot down to the 360-370 range. I believe PD may have actually improved or completely broken the PP system. I noticed that it only applied to some of my naturally slower and underpowered cars, like the S15 Silvia. It was 450PP, 265HP/1150kgs, and is now 395PP. The R1 went from 500PP to 495..
Wow, my 500PP car for this season is now shot down to 459PP! :scared: (as reference, I also have a fully tuned one, that only reaches 496 when before it had 537!) my other two cars remain the same though thankfully, it seems to have effected FR, FF and 4WD cars, many MR cars remain the same, probably a balancing change.

This.. this will take a while of getting used to :lol:

EDIT: the newly improved PP system actually takes into account a car's drivetrain now when it never used to before. from my observations of my near ~1500 collection what i mentioned before this edit does correlate with the PP changes.
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It seems some fast cars have gotten faster. I think PP my need re-evaluation before the season actually starts. Some cars are crazy high in power now (BRZ, I'm looking at you.) and some of my faster cars (RX-7, M3 CSL) at 500PP went down to about 493ish. Most of my FF's seem to be at their old PP, which is odd considering they are generally slower at any given PP.
Just checking in.... I think update 2.10 PP changes will have to lead to re-evaluation of the Classes. but wait a while to see the PP changes first.

And OSE has changed his forum name? lol... things have changed a bit.
Some major hits have been done to some of my 450PP and 2 of my 420PP cars.
But my Wangan cars have been hit the hardest :nervous:
Any occuring pattern?

I heard a physics change as well? Is the car essentially the same without changing anything? eg. 2.09 and 2.10 lap times despite the pp difference?
I may change the PP limit to a Bhp limit to even things out, Like:
S class - 600Bhp
A class - 400bhp
B class - 300bhp
C class - 250Bhp 1600CC
That seems pretty fair an reasonable Slendy. I'm guessing even with a HP cap insted of PP cap there will still need to be certain banned cars such as the Amuse R1?

Edit: Is it still worth signing up currently? all that have signed up so far will need to re-register as their PP will have changed. Or should I wait untill you change some things.
That seems pretty fair an reasonable Slendy. I'm guessing even with a HP cap insted of PP cap there will still need to be certain banned cars such as the Amuse R1?

the R1 has been banned for quite some time now :lol:
I know that :lol: but with a BHP limit insted of PP limit other cars might prove turn out to be incredibly dominant.

We'll have find that one out during the next season i think.
I will have to change the all the Spreads for this season to work with the new system i think...... :ouch:
I think the best way is to take a little time to do some tests. Eventually the classes will adjust to the right PP levels again.

Chances are the All the classes will have the PP levels lowered. And this may balance out the godlike cars like the R1 and Elise and place them into it's respective classes. I'll have to update and boot up my GT5 to see where my MR2 will sit now!
Looking around all the forums here it seems the majority on GTP are disliking this new PP change i'm wondering how permanent this PP change will be, PD might go back and revert it to how it used to be, or change it again. Might be worth waiting a while before making any changes.

(I am aware that the GTP forums have no direct influence on the decisions PD make)
I think the best way is to take a little time to do some tests. Eventually the classes will adjust to the right PP levels again.

Chances are the All the classes will have the PP levels lowered. And this may balance out the godlike cars like the R1 and Elise and place them into it's respective classes. I'll have to update and boot up my GT5 to see where my MR2 will sit now!

That's what I was thinking. Gradual adjustments instead of diving into the deep end.
Damn it. With PD's PP update, and me not able to go online during school days, I've got no idea what's happening with my cars. :indiff:

Anyways, if my cars were affected, if ever the PP goes above the restrictions, could I still alter it? Or no?
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Me and the others were testing out the new pp system last night. It seems 4wd's weren't affected (FF's very little) which leads me to believe the new systems calculates the traction levels of different cars (just a theory).
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Lol just seen this posted in elsewhere n the forums, talk about crazy overpowered for 500pp


Is any LotS regulars online want to test some cars see and which cars have changed their PP the most to try and work out what needs to be done to balance it again.
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