My limits, I like to remain realistic. Realistic > optimistic > delusional. If you believe we can all be champion of the world at everything, then crack on and good luck at the FIAGTC world finals next time around.
Ok, so because I can achieve something that is demonstrably mediocre in the grand scheme of things, then I am all of a sudden delusional? Lewis Hamilton is a world champion, so I sincerely doubt that the ghost is actually representative of his ability compared to ours. If I can achieve a diamond time, then that is the time that they feel is achievable by a regular player.
You can't even achieve something that simply takes some practice. You'd rather be rewarded for simply showing up.
Again, I didn't say that. You keep responding to things I haven't said.
Actually you did. I responded to you implying that my view wasn't representative of the player base as a whole, which is an assumption on your part. You view is similarly not representative.
I'm not the one that's basing my opinion on difficulty on my personal ability, you are. I'm basing it on the discrepancy between the campaign mode as was, and the DLC.
And that discrepancy is unique to this iteration. Previous campaigns were a challenge. It was a tenant of the franchise.
I recognise that what classes as an achievement for one person, is not the same as it does for someone else. Your opinion seems to be, I think I can do it therefore it must be about right for everyone.
You opinion is the utter opposite. Your view seems to be that if it can't be achieved with minimal effort, then it must be too difficult.
"Gold standard" is meant to signify an exemplary effort. If anyone can pull it off in one shot, then it isn't really a gold standard is it? You are arguing for what amounts to an award based on purchase. You paid money, ergo, you should get the prize.
I notice a seemingly bottomless pit of people complaining about penalties, yes. But, I'm not sure what your point is? Slow doesn't equal dirty.... ****ish behavior equals dirty.... and other people being ****s is half the reason I rarely bother with online gaming. It's becoming clearer though what your attitude towards lesser skilled players is.
People who lack even the most basic skills do dumb things and then blame everyone else. They stop early, turn in when they shouldn't, take terrible lines, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Newsflash, I am an average player. I won't make it to a championship. I won't even make it to the bottom of the grid against people who are only somewhat decent. If you don't even want to try to be better, then why should you be rewarded?