Legend of The Streets: Initial D GT6 Touge| *Under New Management*

  • Thread starter Blurr905
Or 420pp CM
450pp CS
500pp CS
550pp SH
Seems like changing up the regulations too much may not be the way to go. Just changing the tires might be the best idea.
Or 420pp CM
450pp CS
500pp CS
550pp SH
Seems like changing up the regulations too much may not be the way to go. Just changing the tires might be the best idea.

I'm all for changing the tires. It's just that I've been a bit conflicted as to what range to tune my cars for these days.

And like I said, we rarely run S Class to begin with. I think 3 classes would be better than 4. It's almost like it was on.
Problem is, it's that the current tracks we're tuning for are geared more towards high speed cars. Sierra Circuit has too many areas where it is easy to go over 100mph. Custom tracks will probably skew all of our current tuning and driving methods quite a bit.
I never tuned for the 550 class yet at all lol I would say have A class have go from 480 on up n b class be for purist class of 430 to 480 pp since hardly most people never run 420 anyway either so basically keep it in the pp range everyone runs on a daily basis. N run comfort soft tires for 480 pp n below n run sh tires for 481pp n above to like 540pp. Or 520pp lol 540pp seems a little much
It's hard to say what exactly should change, but I think we should try to implement something new. It'd be great if we did this to put more focus on control and driver skill by changing just the compounds we run, but also it'd be good to kind of roll with some of the trends and devise a new class system that reflects those trends. However, it might be smart to also play test with varied compounds before making any class changes that big. Personally, while I might like Snake's class system (mainly because it'd allow me to run my '08 Civic in C), I think that just changing the tire regulations would have a sizable impact for the future. And custom tracks will kind of flip things back into perspective. Just my opinion
I've always been a fan of the low PP cars. But the displacement limit is what I've never been too fond of for C class.

I don't like running these hot-rod style cars at 420PP that are around 380PP stock and need a bunch of mods to get to 420. I can't even run a near-stock setup for a car with a sizable engine unless I bring it up to 450PP.

Like the BMW 2002 for example. It has a 2.0L engine and it would be a decent car at 420PP but it doesn't meet the regulations. Unless I bring it up to 450PP, and then it becomes unusable because of the skinny tires and the absurdly low top speed from the close-gear transmission (has 4-speed for stock as well).

Not many people run the C class because of the displacement limit you have even less variety than any other class. It's too JDM-centric. That's why you'd always see the same Miatas, MR-2's, Elises and Civics.


Though I agree with at least changing the tire compounds before the entire classes. But hey, may as well play-test and try these things out before course maker comes out and it becomes a mad dash.
Since competition is still on hiatus in the league, I had an idea regarding the Classes and wanted to hear the community's opinion on it.

Since most of the community has been running the 480PP regulations online these days, why not implement a change for the benefit of the league? I admit that I find that range a bit more balanced.

Since we don't run S class every season and not many people register for C class, we eliminate S Class altogether and uprate classes A through C.

Class C: 430PP or 440PP 2.0L 2WD
Class B: 480PP
Class A: 510PP or 520PP

ALSO, I know most of y'all are fine with SH tires throughout all classes. I've started over and again why I prefer CS.

BUT how about CS tires for Classes C and B.. SH tires for Class A.

any thoughts?

I'm out of the loop lately, any differences in the 480pp regs you guys are running compared to 450 and 500pp regs?

I'm all for the switch to CS compound if it happens. 👍

I do like your suggestions for mixing up classes A to C or at the very least bumping the displacement cap up to 2.0L for class C and keeping the PP the same.

S class never did get much love, I feel that could be partly due to the tuning limits from class A just being carried over to class S.

I've always wondered how popular or unpopular class S would be if it was treated differently and we used it as a true "Top Tier" class (in terms of the cars used and how much can be tuned, not driver talent)

Might look something like this

PP Limit: 550PP Class S

Tuner cars eligible
Race cars eligible (No prototypes or concepts) !
Sports Hard Tyres or Comfort Tyres Only
Ballast use - Unrestricted
Power Limiter use - 95%-100% !
Fully Customizable Transmissions are allowed
5-Speed/6-Speed Close Ratio Transmission are allowed
Max ABS = 1 !

Not sure if there is any interest in using pre-tuned and race cars on the Touge, I know many people don't like the idea of using these kind of cars as people like to feel as if their tunes are truly "theirs" and unique, not just adjusted from a well established company, but the idea has always interested me.


As people are throwing out new ideas there's one thing I'd like to get public opinion on, and that is how much is the Ballast use - 5% of total car weight rule liked? Are people attached to this rule and like it? I've always found this rule be a major factor in car choice for me. Some may say excessive ballast use is a crutch for a bad suspension tune, but with light weight cars the 5% limit can sometimes not even be enough to change the weight balance at all, and with cars with a poor weight balance changing it can be one of the biggest factors in improving its competitiveness, I feel increasing the limit of ballast we can use or removing the limit totally would give much greater choice of cars to use and allowing them to compete with the tradition top runners for each class better.

Curious to know if I'm alone in this opinion or if any others here feel similar?
Maccer i feel the same way on your ideas, but to put things into perspective from my point of view
.. if we stick to the usual regs everything should work out decently. If we run cs tires i feel like most people would drift more often especially the newbz. As for the weight ballast i personally like the 5 percent weather you change the weight distribution or not it doesnt effect a bad tune.it changes the car entirely. Bumping up the pp would only be a deficit with some cars making most cars ineligible to compete. As for trans i do believe some cars like the ae86 and some muscle cars should be allowed a custom trans with a top speed limit so we can have a bigger variety of cars able to compete. Of course extensive testing will need to be done in order to determine which cars may run it. As for the honor system, the trained earwill notice if someone is using a custom trans when they shouldn't be... as for s class id definitely sign up if it were available. Also I've noticed most people3ople are now tuning for circuito de la sierra witch is tarmac so the tuning methods used are unable to be used on the custom courses. And if i may say circuito de la sierra is not a touge course nor is is the proper suface for touge runs and in my own personal opinion it is too easy of a track. Everyone complained about how nurb involves to much high speed, sierra is involving WAY more high speed related then nurb is.. so far im running a 930 time with stock weight. And yes ive already heard lap times have nothing to do with touge but in my opinion i use lap times to let me know if a tune is able to run a track faster or not. Weather it is touge or pure racing i strictly tune for balance, lap times just give me an idea on the speed and control and track knowledge. I will tune for snakes new reg suggestions to try them out.i will give some feedback once ive tried a few... also back to the cs tires. I do like the feel of them. It shows more car control and driver skill but i do believe more newbz will see this league as a "drift" touge. Plus in my experience at sierra i am able to grip ch tires as much as sh tires used at any other track.
In regards to the ballast rule, I've never been bothered by it. And as the light cars tend to be better on the Touge, more weight of often a bad thing.. I tend to never use Amy ballast anyway. But that's me.

And I do agree with Sierra being a very high-speed course, but I won't compare it to the Nordschleife in that regard. It's silly, because Nürburgring has less than a dozen corners where you're below 80mph. Whereas Sierra is mostly low-to-mid speed corners. They just happen to be separated by stretches of high-speed sections. Call it what you will, but it is Touge. It just isn't the type of Touge we consider ideal.


Ok another note. S Class never got much love because A Class was always seen as the "Top Tier" class, and S was just tacked on for the sake of having it. It didn't feel like its own class. And I agree with @Maccer in the reason also being because of Class A regulation being handed over.


If L.O.T.S. is to remain the premier league for Touge on GT, then we have to treat it as such.

Just because we take in drivers of all skill levels it doesn't mean we should cater to their inexperience. Meaning that we shouldn't promote the different performance classes as different skill levels. Instead - as I've always believed it to be - that each class should showcase the best talent in each respective performance category.

There's never a lack of talent. New or old. So competition is always there. Enough for the veterans to stay sharp and occasionally challenge themselves, as well as trials for the newcomer to test themselves and see where they fall amongst the test. All while learning from each other to become better, faster, smarter drivers.

Everything else - tires, regulations, tracks - then becomes secondary.
Maccer i feel the same way on your ideas, but to put things into perspective from my point of view
.. if we stick to the usual regs everything should work out decently. If we run cs tires i feel like most people would drift more often especially the newbz. As for the weight ballast i personally like the 5 percent weather you change the weight distribution or not it doesnt effect a bad tune.it changes the car entirely. Bumping up the pp would only be a deficit with some cars making most cars ineligible to compete. As for trans i do believe some cars like the ae86 and some muscle cars should be allowed a custom trans with a top speed limit so we can have a bigger variety of cars able to compete. Of course extensive testing will need to be done in order to determine which cars may run it. As for the honor system, the trained earwill notice if someone is using a custom trans when they shouldn't be... as for s class id definitely sign up if it were available. Also I've noticed most people3ople are now tuning for circuito de la sierra witch is tarmac so the tuning methods used are unable to be used on the custom courses. And if i may say circuito de la sierra is not a touge course nor is is the proper suface for touge runs and in my own personal opinion it is too easy of a track. Everyone complained about how nurb involves to much high speed, sierra is involving WAY more high speed related then nurb is.. so far im running a 930 time with stock weight. And yes ive already heard lap times have nothing to do with touge but in my opinion i use lap times to let me know if a tune is able to run a track faster or not. Weather it is touge or pure racing i strictly tune for balance, lap times just give me an idea on the speed and control and track knowledge. I will tune for snakes new reg suggestions to try them out.i will give some feedback once ive tried a few... also back to the cs tires. I do like the feel of them. It shows more car control and driver skill but i do believe more newbz will see this league as a "drift" touge. Plus in my experience at sierra i am able to grip ch tires as much as sh tires used at any other track.
Good points. The main issue with custom transmissions is the flip trick, which would allow a car to achieve any top speed, so the flip trick would have to be limited or banned. And yea, Sierra feels too high speed, for a track that's longer than Nur 24, it takes less time to finish it.
Good points CG & Slidin' people will abuse the Trans to make a car accel better, but none would have done Synmetric Gearing at all. I always see people mini-maxing the LoTS regs. Like you guys said the Trust Rule is important, we are going as far to change the original regulations that were good in GT5's track maker...
Good points CG & Slidin' people will abuse the Trans to make a car accel better, but none would have done Synmetric Gearing at all. I always see people mini-maxing the LoTS regs. Like you guys said the Trust Rule is important, we are going as far to change the original regulations that were good in GT5's track maker...
Another thing is, trust is really hard to find with the newcomers. Obviously, I trust us older members, but the new kids have mostly been acting like 10 - 13 year olds.
Since competition is still on hiatus in the league, I had an idea regarding the Classes and wanted to hear the community's opinion on it.

Since most of the community has been running the 480PP regulations online these days, why not implement a change for the benefit of the league? I admit that I find that range a bit more balanced.

Since we don't run S class every season and not many people register for C class, we eliminate S Class altogether and uprate classes A through C.

Class C: 430PP or 440PP 2.0L 2WD
Class B: 480PP
Class A: 510PP or 520PP

ALSO, I know most of y'all are fine with SH tires throughout all classes. I've started over and again why I prefer CS.

BUT how about CS tires for Classes C and B.. SH tires for Class A.

any thoughts?
What if i drive a car that is 460pp. can i run it in class A?
I won't be here on GT6 for a Month, for personal reasons. CG or Cobra can you remind the Tsubaki leader of my absences. Just in case.

If any BS shows try to keep me posted.
I won't be here on GT6 for a Month, for personal reasons. CG or Cobra can you remind the Tsubaki leader of my absences. Just in case.

If any BS shows try to keep me posted.
Sure no problem, but CG can inform of any "BS", as you know I'm only in "certain" lobbies by choice.
I say start by changing the compounds of the tires first n see how that works out then adjust the regs accordingly. Nothing to drastic. Like shortening the gap between classes or something. Just step by step stuff. If people contribute n listen n not complain about it before they try it then we will be better off. I been trying different stuff lately n starting to like it a little n I suggest it to be tested just for fun
Basically it's only the power department. Just add one power part or two but no more than two on all cars in all classes n test them out for a day or two n see if u like it. Most already do this but I know a lot who don't. It's just to see if it can work or not n show more driver skill than the car itself. Or at least be one step closer to what we are trying to regulate.
Basically it's only the power department. Just add one power part or two but no more than two on all cars in all classes n test them out for a day or two n see if u like it. Most already do this but I know a lot who don't. It's just to see if it can work or not n show more driver skill than the car itself. Or at least be one step closer to what we are trying to regulate.
honestly guys, i really dont think we should go messing with parts people run. if we start messing with that then competition would be less feirce. and im not saying this to help my own cause, i run low class parts, s1 engine, mid range turbo and some sport class exaughst parts. it's just that i like a streched out competetion rather then something thats so close thag it seems as if everyone is running the same car.
Hey guys I have been thinking about a little side season to keep us involved in lots. I was thinking that we could take a few of the most popular cars from initial d and do a initial d side season. We could take 6 cars and post the exact weight and horse power each has in the show. Of course this would take some testing to see how they preform.
And one more idea I had was put everyone's name in a hat draw two names out each week to have them racer each other and have another hat with all the lots classes in it and draw out a class that they would race.
Hey guys I have been thinking about a little side season to keep us involved in lots. I was thinking that we could take a few of the most popular cars from initial d and do a initial d side season. We could take 6 cars and post the exact weight and horse power each has in the show. Of course this would take some testing to see how they preform.
And one more idea I had was put everyone's name in a hat draw two names out each week to have them racer each other and have another hat with all the lots classes in it and draw out a class that they would race.
not only have we already done something like this but you can use a number generator website to randomly give us a number that would decide which car we run
not only have we already done something like this but you can use a number generator website to randomly give us a number that would decide which car we run
I know slidin but not on gt6. And did you really think I was gonna write down everyone's name and put it in a hat lol. That was just to get the point across.

This is really old.

There's members active at least every day, so most days of the week.

omg I remember this!!! This was the league that optomuscrime and scorrrp were involved with. As was I... Kinda.

I remember they banned the Elise from competing in all classes after one season since it dominated. And y'know what? Nobody complained. Nobody mourned. Because it was a fair decision.