And you conviently forget about the 25% who would never use it. Way to twist the poll results.
I thought the poll was setup so you could vote no you don't want it and the the never use it part was an optional extra so it's not ANOTHER 25% it's just to same person voting on two different poll options at once... maybe I am wrong, I already voted and thought I voted for I won't use it but also voted I want it becuase I think it woudl help others and not hurt me. That's why I am only counting the wants, don't wants, and don't cares. I said up front though the poll had too many choices. I think this one is better than the previous, but has too many choices.
Those who don't care probably won't use rewind. So -1 again for rewind.
You can't really posite that. How many things have you seen and though "what's the point of that" and once you use it you realize "holy cow this is aweseom" and now it's part of your daily life. So no, you can't assume that because you don't care now you won't use it later... many of those who don't care now might well try it, totally like it and be happy it's in! That's kind of how don't care works.
Why should GT be dumbed down further then it already is? It's because of the causals mainstream we don't have insanely realistic damage. Kaz even mentioned this himself, saying that your average crash at Daytona would shatter your car, and he wasn't sure if most people would like that.
Forcing Rewind on everyone would dumb down GT, I mean if every crash resulted in a rewind then yes it would. But as an option it doesn't dumb down GT, it provides an optional tool, that if you don't use, then had no effect whatsoever on your GT experience.
Why should it be there? I think we all hate bad drivers... we all especially hate the ones that gave up learning how to drive well and the only fun they can have is smashing you around online...
We should give as many tools as we can to learning and weaker drivers in hopes that they will use then to learn how to improve rather than just give up.
And again, assuming that rewind dumbs down anything is just that an assumption. It provides a facet that can be exploited and abused, but so does almost anything else. It could turn out to be a great learning tool that helps a lot of bad drivers become decent drivers... woudl you consider that dumbing down GT?
GTP is by far the largest and most diverse GT website on the internet. What is said or thought up here is the best it gets. We dont have to go polling the entire world to get an answer about rewind. Sorry.
Someone better alert facebook and myspace
I don't think that's true and I don't think it's even something you could come close to arguing succesfully with factual data.
First off, it's a gaming forum, so it's already less diverse than forums which don't cater to gaming alone.
I am a member of lots of forums, and I can tell you that GTP is neither the biggest nor most diverse forum I belong to let along any forum and let alone any WEBSITE.
Sorry, unless you have some data and graphs to back that up (which I don't think you do because it's a pretty outrageous claim) I am going to say you are totally making a false statement.
To use my gun control analogy, you MIGHT be at the biggest shooting range in the world, but even then, you aren't at the biggest building in the world and you are still polling a skewed audience.
Pretty bad excuse here for rewind failing in every poll and in every forum its been brought up.
It's not an excuse, it's a statement. BTW do you mean every forum, or the GT5 forum here at GTP? Becuase I would be curiuos how you searched every forum on the whole internets to find that out.
And as I said, numbers don't make you right. Do you think we should go communist because China did? I mean they have a much larger population so they must be right?
The serious ones are the ones that matter.
Depends on what you are addressing... from a marketing and sales standpoint, the casual players $ is just as green as yours or mine.
I dont think its flawed, every single Forza video i have seen features large amounts of rewind. I'm really sure someone is going tos pend the first month rewinding, and when they finally got it down they race 5 laps clean and on the 6th lap crash, you think they won't rewind? yeah right.
Well, considing I have played a lot of Grid and it had rewind and I rewound the crap out of it in the begining until the novelty wore off... yes I do think people will eventually grow out of rewind, just like people grow out of using the T in tball.
There are 2 signifncant kinds of people, those who play to get better and want a challege, and those who play to play and don't care if they get better and thus probably won't.
For the former group, rewind will be a great starting tool that they will outgrow. Eventually the challenge and satisfaction of doing it without rewind will ween them off it, just like training wheels and baseball Ts.
The latter group... well they weren't really giong to get better anyway, they were the "7 year old boys" (generalization) who want to smash stuff and screw around and don't care. They are just going to be as bad as they were anyway.
So you can help some and the others... well they are just as bad as before. So it seems why not help those you can and the others, hey that's how it was gonna be anyway.
BTW the Forza demo has been out for a few days/weeks right? And there are lots of videos showing off the new feature (which admittedly can be quite fun and some eye candy)? I wouldn't say that's enough to base too much of an opinion of the long term on. I mean a huge number of the videos for any racing game invovle spectacular crashes... does that mean that most people are only interested in crashing?
Sorry that some things can't be tested with flasks inside a labatory and rather are common sense. If you dont want to accept it, then too bad.
Yes, the point was common sense says that a few games already have rewind, and nothing earthshatteringly bad has happened due to it, so if you are giong to draw any conclusions, it should be that your fears are unfounded.
As I said, your example was flawed because you picked something in which empircal evidence (ie it actually happened before) says you are right.
In this case, empirical evidence says you are wrong.
Again, b-spec is a totally different mode from a-spec. Two totally different things. One is a race manager mode where you are SUPPOSE to manage the AI driver during the race.
And they both let you complete the race and B spec doesn't in any way make you a better driver. At least rewind means you had to finish the race and if you had to make the turn (even if it took you 10 tries) that's more likely to improve your driving skills than not doing it at all right?
I am not saying b spec isn't different from A spec, I am just saying it has even less merrit than rewind in terms of any postive effect on the player.
Heres something for you to prove.
Prove they will outgrow rewind.
Because I dont think they will
Well it's fine you don't think they will. But just remember that's what you think, that's all and that it's not in any way a fact.
Now as for proof? Well as you said, some things can't be proved in a laboratory with test tubes, so the only proof I could offer is to look around at empircal evidecne in similar situations and draw an educated guess:
Personal experience: Every driving aid to date I have tried. Early on in my gaming days I needed most of them and to some point badly. The result, I outgrew them. That's just me though, not a large sample by anymeans, but it proves that it's at least possible.
Look at similar situations: Training wheels, baseball T's, Bumpers in bowling and mulligans in golf. How many people have you seen who don't outgrow those things eventually? Logic says that by human nature, outgrowing your handicaps and aids is what most people will do. Not saying everyone will, but quite a few.
So I can't time travel and do a study and find absolute proof for you, but the educated guess certainly seems to favor outgrowing your aids.
So yeah... what you seem to have is a fear of something bad happening rampantly that hasn't happened yet in other circumstances where this same device has already been implimented and seems fear driven of the worst case scenario. It's like the fear that legalizing marijuana will bring rampant crime and violence with widespread drug use... Well... we look at countries which have legalized marijuana and we see that fear is unfounded...
I am not saying you are absoutely certainly wrong, I am not psychic and I can't tell what the future brings.
But what I am saying is that you are ignoring reason in favor of fear and eschewing logic in favor of irrationality.