Lets list and discuss all of Gran Turismo 7's PROBLEMS

  • Thread starter Grimm6Jack
Ever came to the idea that not the game changed so much, but you?
I mean if you play this franchise that long now, your skills have developed since then I would guess,and you probably know most of the tracks very well, so it’s no wonder that you complete things like circuit experiences and missions much quicker.

This is a good point, though it doesn't exempt PD for not finding a solution. I would wager a large number of Gran Turismo fans have been fans for at least 2 console generations of games (counting GT7 as a PS4 game, because it is).

Not only that, but my life has changed significnatly since I was a 15 year old convincing my dad to buy the first GT for me on release day. I have considerably less time to spend gaming now than I did 15 years ago. In many ways, that makes GT7 harder for me.

Experincing earlier GT games with different physics models and track models doesn't translate direclty into "you'll be great at this one" especially when the physcis in GT7 have already undergone changes a couple of times. With the lack of time I have to spend gaming, I have a lot less time to master tracks to the point I won't even bother attempting the Nordschleife Circuit Experience, it's just not worth my time.

But difficulty is relative, and that point you make without actually using those words is perfectly valid. But part of PD's job is to cater for as many different skill levels and player types as possible. They've missed the mark on that massively. They introduced the 3 chillies difficulty which only affects some of the game and even then the highest difficulty is a walk in the park compared to some of the races that you have no control over.

The difficulty levels are all over the place, why only give us some control over some of the game? And this is where PD fails, they often have the foundations for good if not great ideas, but they seem averse to implementing them in a logical mannger that would benefit the majority of players.
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All very right!

Just: widebody not removeable, i understand.

Especially super right: Motivation = car prices for Silver Licences and Missions have to come back. Not everyone is able to attack gold. So as soon as these guys get bronze they often have no motivation to go an. I get that. I have all Licences on Gold easily and also the first packs of Missions but on the later Missions there are some i dont have any hope for golding and most of them are bronze as silver just makes no difference.
Or when you are that a widebody on Jeep is just a few plastic wheel arches at a cost of 50k .😱... Yeah great logic that .
This is a good point, though it doesn't exempt PD for not finding a solution. I would wager a large number of Gran Turismo fans have been fans for at least 2 console generations of games (counting GT7 as a PS4 game, because it is).

Not only that, but my life has changed significnatly since I was a 15 year old convincing my dad to buy the first GT for me on release day. I have considerably less time to spend gaming now than I did 15 years ago. In many ways, that makes GT7 harder for me.

Experincing earlier GT games with different physics models and track models doesn't translate direclty into "you'll be great at this one" especially when the physcis in GT7 have already undergone changes a couple of times. With the lack of time I have to spend gaming, I have a lot less time to master tracks to the point I won't even bother attempting the Nordschleife Circuit Experience, it's just not worth my time.

But difficulty is relative, and that point you make without actually using those words is perfectly valid. But part of PD's job is to cater for as many different skill levels and player types as possible. They've missed the mark on that massively. They introduced the 3 chillies difficulty which only affects some of the game and even then the highest difficulty is a walk in the park compared to some of the races that you have no control over.

The difficulty levels are all over the place, why only give us some control over some of the game? And this is where PD fails, they often have the foundations for good if not great ideas, but they seem averse to implementing them in a logical mannger that would benefit the majority of players.
Very well stated. As many have mentioned, there are races that demonstrate a different level of AI (challenging) not seen in probably 90%+ of the other races - The Chili races, 600PP Tokyo 12-lap, Gr. 1 Sainte-Croix, Neo-Classic races and many of the 1-hour endurance races with the biggest most glaring example being the 1-hour lake maggiore where you're required to hit the CE Gold time for an entire race!!

(small aside, I had Covid end of June into July and gamed a crazy amount. Beat all the 1-hours and tried Lake M one - the absolute and utter butt-kicking I took hit me so hard I didn't play for 5-straight days LOLOL I mean I was shook after that attempt!! I can get mostly golds in the other missions, a few silvers (only did 1-attempt at each) but all of a sudden I'm 50-mins into the race and in 2nd to last place with the race leaders lapping me in shame lol HOW?!?)

As you stated, the game shows us the potential for challenging AI is there, in the code and working. YET - doesn't allow the player to apply it to the races! Just make it an option! If you want the AI to be so hard that you cannot afford to make a single mistake in the race, great! If you're like me and you want to feel that anxiety of it being a close race, yet have thin-skin and still want to win, great! At the absolute minimum, have it as a feature in the custom races because if you're masochistic and want to race against the absolute best AI capabilities, you should be able to! This isn't asking for Sophy, this is just removing the governor
Very well stated. As many have mentioned, there are races that demonstrate a different level of AI (challenging) not seen in probably 90%+ of the other races - The Chili races, 600PP Tokyo 12-lap, Gr. 1 Sainte-Croix, Neo-Classic races and many of the 1-hour endurance races with the biggest most glaring example being the 1-hour lake maggiore where you're required to hit the CE Gold time for an entire race!!

(small aside, I had Covid end of June into July and gamed a crazy amount. Beat all the 1-hours and tried Lake M one - the absolute and utter butt-kicking I took hit me so hard I didn't play for 5-straight days LOLOL I mean I was shook after that attempt!! I can get mostly golds in the other missions, a few silvers (only did 1-attempt at each) but all of a sudden I'm 50-mins into the race and in 2nd to last place with the race leaders lapping me in shame lol HOW?!?)

As you stated, the game shows us the potential for challenging AI is there, in the code and working. YET - doesn't allow the player to apply it to the races! Just make it an option! If you want the AI to be so hard that you cannot afford to make a single mistake in the race, great! If you're like me and you want to feel that anxiety of it being a close race, yet have thin-skin and still want to win, great! At the absolute minimum, have it as a feature in the custom races because if you're masochistic and want to race against the absolute best AI capabilities, you should be able to! This isn't asking for Sophy, this is just removing the governor

They gave us 3 difficulty settings, if I choose the hardest one, I expect it to be truly hard. I would expect the AI to be as good in ALL THE RACES like it is in that final Endurance Race, in Maggiore. Which by the way, I did won it on my first try, but I actually felt the pressure in the final laps with a BMW M6 GT3 AI closing on me, and before the first round of pit-stops I was actually 2nd and was only closing the gap on the first placed guy by like 2 tenths per lap. Another thing of interest from this event is that you don't have the leader starting with 10-40 seconds ahead of you, it's a double row of cars with the leader 5-6 seconds ahead, like actual racing starts should be other tha grid starts.

So PD can make competitive AI...

But no, 95% of the races in this game are won on the first try, even when choosing the hard setting and even though most have PP limit. And the ones that aren't, are just because of massive nerfs to the player like you having to start 40 seconds behind on a 5 lap race (Suzuka WTC 600 Championship race) or have to nerf your car to oblivion while the AI has cars above the suggested PP (Neo-classic races), but even those races aren't at all a matter of skill, but rather a matter of choosing and tuning the right car, once that is done, even those races are just as trivial.

After the hype I received from this game, and even had before the game's release, a showcase of their future "great AI", Sophy, I would've hoped that finally Gran Turismo's AI would not be complete garbage... I knew that the actual Sophy that was beating top-tier GT e-sports players, was not going to be in the game, in fact, it likely never will since otherwise literally no one can beat it, but at the very least, I would expect an actual competitive AI, namely after I am shown the difficulty settings.

Don't even get me started on Custom Races, where even on Professional difficulty, the AI is at 95% throttle on the straights sometimes...

After the content (quality and quantity), economy and the dreaded roulette tickets, I have the AI as one of the biggest issues in this game. Just look at the video I posted in the OP... Like, what the hell is that?
Another complaining thread 🙄
The more the better I say. How else are we going get the game we were sold? Without the complaints we probably wouldn't even have the big 4 grinding events or the human comedy missions.

Keep the complaints coming, keep them at the forefront of internet searches about this game and PD because they tried to screw their fanbase with GT7 and they deserve every bit of criticism. Every bit.
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The more the better I say. How else are we going get the game we were sold? Without the complaints we probably wouldn't even have the big 4 grinding events or the human comedy missions.

Keep the complaints coming, keep them at the forefront of internet searches about this game and PD because they tried to screw their fanbase with GT7 and they deserve every bit of criticism. Every bit.
Why don't you sue PD for misleading and diceptive conduct?

If you dislike the game so much, trade it in for another game. That'll learn 'em.

Hint: whinging won't get you anywhere.
Why don't you sue PD for misleading and diceptive conduct?

If you dislike the game so much, trade it in for another game. That'll learn 'em.

Hint: whinging won't get you anywhere.
Believe me, if I knew it would get somewhere I damn well would. AAA Developers have become waaay too comfortable fleecing their player bases. Their greed is what is resulting in games with predatory money making tactics. Couple that with players who have become way too accepting (and some downright defending this behaviour) of getting shafted by these AAA developers and you have a recipe for trash that gets put out.

I beg to differ about the whinging. It got some pretty significant changes made to GT7 pretty quickly. Like i said earlier, if it wasn't for the massive backlash after PD got caught with their hands too deep in everyones pockets, GT7 would still be barebones in terms of ways to earn credits. lets face it, it still is barebones in that regard.
Believe me, if I knew it would get somewhere I damn well would. AAA Developers have become waaay too comfortable fleecing their player bases. Their greed is what is resulting in games with predatory money making tactics. Couple that with players who have become way too accepting (and some downright defending this behaviour) of getting shafted by these AAA developers and you have a recipe for trash that gets put out.

I beg to differ about the whinging. It got some pretty significant changes made to GT7 pretty quickly. Like i said earlier, if it wasn't for the massive backlash after PD got caught with their hands too deep in everyones pockets, GT7 would still be barebones in terms of ways to earn credits. lets face it, it still is barebones in that regard.
Have you considered how much more time and resources go into making games these days. Imagine trying to please every ranting forum poster while also turning a profit. It is a business afterall.

The PD team is actually relatively small, so I suspect the GT7 development pathway is reflective of their resourcing and cashflow constraints.
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Have you considered how much more time and resources go into making games these days. Imagine trying to please every ranting forum poster while also turning a profit. It is a business afterall.

The PD team is actually relatively small, so I suspect the GT7 development pathway is reflective of their resourcing and cashflow constraints.
Oh absolutely! I do not discount that at all and I fully understand and appreciate what goes into game development these days 100%.

That is not my issue though. My issue is that they deliberately made the game barebones in terms of events (you cant say that these take long to make), the original line up of events paid peanuts, then they introduce artificial scarcity, all to push macrotransactions, while lying about the game in their marketing. damn, they still say the classic GT simulation mode makes a comeback! No it doesn't.

Cashflow constraints! WTF are you talking about? they are one of Sony's first party dev teams. They would not be short a buck. not by a long shot.
Oh absolutely! I do not discount that at all and I fully understand and appreciate what goes into game development these days 100%.

That is not my issue though. My issue is that they deliberately made the game barebones in terms of events (you cant say that these take long to make), the original line up of events paid peanuts, then they introduce artificial scarcity, all to push macrotransactions, while lying about the game in their marketing. damn, they still say the classic GT simulation mode makes a comeback! No it doesn't.

Cashflow constraints! WTF are you talking about? they are one of Sony's first party dev teams. They would not be short a buck. not by a long shot.
GT Sport was released in 2017 and PD have been spending money ever since supporting GTS and developing GT7. Money is not infinite, you need money to develop games and you need to sell games to make money. So yes, they probably deliberately shortened the career mode so that a percentage of people would pay for credits to buy expensive cars etc.

Love it or hate it, microtransactions are a part of modern gaming. The funding and resourcing requirements to make modern games are much higher than they were 10 years ago, and unless you want companies to start charging 2, 3 times more for the base product, then content will continue to be held back to ensure that a certain amount of additional revenue is generated through microtransactions.
So yes, they probably deliberately shortened the career mode so that a percentage of people would pay for credits to buy expensive cars etc.
And completely destroyed their reputation in the process.

All of your other points I completely agree with. However, you can still make plenty of profit without resorting to scumbag tactics to swindle cash from the playerbase. Take GTA V before online came out. $265m USD to develop, and then $800m USD in revenue in 24 hours. Big profits right there with no scumbag tactics (at the time anyway, now shark cards have muddied those waters).

Modern AAA gaming is absolute dog**** these days. Too many big releases are popped onto the hype train and then released unfinished and riddled with bugs. GT7 is included in that. PD have tarnished their good name to the point where alot of people won't go near GT8 until long after the paid reviews are out.

GT7 was the first AAA game in years that I bought on release. Never again.
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And completely destroyed their reputation in the process.

All of your other points I completely agree with. However, you can still make plenty of profit without resorting to scumbag tactics to swindle cash from the playerbase. Take GTA V before online came out. $265m USD to develop, and then $800m USD in revenue in 24 hours. Big profits right there with no scumbag tactics (at the time anyway, now shark cards have muddied those waters).

Modern AAA gaming is absolute dog**** these days. Too many big releases are popped onto the hype train and then released unfinished and riddled with bugs. GT7 is included in that. PD have tarnished their good name to the point where alot of people won't go near GT8 until long after the paid reviews are out.

GT7 was the first AAA game in years that I bought on release. Never again.

I think you're taking it a bit too personally mate... Gaming is not everything, don't let it get to you.
I think you're taking it a bit too personally mate... Gaming is not everything, don't let it get to you.
And yet here you are purposely coming into a thread that makes it very clear what it is in it's title, defending something for all of it's faults. PD don't need you to white knight them.

If you like the game for what it is, power to you, but don't start trying dictate to others how they are "taking it a bit too personally".
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unless you want companies to start charging 2, 3 times more for the base product
Well, the decisions to keep the price of games $10 to more recent $20 over the price of games from the SNES/N64 era in real-dollars, not inflation-adjusted, was their own doing. I recall wanting Nintendo games as a kid and my parents scoffing at the idea of spending $49 for one without good reason. That $50 game is equivalent to ~$95 now.
They really need to add more great paying events. It doesn't have to be like the big 4 but like 200k-300k per 5-7 laps/15 minutes races is enough IMO'

I'm only starting to get burned out yesterday but I can't really see myself continue playing this even though I still have some unfinished project cars. All I'm looking forward to each month is the monthly update just to see what new cars and engines they're adding lol
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Well, the decisions to keep the price of games $10 to more recent $20 over the price of games from the SNES/N64 era in real-dollars, not inflation-adjusted, was their own doing. I recall wanting Nintendo games as a kid and my parents scoffing at the idea of spending $49 for one without good reason. That $50 game is equivalent to ~$95 now.
Which is about right when you take inflation into account. My point is, its a competitive market and every company needs to sell games. Obviously they have determined that they can't charge twice as much for a game and still sell the required volume, even if double the effort has gone into making it over some other, less polished / reputable games.

I don't think it was PD's "own doing", its market forces at play.
Have you considered how much more time and resources go into making games these days. Imagine trying to please every ranting forum poster while also turning a profit. It is a business afterall.

The PD team is actually relatively small, so I suspect the GT7 development pathway is reflective of their resourcing and cashflow constraints.
Lol. Won't someone think of the poor starving AAA development studios?!

In no sense is PD relatively small. There are bigger teams, but in general terms they're well staffed and well financed. Most studios would kill to have PDs opportunities.
My point is, its a competitive market and every company needs to sell games. Obviously they have determined that they can't charge twice as much for a game and still sell the required volume, even if double the effort has gone into making it over some other, less polished / reputable games.
It's almost like there are more people playing games these days and therefore more potential customers. But that can't be right, everyone knows that gaming is a rapidly shrinking industry.
Lol. Won't someone think of the poor starving AAA development studios?!

In no sense is PD relatively small. There are bigger teams, but in general terms they're well staffed and well financed. Most studios would kill to have PDs opportunities.

It's almost like there are more people playing games these days and therefore more potential customers. But that can't be right, everyone knows that gaming is a rapidly shrinking industry.
Honestly - it’s not worth anyone responding to Careergt. They’re a troll and wil only stop when people stop paying attention to them. Easy really.

PD have more than enough staff to create a good game. The bones are there - the cars, tracks and physics all exist - that’s the time consuming and hard part.

Creating new events with existing content is easy. Checking the box showing that the race starts with a grid start is simple. Picking car / track combos is easy. Creating better race payouts is easy.

The fundimental problems with GT7 are easily fixed and it’s not a staffing problem by any means - it’s a greed problem. These things are all designed to maximise MtX, they aren’t considered problems to PD and it’s all by design.

Personally I’d prefer it if they went down the same path as other major f2p games and created season pass’s.
- atleast this way they’d be forced to released decent / new content more regularly and could be a much easier / more certain way to earn special parts etc.
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Lol. Won't someone think of the poor starving AAA development studios?!

In no sense is PD relatively small. There are bigger teams, but in general terms they're well staffed and well financed. Most studios would kill to have PDs opportunities.

It's almost like there are more people playing games these days and therefore more potential customers. But that can't be right, everyone knows that gaming is a rapidly shrinking industry.
Actually it has been for GT for a while now, shrinking player base since GT5. Also console video games revenue isn't growing anymore (all the growth is in the mobile sector) and Sony video game revenue when down 2.2% last year.

GT has fallen off the growth train long ago. But yeah since they are first party with flagship status, PD is like a cushy government job with minimal risk and long term job security. Not exactly the environment to innovate and improve.

GT has a lot of parallel with Halo, also past its glory days, struggling to stay relevant with incomplete SP content and slow updates.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, livery projection during races needs to be reworked. Decals show up pixelated and much lower quality than on livery editor. It makes really close up shots look bad, and makes it so you can't even see what some smaller decals are supposed to be

Personally I’d prefer it if they went down the same path as other major f2p games and created season pass’s.
- atleast this way they’d be forced to released decent / new content more regularly and could be a much easier / more certain way to earn special parts etc.
Locking new tracks/cars/parts behind a paywall would create an insane amount of discourse. The only way I think they would be able to implement it is using special liveries as a reward, similar to the final rewards for sponsorship in DIRT 5. Things like the Anti Social Social Club Supra livery would make the most sense for a season pass, because it doesn't change the gameplay, but is a high quality extra reward, that way there isn't a discrepancy between what F2P and paying players get when it comes to special parts.
Locking new tracks/cars/parts behind a paywall would create an insane amount of discourse. The only way I think they would be able to implement it is using special liveries as a reward, similar to the final rewards for sponsorship in DIRT 5. Things like the Anti Social Social Club Supra livery would make the most sense for a season pass, because it doesn't change the gameplay, but is a high quality extra reward, that way there isn't a discrepancy between what F2P and paying players get when it comes to special parts.
‘Free’ parts of season passes exist and special parts could still be obtained via this and through an improved roulette system.

(That’s if they want to keep these parts as special parts)

I think I’d rather see individual challengers for cars / manufactures that helped you unlock the special parts / cars as a form of progression.

Plus they can always market the premium parts of the pass as ‘early access’, making them available to purchase a month or two after the pass has finished.

It could easily be a better system than the current one which is designed to create a boring grind that people will opt to skip with their wallets…

Most would rather some sort of ‘paid for’ (via a season pass) new content, missions and challenges… while keeping/creating a more affordable mtx option like in gt sport.
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Well I paid $125 of my money, that I worked for, based on lies I was told. Maybe it is a little bit personal.

If I knew what this game was, I would have waited until it was in the bargain bin and saved some dollarydoos.

Fair call. You live and you learn.

All a matter of perspective too though I guess. I also paid $125 and got exactly what I was hoping for.

Lol. Won't someone think of the poor starving AAA development studios?!

In no sense is PD relatively small. There are bigger teams, but in general terms they're well staffed and well financed. Most studios would kill to have PDs opportunities.

It's almost like there are more people playing games these days and therefore more potential customers. But that can't be right, everyone knows that gaming is a rapidly shrinking industry.

I'm guessing you've never studied business or marketing...
Speaking of single player campaign, I just realised there’s no MR challenge for MR Cars. :confused:


Speaking of single player campaign, I just realised there’s no MR challenge for MR Cars. :confused:

game lacks numerous cars and events that have been series staples since the PS1 era almost 25 years ago
most "complete" gran turismo to date, everyone
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