So the Concorde has leaked:
It's almost a metre long! Coming next month, apparently.
In other news, I went to the local toy shop on my lunch break to check out their Lego section (the entire upstairs) in more depth, I only bought a £4 sabertooth tiger polybag and a £8 "mystery bag" which I definitely expected to be full of single purpose pieces, poorly applied stickers, printed pieces that don't match anything in the bag and general crap but it's actually really good, there's a great variety of basic bricks, plates, a few weird pieces, decorative pieces and even a ball joint. All in all I don't know if I got £8 worth of any particular thing but to boost a general pile of Lego for noodling around with it's not bad at all.
They also have that Buzz Lightyear ship thing in stock at half price, I'm not interested in the license but it's quite a neat ship design. I'm tempted! They also had a 31024 Creator 3-in-1 Roaring Power on the shelf (assembled, no box, no instructions) for £15 but I passed on that, if they still have it next month I might pick it up, it's not my favourite design but it's a reasonable price and one of the alt builds is a twin prop high wing plane which is quite nice, but it's only a small model so I might just seek out the parts for that alone and save some money.
This is what that 500g bag of Lego looks like in a context people in this thread might be able to quantify a little better:
Not bad for £8, but like I said, it only really makes sense if you already have a large stash of bricks and pieces (and I do!)

Any idea what the top two pieces are? They both have Lego marks so they are genuine. I thought the gold one wasn't Lego until I realised it's for a minifig to hold (and that it has a Lego mark) and the modified brick with a clip is the only broken piece I got (included for scale), but the top two pieces are a mystery to me.