After looking here is the run down:
Gun Control:
"Rather than banning guns, the politicians and the police should encourage gun ownership, as well as education and training programs. A responsible, well-armed and trained citizenry is the best protection against domestic crime and the threat of foreign invasion. America's founders knew that." I've always thought that, guns aren't the problem and more people should own them. But they should all be educated, I was taught from the time I could talk to respect guns.
Respect the victim's rights and make criminals pay full restitution.
Hold all criminals responsible for their actions. I agree completely with this, I'm tired of criminals having rights.
Double the police resources available for crime prevention without any additional government spending. Great idea but it can't happen, so therefore I guess I don't support it.
Reduce the number of criminals at large on our streets. Every political party does this, so it's no different.
Defend the most effective crime deterrent available, the private ownership of guns. Agree with. Reason's supported above.
Create jobs, end welfare dependence, and improve education. Same as the Republicans. Democrats just want to make half hearted jobs, keep people on welfare, and screw education. At least my wonderful governor does.
From what I can tell Libertarians want to legalize drugs, which I am against. We don't need more dead beats in this country.
Can't really grasp the Libertarians point of view on this one. So I'll stay undescided.
From what I can tell Libertarians want to cut taxes and make government spending more streamlined. I agree with this to, I hate paying taxes when I see my money going to things welfare and what not. I would rather pay taxes for more meaningful things. I'm still kinda half in half on the Libertarians approach though, because it's not possible to practically eliminate taxes.
Foreign Policy:
The way I see it is that Libertarians want to cut off foreign aid, I've thought we should have done that a long time ago. I don't see the point in giving more to a ton of countries when they never return the favor for us. I mean look when 9/11 how many countries gave us money? I think one.
I strongly suggest that you do.
Besides, if you work for a Union, you are NOT a Libertarian.
I don't work for a union, nor do I believe in them. I'm salaried at GM, but I have to work with the UAW. I think I would rather cut my foot off with a dull rusty knife then work with the UAW. They are the laziest, rudest, more inconsiderate works I've met in my entire life. I can see why cars cost so much. Err I can't get started on the UAW, I have a thread on it somewhere, but once I get going you'll never shut me up.