Lose ffb after motor upgrade g29 (video)

  • Thread starter BND


Hi everyone. Not too long ago I have tried to upgrade the motors of my G29 to a more powerful version ( RS-555PH-18150 ). I have used the following guide as a starting point:

Everything went okay. The wheel is working and it is recognised correctly by the operating system. But there is a big problem, found on this video:

Basically, the motors cover the complete rotation (tested with ghub) but at the end, when they have to stop, they behave in the way saw on the video.
No gearing is out of axis and no broken parts. We also have upgraded the power supply to a 24V 5A.

We tried the following actions:
-Remove and reseat the motors, gears and board connections
-Lube the gears with a better solution
-Uninstall and reinstall drivers
-Update the os and all the programs to the latest version
-Change maximum rotation
So far, none of the previous actions has been successful.

Thank you in advance for any tips and help.
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I'm not really following what the problem is exactly.

With the wheel's PSU plugged in, when you plug the USB cable into to your PC or console it should:
  1. Turn the wheel clockwise continuously until it hits the hard stop
  2. Turn the wheel anti-clockwise 2.5 turns (900 degrees) until it hits the hard stop the other way
  3. Turn clockwise again 1.25 turns (450 degrees)
  4. Stop
What does your wheel do instead?

(Edit: I did watch the video, but that seems to be someone forcing the wheel against the clockwise stop and it makes a sound like an annoyed elephant, but I can't work out how that's relevant to the problem you've got?)
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hi, thanks for your reply, i'll try to explain, the calibration is okay, in game there isnt any ussue and i'm not tryng to force anything there is a ffb lose in maybe the last 5 degree in both directions, the gear under the mb on g29 is connected to another gear that is ''horizontal'', this gear limits the r/l wheel rotation, in the video if you see when i turn the camera and i try to show the problem into the g29, it seems that this ffb lose it happen in the last 10mm before the end of the rotation, i don't know why but in game is pretty annoyng expecially in drifting,
sorry for my bad english
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So are you referring to the wheel acting like there's an extra spring that increases the force acting against you so you can't really use the last 5 degrees (approximately) in games? If so, that's normal, the wheel does that to reduce your ability to smash the wheel shaft into the end stop.
Nop the wheel does the opposite, in this 5 degrees i lose all the ffb an make easier to smash the shaft to the end part of the gear
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