Looking For Mechanic To Assist In YouTube Series!

  • Thread starter Crispy
United States
Allen, Texas
Hello tuners. A couple of GTPlanet members and I have decided to create a YouTube series that is based off of Top Gear, where we do track tests, road tests, challenges, and just plain silly stuff. So far, we are looking for a mechanic to aid us in tuning cars for certain challenges.

We will mention you in the credits and in the show. We will also talk about your Tuning Garage in order for you to gain fame.

If you would like to join, please put down your PSN name.
<-----------PSN is there.

What type of tests/challenges are you looking at doing??

Are next episode is a showdown between the Audi R8 5.2, the Nissan GTR SpecV, and Lamborghini Gallardo. After we do a series of tests on the stock versions, we will fully mod them, and send them to the mechanic, who will apply their tune to the car, and send it back. After that we have a race between each car to see which one is best fully tuned. We will then tally up the score the cars got, and find out which one is the best.
Are next episode is a showdown between the Audi R8 5.2, the Nissan GTR SpecV, and Lamborghini Gallardo. After we do a series of tests on the stock versions, we will fully mod them, and send them to the mechanic, who will apply their tune to the car, and send it back. After that we have a race between each car to see which one is best fully tuned. We will then tally up the score the cars got, and find out which one is the best.

Nice test. Is this purely for drag or are you involving circuit & drift aswell and where would you be testing primarily?? At the Top Gear Test Track??
Nice test. Is this purely for drag or are you involving circuit & drift aswell and where would you be testing primarily?? At the Top Gear Test Track??

This is mainly circuit testing on the Top Gear Test Track. We will however have Drift tuning, and Drag tuning come into play in later episodes too. Pretty much any type of Motorsports will be incorperated. I'll always notify the tuner on what type of motorsport wil be used and on what track.
No worries, I can do some adjustments to focus the cars for the TGTT. 👍

Another idea would be to test those cars from respected garages (MFT, LDP, RKM, GME, etc.) and to test them out, find the best one and put the best of the best against eachother. 👍 Who's to say that the mechanic you select will be better than any of the established tuning garages??
No worries, I can do some adjustments to focus the cars for the TGTT. 👍

Another idea would be to test those cars from respected garages (MFT, LDP, RKM, GME, etc.) and to test them out, find the best one and put the best of the best against eachother. 👍 Who's to say that the mechanic you select will be better than any of the established tuning garages??

I see your point and I like that. Sort of like a showdown against tuning garages?
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You might think about checking out my "Wallbanger's 1st annual FF Summer Shootout". My garage is hosting this event and we're currently signing up both tuning garages and drivers to have a go at the hottest FF on Grand Valley Full! Several of the top garages have already committed to the event as well as several of the top drivers/reviewers.

We would love to see the media get in on the action.

As Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:
Insert shameless advertisement here....

You might think about checking out my "Wallbanger's 1st annual FF Summer Shootout". My garage is hosting this event and we're currently signing up both tuning garages and drivers to have a go at the hottest FF on Grand Valley Full! Several of the top garages have already committed to the event as well as several of the top drivers/reviewers.

Sorry, but I only see Roj from RKM there in that "top garage" echelon with your entries. When you have all four big garages or even three of us competing with the rest of the field, then I will agree with your comment there. :)
Insert shameless advertisement here....

You might think about checking out my "Wallbanger's 1st annual FF Summer Shootout". My garage is hosting this event and we're currently signing up both tuning garages and drivers to have a go at the hottest FF on Grand Valley Full! Several of the top garages have already committed to the event as well as several of the top drivers/reviewers.

We would love to see the media get in on the action.

As Harvey Wallbanger always says...
Drive hard and have fun!:cheers::gtpflag:

Hmm, I think me and my colleague's will have a go at this. We will mention this event on our next episode. Then record our replays. As mafia said, you should defenantly contact a couple other tuning garages for the event. I can try and get a couple of garages to get on to the event too.

I'm going to pass out really soon so before I fall asleep on my laptop I'm going to put it up. I will continue to post in the morning. Thank you guys for the good ideas, will be looking into them!
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Sorry, but I only see Roj from RKM there in that "top garage" echelon with your entries. When you have all four big garages or even three of us competing with the rest of the field, then I will agree with your comment there. :)

Who's the 4th? Unless you're counting Avid, but due to inactivity I assume this isn't the case.
Sorry, but I only see Roj from RKM there in that "top garage" echelon with your entries. When you have all four big garages or even three of us competing with the rest of the field, then I will agree with your comment there. :)

Well mafia_boy since you consider yourself one of the "big 4" why don't you throw your hat in the ring? Or is it that you only tune real cars like skylines, Ferraris and the odd race car?:sly:

(Note the above is meant in good humor! I am not trying to pick a fight. CrispyChicken I'll leave your thread in peace now.)
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Well mafia_boy since you consider yourself one of the "big 4" why don't you throw your hat in the ring? Or is it that you only tune real cars like skylines, Ferraris and the odd race car?:sly:

You should check on my history, I broke into the GT world by breaking FF WORLD RECORDS!! ;) 1st person to get an 11.6xx on the 1/4 mile, 1st person in the world to get 400km/h in a FF and still current holder of the FF road car record (the settings are in my GME GT4 garage). As for GT5, people know that my FF's are quick, but even I conceded defeat to RKM when my C4 VTS went against RJ's C30-R around the 'Ring. :)

@Adrenaline - Avid is included in the etc. area. ;)
but even I conceded defeat to RKM when my C4 VTS went against RJ's C30-R around the 'Ring. :)

And at GVS when you decided a rematch was in order.

In fact, didn't you give up the first time we tried GVS with both cars on S3s? Oh, right. :P Anyway I'll be participating in this FF shootout with whatever I can, going to make Roj build a newer Atenza to 500PP then I'll make settings off the top of my head. :lol:
You should check on my history, I broke into the GT world by breaking FF WORLD RECORDS!! ;) 1st person to get an 11.6xx on the 1/4 mile, 1st person in the world to get 400km/h in a FF and still current holder of the FF road car record (the settings are in my GME GT4 garage). As for GT5, people know that my FF's are quick, but even I conceded defeat to RKM when my C4 VTS went against RJ's C30-R around the 'Ring. :)

@Adrenaline - Avid is included in the etc. area. ;)

HeHe don't get all bent out of shape you were the one helping support my point about how fast the SRT4 is...in a straight line at least. I know you do FFs, and do them well.
Just talking a little smack for the camera's is all. Course it never hurts to polish your reputation once in a while by showing you can still walk the walk as well as talk the talk...how about putting tune in the shootout?
Then who is the 4th? RKM, LDP and MFT are the only 3 that come to mind for me.

I'm always late to the party, but ask the other three about GME and check the cars I've pitted against them in the past in GT4. ;) Besides, where were all of you during that time?? That's right, you weren't here. Hence why you don't know about the Big 4.

And at GVS when you decided a rematch was in order.

In fact, didn't you give up the first time we tried GVS with both cars on S3s? Oh, right. :P Anyway I'll be participating in this FF shootout with whatever I can, going to make Roj build a newer Atenza to 500PP then I'll make settings off the top of my head. :lol:

:lol: That's because I tune for online, so I had R3's on initially and when I changed to S3's and saw the dramatic change and had my butt handed to me by yourself, the car went on the shelf for a bit for redevelopment. Mind you, I notice your C4 at RKM on S3's only has 386hp, so I see you guys couldn't master it either at full power. :P But the car is a lot more controllable on S3's than it used to be even with it's near 500hp. ;)

HeHe don't get all bent out of shape you were the one helping support my point about how fast the SRT4 is...in a straight line at least. I know you do FFs, and do them well.
Just talking a little smack for the camera's is all. Course it never hurts to polish your reputation once in a while by showing you can still walk the walk as well as talk the talk...how about putting tune in the shootout?

I saw the edit after I posted but I wasn't bent out of shape at all, I just provided the facts to you. :) Let's just say the monkeys and I will be talking tonight and throwing some ideas together and we'll see how we go. :cool:
I saw the edit after I posted but I wasn't bent out of shape at all, I just provided the facts to you. :) Let's just say the monkeys and I will be talking tonight and throwing some ideas together and we'll see how we go. :cool:

With all due respect, as we are friends, but in my personal opinion, anything you've done up until GT5 holds zero value. By my count, you have yet to produce a single tune for GT5. Dragging can hardly be considered an accomplishment worthy of being considered amongst the likes of RKM, LDP and MFT. Now, that's not to discredit dragging, or you personally, as I do know first hand, how successful you are in the Online Drag world of GT5. But the point remains, anything outside of GT5, means nothing in regards to your accomplishments of GT5. So, until you finally start releasing tunes, that can compete or beat the aforementioned 3, then I find the claim to be laughable at best. Again, I mean no disrespect by this comment, I'm just stating my opinion on the matter.
With all due respect, as we are friends, but in my personal opinion, anything you've done up until GT5 holds zero value. By my count, you have yet to produce a single tune for GT5. Dragging can hardly be considered an accomplishment worthy of being considered amongst the likes of RKM, LDP and MFT. Now, that's not to discredit dragging, or you personally, as I do know first hand, how successful you are in the Online Drag world of GT5. But the point remains, anything outside of GT5, means nothing in regards to your accomplishments of GT5. So, until you finally start releasing tunes, that can compete or beat the aforementioned 3, then I find the claim to be laughable at best. Again, I mean no disrespect by this comment, I'm just stating my opinion on the matter.

Your opinion is fine, but it doesn't hold much weight if you look at what's happened here at GTPlanet. Look at GME when it started, MUCH later than the others in GT4 because guess what.......I WAS MORE FOCUSED ON DRAG!! ALWAYS HAVE BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE!! Circuit tuning has always been a side dish to me. I've done the same thing with GT5, I'M MORE FOCUSED ON DRAG!! Also, I wasn't going to open my garage when a whole heap of noobs come in claiming to be the best tuner and coming out with absolute 🤬 garbage. Now, was I going to launch during that time and be grouped in with them?? HELL NO!!

Not to mention, I don't release ANYTHING that I'm not satisfied with and if that means I release the cars in 2012, then that's the case. I'm not lowering my standards to make sure I have x amount of cars released before the others, nor am I competing for the best lap times. I'm always of the opinion that a better feeling car is better than straight out lap times but since we play online now, I focus on both so you can live with the car and not have something that will bite your hand off everytime you push the boundaries as a lot of people on here have released and still have great laptimes. You've seen me personally come out to Trial Mountain (where you live basically, never see you on another track!!) and come against you guys with cars that were massively underpowered or weren't right against the competition.......hell, I raced my SRT-4 against you guys in JGTC's and kept up.

As for your tuning "competitions", they were a joke to me in all honesty and hence why I never competed in them. Your format is flawed and always will be flawed and I have always said that. A car isn't judged purely on lap times, it's judged on all factors including drivability, handling, versatility meaning that different driving styles can still attain very similar lap times aswell as raw performance, not just who can average the best hotlap from x amount of test monkeys. So forgive me if I say that your competitions are "laughable" because that's how I always saw it and will continue to see it until you bring in a format that allows more flexibility in a)The judging criteria and b)What people want to bring to the party, your choices of cars are just :yuck: and that's the bottom line from me. Not meaning to offend you but that's MY opinion.
Then, your opinion, is that you completely agree, you have done nothing in GT5 yet.

When you do, I don't doubt they'll be of a very high quality, but until you do, it means nothing. By my memory, the only rooms you and I have ever been in together, was 1 drag racing room last week, and prior to that 'bowling' at TGTT. If your SRT4 can keep up with my JGTC, then you're a great driver. I've never spoken poorly of your driving, nor have I spoken highly of my driving skills or lap times, especially not in an attempt to act superior, when I know I'm not. So trying to use that as an argument for a topic completely unrelated is just an attempt to try and belittle me. And to belittle, is to be little.

My point was, is and will remain, that until you produce something, anything, for GT5, you can not and will not, be commonly considered part of the 'Big 4'.
On the day of your late arrival, then by all means, you shouldn't have any issues claiming your spot on the podium. But until then, it means nothing. No more, no less.
Hi crispychicken,
Your video sounds like a great idea, I am looking forward to it. Hope you get the mechanic/tunes you're looking for in this thread.

Would be really cool if you could throw in some silly left-field stuff. Here's some ideas off the top of my head:
- jumping over a row of VW busses
- furthest witches-hat (aka orange safety cone) throw
- Kei cars playing soccer using a witches hat as the ball
- calligraphy competitions using skid marks (ala the Top Gear episode with the Viper)
- synchronised drifting on the grass
- highest speed in reverse

All the best,
And about 80% of the tuning garages here are not mechanics and would not know how to change a head gasket, or even bust out ball joints. Tuning a car on GT5 does not make you a mechanic. I have yet to figure out how and or why GT5 made the game with the ability to tune camber and toe on a straight rear axle car such as the mustang and challenger. It's Impossible. I'm just speaking from experience as I am a licensed mechanic that works for a Mercedes corporate dealership.

I think it's a cool and neat idea what you are doing, but you should say send it to our garage to get tuned. Not our mechanic.
I have yet to figure out how and or why GT5 made the game with the ability to tune camber and toe on a straight rear axle car such as the mustang and challenger. It's Impossible. I'm just speaking from experience

Then your experience must not extend to the race track.
Take a look at any serious circle track car, I guarantee they're running rear camber, most likely with the Ford 9inch rear end. For 20,000 credits for a Fully Custom Suspension, and another 15,000 for the Custom LSD, it had damn well better have adjustable camber/toe.
I'm just speaking from experience as I am a licensed mechanic that works for a Mercedes corporate dealership.

So your a Computer Technician? Just kidding. The game Let's us do crazy ish, just think of it like paying 20 G's to build it one ;)

A good example would be the Rouch Mustang (that murders the Shelby GT500) the Stang has ancient suspension. How they justify being too cheep to give their Pony full independent suspension is beyond me, then to keep it in the GT500 is retarded. It seems Ford had some unused Truck Engines to get rid of and had Shelby slap that Donkey together. Rouch on the other hand built the Best Stang that Chassis could produce, THEY rebuilt the back end with Full independent suspension.
So your a Computer Technician? Just kidding. The game Let's us do crazy ish, just think of it like paying 20 G's to build it one ;)

A good example would be the Rouch Mustang (that murders the Shelby GT500) the Stang has ancient suspension. How they justify being too cheep to give their Pony full independent suspension is beyond me, then to keep it in the GT500 is retarded. It seems Ford had some unused Truck Engines to get rid of and had Shelby slap that Donkey together. Rouch on the other hand built the Best Stang that Chassis could produce, THEY rebuilt the back end with Full independent suspension.

I agree with you on the GT500 mustang. I don't know if they new 2011 gt500 is independent or not, or even the new 5.0L mustang. Haven't seen underneath one of those yet.

A computer technician? They do deal with alot of computers in the car, but you half to understand how to run the scan tool before you can even diagnose anything and know what your looking for. People would be surprised but a dealership like Mercedes, we do the same work as at a ford or chevy dealership, it's just Mercedes doesn't sell trucks. We still do front end work and lots of engine work and maintenance.

Then your experience must not extend to the race track.
Take a look at any serious circle track car, I guarantee they're running rear camber, most likely with the Ford 9inch rear end. For 20,000 credits for a Fully Custom Suspension, and another 15,000 for the Custom LSD, it had damn well better have adjustable camber/toe.

You didn't understand what I was getting at do you. You can not adjust camber and toe on a solid rear axle that is rear wheel drive. I understand that you can do it in the game, the point I was getting at is that it's not possible in real life.
You didn't understand what I was getting at do you. You can not adjust camber and toe on a solid rear axle that is rear wheel drive. I understand that you can do it in the game, the point I was getting at is that it's not possible in real life.

I repeat, go to any circle track, and take a look at the rear end.
Not GT5 Circle tracks, a real life track.
Or pick a Sunday of your choice, and turn on NASCAR.