Let me break it down. The line in question was this:
First, 170 premium models. In brackets we have two separate clauses. ENTIRELY separate. The way the Japanese language works is that if they are related there is some kind of particle there to define the relationship.
So, 内装. What does it mean? It's only one word, so a simple dictionary lookup will suffice here. Try jisho.org or copy and paste into
WWWJDIC. This word refers to interior style or decoration. In this context, it can be understood to refer to the models of the interior of the cabin of the car.
Second, ダメージに対応. Here we have two words joined by a particle, に. The first word, ダメージ, is merely a Japanicised version of the English word 'damage'. The second word, 対応, doesn't correspond well with any single English word. The best fit word I would choose in this situation would be 'supports', as in 'The PS3
supports Blu-ray playback'. に is a simple particle relating the two together, and implies no additional information other than the relationship.
So in summary we have 170 cars which have modelled interiors, and support damage. The implication is obviously that the other cars do NOT have interiors or damage support, but that's up for discussion. What's not up for discussion is what the Japanese site said. There are times when the translation from Japanese to English can be difficult, but this is not one of them. It's very clear what is meant.
I'd go through the 830 one as well, but I think that's enough elementary Japanese lessons for today.