Not true, If i had the chance and a decent PC I would definitely play iracing over any other racing game as im sure many others would.
iRacing is extremely overrated in my opinion. It's nothing but an upgraded NASCAR 2003 physics engine with all the game's flaws, including bad net code in online races that causes bizarre crashes. Besides, who wants to pay $20 for tracks? That's insane. You only get 3 free cars but you have to pay $15 for each of the only 6 other cars available. In the end you could end up spending $300+ just to get 1/10th the content GT5 gives for $60. Highway robbery.
I don't have the game, but I see no way possible iRacing can even sniff GT5's dust.
I have rFactor, GTR2, and NASCAR 2003 and I always come back to Gran Turismo.
Problem is rFactor, GTR2, and NASCAR 2003, while better then the Gran Turismo series in some ways, don't have the soul nor a fraction of the content Gran Turismo offers.
Once GT5 launches with series firsts private rooms and proper online races it's no comparison anymore.
People crying about damage on just 200 of the 1,000 cars. Forza 3 has 400 cars all with damage. I'll take 1,000 cars with damage on just the 200 racecars to just 400 cars all with damage.
How long is it going to take us to go through the 1,000 cars? That alone could take tens of hours and will shoot the replayability through the roof.
Things in GT5 that are VERY underrated..
1,000 cars - you will never run out of different cars to drive
Youtube Output - Output your fast laps, footage of cheaters, best races, both online and offline to youtube, perhaps in 720p. That means we can easily share our greatest moments with others.
PSEye Head Tracking - How cool is this. Imagine driving down a straight, and instead of pushing a button to look to the left you just look to the left side of the screen and the camera looks to the left. Need a better look of that apex? Done. Want to admire that interior more? Done. This adds so much.
Tracks on the Weather Map - Look at this great list of 10 tracks on the weather map list that have never been in the GT series but most likely will get in at some point if tracks on the weather map continue to be unveiled.
Brand Hatch
Changing Weather - While not confirmed PD has said "Changing Weather is on the Roadmap" The last two games have featured a wet track, no doubt this will be in GT too.
For the First time Lamborghini and Ferrari - There is so little information about GT5 out but we already know about 7 different Ferraris being featured in the game. Is it too much to expect 20+ Ferraris in the full game? How many Lamborghinis will get in? Like Ferrari, PD has a whole history of cars to choose from.
For the first time in GT Damage - Not only is it visible, but it hurts your performance as well. Handling is hurt as well as top speed. The basic damage model seen at Gamescon is just a starter and will be improved upon and expanded.
NASCAR - This is going to make the oval track fans very happy after dealing with terrible EA NASCAR games for the last few years. NASCAR owns Grand Am so we could perhaps see Grand AM prototypes and GT cars.
WRC - Now with an official rally Championship, the rally mode should be improved greatly, with perhaps point to point races.
A Formula 1 car - Perhaps even more F1 cars from other constructors may be shown later?
Improved AI and collision physics - AI has improved over GT5P showing more agression. Collision physics are better, much easier to spin out now when making contact with another car. The brick feel of the cars has been reduced.
Gran Turismo Museum - I dont know what this is, but I like the sound of it.
Q4 2009 release - And you get to get your grubby little paws on all this before the end of the year. How good does it get?