I got past the rolling ball bit but I'm at a part now where toy soldiers are firing rockets at me and I'm timing my jumps properly but the collision detection is so far off the rockets are killing me when they're nowhere near! I've also found that the jumping in this game is a bit hit and miss, which is a bit shocking considering most of the game is about jumping.
It sounds like you went from The Canyons all the way to the The Wilderness. The only level I can think of that have toy soldiers firing rockets is Frozen Tundra.
And you may need to be a bit more descriptive about your distance than nowhere near them, because there is a crazy thing about explosive in this game...they have splash damage. Splash damage can do everything from just leaving your character looking all sooty to killing you.
Also, explosives do not care about what plane you are on.
Did you just dog my choice in avatars!
Oh no, in fact it is the fact that the platinum trophy looks just like your avatar that makes me imagine preserving a pet in some odd way.
Not the last time I checked... but it's cool.
I'll remedy that next time I load up the game, but I don't plan to play it for a while.
Is that the new MGS add-on levels.... yeah I know, I'm behind the times.
Yes, you are. And when you were hosting it wouldn't let me use my soldier costume with an ! object above his head. It's an MGS thing where whenever you get spotted the guard that spots you has an exclamation point appear above his head.
I did play a great level where you had to use the paint guns to destroy a pretty cool looking T-Rex. It was really well done level with some challenging elements, including jumping over rolling fire logs and such. It also had some multiple co-op sections, and even a hidden trigger switch. I can't recal the name of the level, but I'll try and look it up.
That sounds much better than my level. But mine took about 30 minutes to make.
The big deal I have found with the paint stuff though is that no matter what material you make something out of you can have it disappear by placing a paint trigger on it that is connected to a shielded brain. Even if it is just a block you can make it a creature that dies after you shoot it.
I didn't realize that triggers could affect creature brains before and suddenly it occurs to me that my level's creatures can be much more complex now that I know that.
I can do the jumping and know how to time it etc., it's just that sometimes the whole '3 tier' thing (jumping backwards and forwards) actually causes my sackperson to fall to their death or jump into the wrong area. It's very frustrating.
I understand this part.
A good example of this is on the levels where you have to cling onto a spinning wheel and then jump off the top off it onto another spinning wheel. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to get past one section like this since whenever I tried to get my sackperson to jump off the wheel he stood up and either didn't jump far enough or just fell off.
Actually, this makes sense, because of the physics. If your jump is timed wrong it is quite possible that you combined your jump and the wheel's spin to cancel out your momentum. Or similarly I have had it where I try to stand and jump a second to early or late and manage to have the wheel's momentum throw me off before I can manage a jump at all.
Which wheels are you talking about? The Japanese level where you have to climb like a dozen fast spinning and moving wheels is a royal pain in the butt, but once you get used to the timing it isn't too bad. By the time I aced the level and got 100% (I had to rely on my wife for a 2X challenge, which meant trying 20 times) I could practically shoot through those without missing a beat.
It took me so many attempts I was on the verge of giving up!
I won't lie. Some of those story mode levels are frustratingly hard. Trust me, when you get to The Bunker and The Collector's Lair you will look back on all of these and think how easy and fun they were.
But you do have a fair point regarding moving between the three planes and sometimes odd jumping. Some of us have gotten pretty good at judging how it would work out, but it was an issue raised early on and even someone at Media Molecule said it was the one thing they weren't completely 100% happy about and would be the first thing they addressed once they got the online creation mode working correctly.