Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage

Just noticed I have a contacts list similar to* Zoxxy, as you can see I've re-installed Istat too.

*reason for editing, I missed it out :)
For Zoxxy

Click Pic for Link

This set is a fantastic set of icons for OSX, I really like the simple nature of them.

Click Pic for Link

A great set of toolbar icons for Adium called TickTack, plus they have varying status icons so you know what's going on if you hide everything like me :) Plus they do Dock Icons too that are the same but for the dock as shown below called KlickKlack.

Click Pic for Link

As for the contacts list itself I use the defaults but lower the opacity of the bars. Status Icons are Gems the Colour Theme and List Layout are Decay 2.0 with Borderless Window I'm not sure what the font is; as it wont allow me to customize it :(



What kind of OS is that? I would say XP, but I've never seen that kind of bar and icons on an XP machine...

It's actually just plain old XP Media Center edition. I just chose a different wallpaper, cleaned up all of the unnecessary icons on the desktop and snagged some nice looking dock icons to replace the boring standard ones. No themes or anything, I just like a clean and organized desktop.
Why did you go back to Gnome? Any problems with KDE4? I'm thinking of installing it on openSUSE this weekend.
A room? But I wanna watch. :(

New one (yup, back to Gnome):


Do you mind giving me a link of some sort or something for that wallpaper? Also I see you have like driver standings, constructor standings and some other things for formula 1. Is that a widget of some sort? Where did you get those if they are?