List taken down (Reasons?)

What is most likely?

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Needs an option for "All cars have interiors, premium cars have damage but no interior damage"

Lol, although that is a possibility looking at the variables, if you read the list again you will see that can be eliminated
Edit: Look
170 Premium new models (full interior modeling, the interior corresponds to vehicle damage)
"D", Why go about creating Prologue cars assumed to be in GT5,
only to remove the interiors.
Premium possibly means detail under the hood, fenders etc., Detail that
shows after damage.
wasn't already implied that all the cars have interiors...and that only a handful would have a damage model, due to licensing restraints (thanks to probably Ferrari...and possibly Maserati...both, interestingly enough, are FIAT companies...makes me wonder if Chrysler vehicles can be damaged any more.)
In the poll. I think the A and C options seem to be the same. I am not saying that they are, just that the difference do not look clear to me. Voted C BTW.
Finnaly two guys that view it like i do. :)
I was getting ripped apart in the first page but now look at the poll, it's a lot more varied than you think.
"D", Why go about creating Prologue cars assumed to be in GT5,
only to remove the interiors.
Premium possibly means detail under the hood, fenders etc., Detail that
shows after damage.

I'm starting thinking this aswell. The premium cars with 'interior' damage are modelled much better than the standard cars. These cars have modelled chassis, engines, underbody, etc so that when they are damaged there is something to see under and around the damaged panels

I'm also thinkin the standard cars may or may not have damage and maybe to varying degrees depending on manufacturer but they sound as if they are GT5P quality models, which sounds pretty good to me.

EDIT: A and C do seem the same, A just doesn't mention if all cars have interior view or not
In the poll. I think the A and C options seem to be the same. I am not saying that they are, just that the difference do not look clear to me. Voted C BTW.

LOL, i can see why you think that but they are not. Damn English language is stupid, things can be read differently.

I just got propper confused figuring out how to write them differently, i forgot what they entirely meant myself:lol:

Bassically A) All cars have damage but only premium have an interior and also only premium have interior damage

And C means All cars have damage and interior but interior is only damaged on premium cars.

You see the confusion arises with where and if you use commas

For example

If i worded A like this

Actually scrap it i'm getting confused again

Edit: Damn now with that logic A and B are the same

I'm going to have to reword them if i can.
then D) needs a clarifying point

"D)All cars have interior, but not all have damage, whereas only premium have damage and their interiors can also be damaged.
then D) needs a clarifying point

"D)All cars have interior, but not all have damage, whereas only premium have damage and their interiors can also be damaged.

D is actually the only one i need to leave as it is the only one where standard cars don't have damage

Edit: I'm figuring it out, i feel retarded, this is harder than A level physics which i passed, and i made the damn poll:dunce:
but it doesn't state so explicitily, it's an implied clause

you could also read it as
D)All cars have interior and damage, but only premium have damage and their interiors can also be damaged

all I'm saying is clarification never hurt anyone, especially if you want accurate poll results :)

EDIT: lol i just proved myself wrong
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but it doesn't state so explicitily, it's an implied clause

you could also read it as
D)All cars have interior and damage, but only premium have damage and their interiors can also be damaged

all I'm saying is clarification never hurt anyone, especially if you want accurate poll results :)

EDIT: lol i just proved myself wrong

Lol this is so friggin difficult, but thing is i just realised i was right all along, the only difference being i should have clariffied in A that only premiums have interior.

So here it goes

A)All cars have damage, only premium have interior, and also have interior damage

B)All cars have damage , only premium have interior but interior is not damageable

C)All cars have damage and interiors but only interior damage on premium

D)All cars have interior, but only premium have damage and there interiors can also be damaged.

Edit: Damn just thought of a fifth

E)All cars have interior, but onlypremium have damage but their interiors can't be damaged.

then again as i said before this wouldn't really apply reading the list and for that matter neither would B lol because the list clearly states the interor can be damaged.

So why are so many voting for B?

This poll is screwed up now
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lol sadly this poll is fail :P Just get a mod to remove it and start it again.

But we won't have to wait much longer before the announcement.
I would say because of all the confusion that stemmed from that list, someone at Sony or PD decided it's best to rephrase the whole thing and make it more understandable.

Hmmm.......sure..... that looks like what has happened......everyone understands exactly what's going on ............NOT!! :lol:
lol sadly this poll is fail :P Just get a mod to remove it and start it again.

But we won't have to wait much longer before the announcement.

Yeah, but people are still voting and don't seem confused.

But yeah it's pointless we will just have to wait and see. I am glad now i did this poll though because it shows just how varied the oppinions are, in the first page before i put the poll i was getting flamed to death, it seemed like i was the only one in the wrong but now mine is second most popular vote.
lol sadly this poll is fail :P Just get a mod to remove it and start it again.

But we won't have to wait much longer before the announcement.
Hopefully, I'm going to sleep. I hope they have some videos from the demo up tomorrow, and the info cleared up.
Yeah, but people are still voting and don't seem confused.

But yeah it's pointless we will just have to wait and see. I am glad now i did this poll though because it shows just how varied the oppinions are, in the first page before i put the poll i was getting flamed to death, it seemed like i was the only one in the wrong but now mine is second most popular vote.

people voting and understanding aren't mutually exclusive things...

You can still vote whilst not understanding.
but then only 60 tracks at most?

It said 20+ more to be revealed, 20+60= 80 minimum :sly:

Ok shoot me, but a thought crossed my mind, could "interior" be an interpretion error meaning, "underside" know, mechanical damage.
I mean what IS interior damage???
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I don't agree 100% with any of the options, but I did vote B for 2 reasons.

- Unless they have enough photographs and data from previous GT games, I can't see them recreating the interior of every single car in the game (not that I wouldn't happily welcome it).

- Why bother having damage to the interior of the car in the first place? A collision with enough force to do that would surely put you out of the race.

I also think the statement about the cars, interior and damage is too ambiguous. Has anybody considered the possibility that interior could mean under the hood? I wouldn't mind seeing a few of the top of the range cars in photo mode with the engine bay exposed.

Hopefully the next time they release info it'll be clearer.
It said 20+ more to be revealed, 20+60= 80 minimum :sly:

Ok shoot me, but a thought crossed my mind, could "interior" be an interpretion error meaning, "underside" know, mechanical damage.
I mean what IS interior damage???

Squasher already mentioned that, now let us not go there, i struggled:ouch: with 4 options i don't want to deal with 6'000
I don't agree 100% with any of the options, but I did vote B for 2 reasons.

- Unless they have enough photographs and data from previous GT games, I can't see them recreating the interior of every single car in the game (not that I would happily welcome it).

- Why bother having damage to the interior of the car in the first place? A collision with enough force to do that would surely put you out of the race.

I also think the statement about the cars, interior and damage is too ambiguous. Has anybody considered the possibility that interior could mean under the hood? Hopefully the next time they release info it'll be clearer.

Did you read my revision before you voted?
Also what do you suggest as an option?
Ok shoot me, but a thought crossed my mind, could "interior" be an interpretion error meaning, "underside" know, mechanical damage.
I mean what IS interior damage???

Lol that's actually a damn good point.

Interior damage = engine damage? Plausible.
I think you've covered most of the possible options from the information we have. It's good to see that most people are still optimistic though.

I find the majoritys logic quite shocking though i must say.

I mean say they do have to individually model damage into all the cars which i doubt they do, (they probably use some generic material physics model), but anyway assuming they do, chances are they would model the damage for the exterior and interior around the same time for each car. I doubt they would individually model damage on exterior first and then go back and start individually modelling interior.
By everyone's logic, this would prove Kazunori as a liar for saying the game is finished when it is not, which i happen to believe is not the case.

Like i said i think premium cars are race cars
premium cars have damage, standard don't
And all cars have interiors

To me that is the most logical way to look at it, especially after the audi trailer claiming damage for race cars only.

And also a quote from the video writeup

"Audi: What games can the fans of GT soon expect?
Kazunori Yamauchi: We are working on it, including weather changes, a race which may affect index. And damage to racing cars we will soon be able to simulate."

I'm sure GTace will have something to say on this though;)
I see this situation again and have strong Deja Vu feeling. Polyphony Digital again gurgles like inspector Clouseau in Pink Panther. Nobody is able to understand what they really wanted to say.

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