I drove it around Daytona and it just kept breaking traction on the banking.
I just tested it with my "stabilizer"set-up(any road car),came in at 38.7 Daytona Night
952hp weight 3142lbs
height 160-180
next 4 maxed out
camber 3.0-3.0
toe .40-.40
top speed 370kph
downforce min.
adjust to your liking
Follow up:So this set-up truly is generic,i went all ocd with it and now have it on 29 different cars with the end goal of having some great races at Daytona.
Every car was tested between 3-15 laps to set top speed.
I did a quick 10 lap race and it was looking good.
I set-up a 100 laps,2x tire/fuel ,realistic settings,heavy mech damage,etc.
But a problem was found,i won by 31 seconds but there was only two other cars on the lead lap,the rest were 2-5 laps down which didn't make sense,considering the times i set with each car.
Watching the replay at one point, the Laferrari was running first down the back stretch,no one around him,doing about 385kph and he starts slowing down all the way to 310,takes the last corner,turns on left signal,he's pitting, way too slow,brakes then turns in like its a tight road course pit entry,Pd kind of dropped the ball on that to put it mildly.
I'm going to put fuel/tires on normal,should be a 4-5 stop race,put RH on all cars to even things up,use the two Bugattis this time,put the set-up on another 10-12 cars,make a faster field.
I used the Ferrari Enzo,which was the 3rd fastest car of the bunch ,it was quite a fun race,you really have to be on your toes as you don't want to rear end anybody with heavy mech damage on.
The AI are aggressive but not overly,had few good battles with the Veneno and Zr-1's,some good side to side bumping.
As expected the RR tire wears fastest, RF not far behind,the left side stays good so grip is not a problem.
It took many hours to set this up with a few more hours to go but think in the end ,200 lap races with a really tight fast field of cars is going to be a blast!
It pays crap for a 67 minute race which makes no sense but i'm in it for the racing fun.