There seems to be a common misconception about what a sim is. A sim is not meant to replicate reality. A sim is meant to replicate aspects of reality. That is the key. You don't see any so called sim making you pack up your car in a truck, drive it to the track, unload it, push it into the pits, fuel it, drive it out onto the track, do a warm up lap, and find your spot on the grid. Most of that would be tedious stuff. No one claims that magically appearing in the right spot on the starting grid is unsim like. Why? Because the sim isn't trying to replicate those aspects of reality. A sim lets you skip those aspects of reality that you don't want to deal with. With that in mind if you want to simulate doing turn 9 of track x what is unsim like about using rewind to do it? Nothing, it is letting you skip aspects of reality that you want to skip at the time (turns 1-8 and 10-40) so you can concentrate on what you want to at that time. Simulations have a lot of potential as learning tools because they allow you to do things that can't be done in real life. If people continue to take a narrow view of what a simulation is, that potential will remain untapped.