Broken families; teenage pregnancies, single parents etc. Chaos has been normalised with no social or spiritual threat. Surely a church culture despite it's limitations and whether people believed or not was better than the law of the jungle system we have now?
Perhaps a new thread is needed here!
Teen pregnancy? Granted this is just US data, but I think you are seeing too much media or sermons and not enough statistical data.
Do, does this mean that it is actually better to be in a more secular "law of the jungle" system?
Census data does show that single-parent homes are increasing, but I think there is more to the story than face value. When I was 12 I went from being in a traditional family unit home to a single parent home, but my dad was still active in my life. He loved ten minutes away. I stayed with him whenever I wanted and never felt like a I lost a parent. He taught me how to drive and went with me to find rare comic books to complete my collections. He even knew enough about what I was looking for to buy something for me if he ran across it. I currently feel that my family is important. I don't believe that I can walk out on my family just because. Even my dad thinks that is wrong, as he felt he was too unhappy for it to be healthy for them to stay together. Truth be told, it was a lot better after the divorce, but not because he wasn't in my life.
But my example is very common divorced people I know. They were divorced, it was a single parent home, but both parents were involved with the kids. A single parent home is not necessarily a bad thing, and is possibly a good thing. The bad thing comes from a missing or uninvolved parent, whether due to death, abandonment, or imprisonment.
It would take some heavy statistical analysis to determine if the issue is related to growing secularity, or if there is another cause. One thing is for sure, with teen pregnancy rates steadily dropping the growing single parent homes are not due to teen pregnancies. Another study would need to be done to determine how much is due to divorced parents, single adults adopting, or having children through implantation. Ultimately, single parents is a very wide range.