Well since the locked 9/11 threads are redirected to post 15 of this thread all the time, I'll take advantage of those redirections by bumping it up again
So I have just watched this movie because one of the locked topics refered to it, and I had nothing to do anyway.
Duke, post 15 was really smart, but I cant expect you to cover EVERYTHING in that post right away.
I just wonder what happened to these things:
-Why didn't the gouverment release the security tapes of the buildings surrounding the Pentagon?
-Has there really been a claim that a passport from one of the terrorists of the WTC was found?! while..
-The blackboxes are just gone? Or have never been really investigated?
-What explains the hotspots found in the basement of the twin towers? The hotspots that were twice as hot as the raging inferno in the upper part of the world trade center?
-This is weard: Al Quaida COMPLETELY knew the weak spots of the Twin Towers right? The WTC was build for a plane crash into it, I heard once? Well if Al Quaida thought it out that well, why would they hit the Pentagon in the renovated section

That would mean there had been a huge difference in the preperation of the Pentagon compared to the WTC, almost looking like 2 completely seperate attacks.
-Cellphone calls from the hostages in the planes, while it's almost impossible to get a connection at high altitudes.
-Post 15 had images of the engine proving that there WAS a plane, but I think it could STILL be from a rocket seeing that a rocket needs an engine too.
I mean I believe everything happens with logic behind it. But half of the 9/11 stuff just doesn't make sence

I'm not out to believe this conspiracy stuff, heck I would be glad if someone could assure me that gouverments can be trusted. But this kinda leaves me unanswered and kinda...scared because after all, there COULD still be a possibilty that this was done by their own gouverment.