Yes we should be worried. I can see loading times of 10 minutes![]()
it's not like it's Forza 3 bad.
But Forza 3 gives you the option of a full HDD install.
With it installed, for me, it takes no longer than GT5P to load a race.
GT5 will offer no such option (Due to hardware limits).
I beg your pardon? Since when is it not possible to install a game on a PS3?
I beg your pardon? There is NO option to install a whole game to the PS3's HDD on ANY PS3 game.
You are probably thinking of Partial Installs wich some PS3 games have (GT5P being one).
GT5 will offer no such option (Due to hardware limits).
Do Xbox 360 games load from both the disc and the HDD after a full install? (any answer to this question please provide a source/evidence)
What hardware limits?
No. The 360 dumps the entire ISO onto the console HDD and it plays 100% from there.
Want evidence? Play a 360 game from HDD and when you start it you can clearly hear the optical drive stop and shut down (A distinctive sound) just before the game starts to load.
Does it help? Well, look at it this way. I have Modern Warfare 2 on both PS3 and 360. My 360 version (on HDD) loads OVER twice as fast as my PS3 version (Both single player levels and multiplayer).
There is even a petition on the Infinity Ward forums to get an install option for the PS3 (Which won't happen).
has better graphics and loads quicker on PS3 than on 360.
Actually, if you install oblivion to 360's HDD, it loads quicker than the PS3 version. The PS3 version only loaded quicker when the 360 was playing from the disc. (Wow, i'm on fire today LOL)
And then there is Fallout 3 with partial installs on PS3 and it STILL takes twice as long to load then 360 version O.o
Why do PS3 games take up so much memory compared with 360 games ?.Did they not compress the files enough or something ?.
No it doesn't, because as i stated, partial installs load/read in unison with the disc, so you get a faster read speed
One would think so.
Sadly, my copies of Oblivion on my PS3 and 360 refused to conform to the theory.
In theory, communism works too.
What hardware limits?
not hardware limits its software limits. the ps3 itself could cope with it it hasa 80gb hard drive enough ram to run it. the ps3's hardware could have it installed on the hdd however its only limits made by sony's operating system (software) that would not let you do it.
they could get around it some how little big planet have just released an update where you can move the saved data to another file where it can be arger letting you save more stuff. anyway if pd are such good friends with sony as people say then sony would change it for pd.
That's not a hardware limit, that's a production limit. Konami didn't want the game to have a 20GB install, and I'm glad about it. There is no hardware limit preventing fuill game installs. All that is required to install a full game on the PS3 is an option in the software. The hardware is fine for it.Sony's install size limitation.
Anyone who has played MGS4 will see whan happens when a 40GB game needs to be installed to played.
Each chapter had to be installed and uninstalled in 4GB chunks.
It was a massive fecking ball-ache.
Why did you buy the same game on both consoles might i ask? The 360 version gets all the DLC why would you then go and buy the PS3 version? I call BS on that.
I had the 360 version from release. When I read reviews of the PS3 version being graphically better due to the extra year of development, I grabbed a copy of that one too.
If you find that odd, this will blow your fecking mind.................. I also have the game on PC and the PS3 Game of The Year Edition LOL
Loading times go like this for me and Oblivion:
1. PC
2. 360
3. PS3
You know. You are probably thinking that i'm a 360 fanboy from this thread. But I can't stand the 360. It's the worst made piece of noisy junk I have ever owned. Not a patch on the well built PS3.
But I am also not one of those annoying PS3 owners who sucks sony's nob. The PS3 has some MAJOR flaws. Loading times being one.
PS, never use "I call BS". It makes me cringe. Far too much Americanism.