I should've gone to bed a couple of hours ago but for some reason I didn't and instead went on Bricklink.
£36 spent on five minifigs (the most expensive being Kermit to finally complete my Muppets collection) and, uh,
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This was a GWP with a £120 minimum spend! What a joke. £7.50 for 113 pieces is pretty much on par with a polybag in terms of price per piece. Still, it would've been infinitely cheaper to just go to bed instead.
This is in addition to the £50 I spent the day before yesterday, but I'll wait until I have that one in hand before I share it here because last time I ordered that set it got "lost in the post" (stolen by the courier) and while I'm not superstitious, I am a little stitious and don't want to jinx it.