I don't think it's a coincidence... Right around the time of the XJ13/F1/917k all showing, all within about a week of each other, is when the afk macros became wide-spread. You'd think they'd mix-up the order once it had made a complete cycle, right?
If they wanted to screw with the filthy afk farmers/Tomahawk glitch'ers (and I can proudly say I'm both) it would be a great time to start randomizing the list, now that those of us that were playing the system are about to finish off our LCD collection. I need the XJ13, 917k, another F1, and another GT40 Mk1, so of course it's going random now that those cars were all coming up, lol
@INAT The Porsche GT1 Strassenwhatever was fabulous before 1.13. It still drives great but it's absolutely sterile; feels like TC and Stabilty Control are on but I never run those assists. Many cars have suffered this fate for me. Not sure if I just got too used to the old RWD driving or what but there are certain vehicles that feel like they're on rails now, and unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for others) the GT1 is one of them.