Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage
Ahh, good. So, it's working. :)

I don't know what item I should use, "Thumbnail for Forum 1" or "Thumbnail for Fourm 2."

I use the first one, and I don't get a large pic of my desktop unless I click on the pic and then use the back button.

What's screwed up? I never used these before, but now have to because of the size. Or, is everything OK?
You need to use the Thumbnail for Forum 1. You get a larger thumbnail if you use iHostPhotos.

Also, what's up with your icons and all? They look messed up. Or is it the cables you're using?
A little Bland and Boring, but it gets the job done.

Oh yeah, Loved the "Oh hi you leik my field?" Bill gates backround. Do you have the original picture?

Edit: Holy smokes, Imageshack really butchered my Resolution. Ah well
You need to use the Thumbnail for Forum 1. You get a larger thumbnail if you use iHostPhotos.

Also, what's up with your icons and all? They look messed up. Or is it the cables you're using?

They look sharp as a tack. Try clicking on the pic several times until it's in 1920x1080.

EDIT: OK, I see what happened, now.

I went back to my post and saw the resolution they used for my pic. It was in 1920x1080 originally when I downloaded it, but they converted it to 1536x864. So, when they made is smaller, it lost its sharp detail.
Anyone think it's time for a Version 5.0 of the Post Your Desktop thread? This one is REALLY cluttered.
No. I think a 5.0 thread is necessary when there's new rules, though, if that ever happens.

And any desktop thread is cluttered from the start. The reason 4.0 was created was because of the 400x400 rule, so it cuts down on the clutter.

Here's my desktop:

Well, a fresh start would make it easier to find people's desktops :D.

I've found myself trudging through 20-something pages of images just to find 1 :nervous:

Good point. I guess you just have to sacrifice seeing some sunlight if you want to look for a certain desktop.

The real world is scary anyways. The noise, the bright light, and all those people...
It is very similar to Policenauts, yes, and it is also a Kojima game. But it would technically be a sequel to Policenauts if they were related storywise, but they are not.