Loose change conspiracy

  • Thread starter Delirious
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This is funny because just this morning a co-worker was going on about this because he discovered this documentary about a week ago (where's he been) and I posted him some of the stuff in this thread and he just wrote me an email saying that it debunks nothing and that I am just naive to believe what the government wants to spoon feed me. (As opposed to jumping in line with documentarians with an agenda?)

I was tempted to just link him this thread so that he could see that it isn't as if I just looked at the video and then walked off but had debated on this with people for a long time. He couldn't say anything I hadn't already heard by now. I just let it go though.

I haven't said anything to him about this yet. I am waiting for him to say something.
You think you can just "trust" the BBC? Man, you KNOW that BBC is owned by the oil companies, don't you? It's all a ploy to harvest our bodies for energy. People think "The Matrix" was just a movie, but let me tell you: it was actually supposed to be a documentary, but the U.S. Government didn't want you to see it, so the movie studio passed it off as a fictional film. You have to open your eyes, man... This is where you should be getting your news.

Oh crap! I'm out of aluminum foil!

*tries to run to kitchen, but trips over bottles of urine stored in living room*
You think you can just "trust" the BBC? Man, you KNOW that BBC is owned by the oil companies, don't you? It's all a ploy to harvest our bodies for energy. People think "The Matrix" was just a movie, but let me tell you: it was actually supposed to be a documentary, but the U.S. Government didn't want you to see it, so the movie studio passed it off as a fictional film. You have to open your eyes, man... This is where you should be getting your news.

Oh crap! I'm out of aluminum foil!

*tries to run to kitchen, but trips over bottles of urine stored in living room*

TM, I got one thing to say to you. You're an instigator! You know it. You...you...Oooo!

Now, the video is important. But, for the record and because I like being an instigator too, I didn't see the plane before it hit the building. Just a big explosion. I'm in no way condoning conspiracy, mainly because conspirators are pussies and I hate them, but I'm just saying what I actually observed in the video.

Now this damn thread is alive again. What'll one more post hurt, right?
Yes it's all fake! 9/11 was Bush's doing, the CIA shot JFK, we never landed on the moon, Elvis is ALIVE, and Aliens landed at Roswell!
And the Earth isn't even round! It's a flat 5000 year old rock that was made in 7 days!

Oh I expected a different tape this time, but this is the same tape as the one I saw before...
It was faked! They took this long to fake the footage!


BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

n00b! The US Government is all powerful! They could fake that in a month...

It just took this long for them to kill off all the people associated with that footage, so nobody could squeal... :dopey:
The same film company that is making Snakes On A Plane have recieved government funding to create this mocked up computer generated footage as a side project. I do not need any more discussion on this, Hollywood and the US government are behind it all!

The US government wants terrorism to be bigger and badder, scary in the public eye, so they can legitimately invade and control countries with oil. Hollywood is going badly recently and needs a new source of 'bad guys' now the cold war is over. IT IS A MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL AGREEMENT!
Hollywood actors just fake being all left-wing to put you all off the scent!
Oh I expected a different tape this time, but this is the same tape as the one I saw before...
The new tape has not been released yet. It's said to be a collection of sequences from several neighboring businesses' security cameras. It should be available in a few days.
The new tape has not been released yet. It's said to be a collection of sequences from several neighboring businesses' security cameras. It should be available in a few days.
That's good. I hadn't heard this and was thinking that this was stuff I had already seen. That said, I do see a plane in the second (farther away) video.


You can see where I labeled what appears to be the tail fin of the plane and an exhaust or debris trail behind it. With a size reference to the Pentagon that is a very large object with a large tail fin that would seem out of proportion for any rockets/missiles that I am aware of.

If that were a rocket or missile then that tail fin would be over one story tall. That's a huge rocket/missile.

I hope whatever other video footage they release is actual 24 fps motion video so that a clear image of a jet can be seen. Unfortunately the cameras are meant to capture multiple images of vehicles moving no faster than 5-10 mph, not jetliners screaming in at 300-400 mph. These videos still leave CTs room to speculate, despite the blurs being extremely huge compared to cruise missiles.

Somebody should set a cruise missile out in that field at the area the jet came in at and show the size difference between the blur and an actual cruise missile.
Delirious XVII

I didn't think this would be well suited for the america thread due to the magnitude of this video (1 hour long video)

A conspiracy that america itself planned the attack of 9/11...

Watch and discuss.

You can thank the NeoCon Trotskyite dual-citizen Zionist scum for September 11 ... thank "Larry 'PULL-IT' Silverstein" and the Zionist pigs that occupy The Whitehouse.
Let's hope decent Americans will eventually kick some butt and clear these DEAMONS out before they start another war based on total lies.
That's good. I hadn't heard this and was thinking that this was stuff I had already seen. That said, I do see a plane in the second (farther away) video.


You can see where I labeled what appears to be the tail fin of the plane and an exhaust or debris trail behind it. With a size reference to the Pentagon that is a very large object with a large tail fin that would seem out of proportion for any rockets/missiles that I am aware of.

If that were a rocket or missile then that tail fin would be over one story tall. That's a huge rocket/missile.

I hope whatever other video footage they release is actual 24 fps motion video so that a clear image of a jet can be seen. Unfortunately the cameras are meant to capture multiple images of vehicles moving no faster than 5-10 mph, not jetliners screaming in at 300-400 mph. These videos still leave CTs room to speculate, despite the blurs being extremely huge compared to cruise missiles.

Somebody should set a cruise missile out in that field at the area the jet came in at and show the size difference between the blur and an actual cruise missile.

I disagree , it looks exactly like a cruise missile to me.
Do you realise how big a 757 jetliner is bro ?
Have a look here http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2006/170506reallylook.htm and have a listen here , it's interesting but I don't necissarily agree with all of his viewshttp://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith-17May2006.mp3
this is a good video site http://www.currentissues.tv/ click on the pics...

No more American , Australian nor English soldiers should die or be mamed for life for these NEO-CON bastards ! (that's not a swear word btw)
FoolKiller, I can't make out a god damn thing by looking at that picture.

All I can make out is two horizontal white things under your "Exhaust" point that are seperated by a sort of black thingy. The white thing on the bottom looks of fluffy, the one on top looks solid, sort of like fuselage. I don't really know why your "tailfin" point is aimed directly at the box that controls the gate.
I disagree , it looks exactly like a cruise missile to me.
Do you realise how big a 757 jetliner is bro ?
Have a look here http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/may2006/170506reallylook.htm and have a listen here , it's interesting but I don't necissarily agree with all of his viewshttp://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith-17May2006.mp3
this is a good video site http://www.currentissues.tv/ click on the pics...

No more American , Australian nor English soldiers should die or be mamed for life for these NEO-CON bastards ! (that's not a swear word btw)
OK, settle down, and read through some of the other Loose Change threads.'

Your GT4 driving style apparently matches your politics.
Do you realise how big a 757 jetliner is bro ?
The 757 is one of the skinniest jetliners in the air. Boeing designed it that way for better fuel consumption, but airlines weren't particularily thrilled about it, since it reduced the number of passengers they could fit in the cabin.
OK, settle down, and read through some of the other Loose Change threads.'

Your GT4 driving style apparently matches your politics.

Thanks for that constructive criticism , I'm not sure if comparing my oppinions on real life events that effect us all has anything to do with my n00bish driving ability though.

settle down ? did I post something offensive ?

www.infowars.com - listen online !!!
I disagree , it looks exactly like a cruise missile to me.
Do you realise how big a 757 jetliner is bro ?
Do you realize how big that building is bro? That is a 77 ft 3.5 inch tall (24 m)wall. Use that as reference to how big the object, which appears small at a distance, is. That would make that cruise missile out to be a few dozen feet thick, at least. That sounds more like an oversized ICBM. Wait, I think we just figured it out. :dopey:

FoolKiller, I can't make out a god damn thing by looking at that picture.

All I can make out is two horizontal white things under your "Exhaust" point that are seperated by a sort of black thingy. The white thing on the bottom looks of fluffy, the one on top looks solid, sort of like fuselage. I don't really know why your "tailfin" point is aimed directly at the box that controls the gate.
Let me try and make it more clear.

This is one frame before the picture I posted.

No white trail and no point sticking up above the gate box.

This is the picture I posted.

The tail fin points to the point now sticking up above the gate box and there is a white trail behind it.

Then here I outlined the tail fin in red.

I hope that helps. Maybe if you watch the video. That frame is at 24 seconds on the You Tube site. I just know that I was watching it at work and I said, "There it is," and the guy that sits next to me said, "Yep, you can see the tail." So, we are either both seeing things or it is there.

As I said before hopefully we will get some full motion cameras from surrounding areas and not just this 1fps security gate camera that isn't intended to catch clear pictures of anything moving faster than 50-60 mph.
I don't even have to watch this to know it's crap. To suggest it's some kind of conspiracy is frankly stupid, short sighted, and makes a joke of the people who died.
OMG!!11!! A crappy, lo-res video with a tiny cylidrical blur confirms it's a missile!!!11 It's teh government that did it!!!11!!

This is why I hate conspiracy theorists. It's just like concluding bigfoot reality from some bad footage, and saying a tiny black speck in the sky constitutes a flying saucer.
Okay, I just watched the video, both of them, actually. I don't know how to do the whole screen shot thing though, so I can't make a picture. Course, I don't really feel like it right now.
Anyway, I can see the "stabilizer" that you point out, though it's very unclear. What I can say is that this "exhaust" you speak of isn't exhaust. When's the last time you saw a plane blowing white smoke, like it was burning coolant? Anyway, this smoke is a plume of dirt. The plane slid across the ground before it hit the building.
But you know what, I don't need a video sample to decide if it was a plane that hit the pentagon--I think all the pictures of airplane parts and wreckage strewn about is prrof enough. I don't believe we can pack enough explosives into one of our cruise missiles to make a hole that big in a building as thick as the pentagon anyway.
Okay, I just watched the video, both of them, actually. I don't know how to do the whole screen shot thing though, so I can't make a picture. Course, I don't really feel like it right now.
I went old school and just hit the print screen button with the video paused and then pasted into Paint wher I cropped it and drew the lines. I was doing it at work so it was pretty much all I had to use.

What I can say is that this "exhaust" you speak of isn't exhaust. When's the last time you saw a plane blowing white smoke, like it was burning coolant? Anyway, this smoke is a plume of dirt. The plane slid across the ground before it hit the building.
Right, that is why I said exhaust or debris field. Having never seen a jetliner flying at ground level at a few hundred miles an hour I couldn't tell what it was. I thought it might also be debris and trash sucked in behind it.

But you know what, I don't need a video sample to decide if it was a plane that hit the pentagon--I think all the pictures of airplane parts and wreckage strewn about is prrof enough. I don't believe we can pack enough explosives into one of our cruise missiles to make a hole that big in a building as thick as the pentagon anyway.
Well, with people like Celtic Fury and my coworker I felt it needed actual pointing out. It's probably a waste of my time considering lists of witnesses and pictures of plane parts (their biggest argument) doesn't stop them. According to my coworker I am just naive and allowing myself to be spoonfed whatever the government wants me to believe. :rolleyes:

Perhaps I should direct him to my posts in the domestic spying thread.
You may consider Loose Change to be dismissable crackpots & they are a bit broadbase in the conspiracy department

but heres Physics Professor Steven E Jones taking a peer review academic papers approach to the problem of Data Falsification.

Watch the whole thing if you dare, but it is up to you to seek truth & accuracy. Or blather to cover fear & ignorance.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth.

The WTC7site.

So i had to get these up before the usual crew come along to inject this one w/ sleeping sickness.

It may be only a drunk & unemployable conspiracy horse.

It has the sleeping sickness from too much dutch s&m.

OH NOES! Its not DEAD is it?

p.s the truth, science & responsible americans will never acheive this condition.
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