Lotus Elise World Tour | Saturday Racing Series | Round Six: 7th Jan

  • Thread starter DaxCobra

Next Series. What do you want it to be?

  • European Sports Car Challenge

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Hopefully we will have a bigger race when we continue in the new year.

Have a good Christmas and new year.

Good win yesterday Dax, but personally I think that track would be a better TT circuit, or maybe good for TOCA, just my opinion. That turn before the awkwardly banked hairpin was awesome!
Good win yesterday Dax, but personally I think that track would be a better TT circuit, or maybe good for TOCA, just my opinion. That turn before the awkwardly banked hairpin was awesome!

Agreed to an extent, I think GVE/R is better for close racing.
Agreed to an extent, I think GVE/R is better for close racing.

Well it could have been the cars, cause TOCA-spec would make and track look good (apart from Madrid Mini) for racing but their is extra racing lines for that track so you can overtake pretty much anywhere, love that track.
Well it could have been the cars, cause TOCA-spec would make and track look good (apart from Madrid Mini) for racing but their is extra racing lines for that track so you can overtake pretty much anywhere, love that track.

It's because the cars are slow so racing will be close anyway.
Boring race, but the track is a good TT track, so it was bearable, first time on the track aswell.👍

About turn 2 lap 1, if anyone is checking the replay I think I've an idea what happened, my brakes started sticking after turn 1(has been happening quite a lot lately), matty and carbon go past, I get a tap, which leads to minor fish-tailing and a couple more taps which send me into a spin and I went straight into a Team_Lotus guy, can't remember carracerptp in it though.

I haven't a clue what happened I just seen carracerptp spin off in front of me so I slowed down and next thing I'm in the wall:/
I haven't a clue what happened I just seen carracerptp spin off in front of me so I slowed down and next thing I'm in the wall:/

I got hit by a "driver (watched the replay - it was avoidable but I don't think it was intentional)" and couldn't make the turn.
I got hit by a "driver (watched the replay - it was avoidable but I don't think it was intentional)" and couldn't make the turn.

I know it wasn't your fault anyway because you were well ahead of me when you spun so i was going to slow down and try go around you when i got slammed into the barrier and had engine damage and tyre damage on three wheels.
I got hit by a "driver (watched the replay - it was avoidable but I don't think it was intentional)" and couldn't make the turn.

I don't think that was me, so there would have been 2 separate incidents at the turn 2. Anyone curious about the incident watch my onboard with throttle and brake indicators. I'm currently trying to fix my sticky brakes.
I don't think that was me, so there would have been 2 separate incidents at the turn 2. Anyone curious about the incident watch my onboard with throttle and brake indicators. I'm currently trying to fix my sticky brakes.

Yes I saw you throttle/brake inputs. You didn't hit me, I was hit be for that.
I don't think that was me, so there would have been 2 separate incidents at the turn 2. Anyone curious about the incident watch my onboard with throttle and brake indicators. I'm currently trying to fix my sticky brakes.
I've had that as well.. usually comes in endurance races.. it's like the spring in the pedal gets weak after a while.. I've fixed it temporarily like this.


(i know beautiful grainy image)
I've had that as well.. usually comes in endurance races.. it's like the spring in the pedal gets weak after a while.. I've fixed it temporarily like this.


(i know beautiful grainy image)

I'm cleaning out the inside of the brake pedal, don't need to clean throttle, that makes you faster.:sly:
Feels a bit weird with it under the right foot at first but i barely notice anymore. Probably could do it in a better way though.
Merry Christmas! Actually most swedes celebrate Christmas the 24th but i'll be doing it the 25th like a real Englishman ;) (Ok that might not have been the main reason but whatever :P )
Merry Christmas! Actually most swedes celebrate Christmas the 24th but i'll be doing it the 25th like a real Englishman ;) (Ok that might not have been the main reason but whatever :P )

I guess that makes me a swede then? :L since I got my presents on the 24/5th near midnight:L
Have a good one guys.

Also, i got some presents on the 23rd, does that make me a super swede?
Merry Christmas! Actually most swedes celebrate Christmas the 24th but i'll be doing it the 25th like a real Englishman ;) (Ok that might not have been the main reason but whatever :P )

Have you yet accepted my friend request on PSN? :dopey:
Well i'm 410 km away from my ps3 so my answer is no ^^

Heck, only once have I ever been so far away from my... err wait, there was no PS3 at that time... well, still :sly:

...And that was long ago on a ship to none other than Stockholm :dopey:
Heck, only once have I ever been so far away from my... err wait, there was no PS3 at that time... well, still :sly:

...And that was long ago on a ship to none other than Stockholm :dopey:

Well that is how far away my parents place is from my home ^^ but i promise to add you when i get home my finish little friend :P

haha nel :)
I don't think that was me, so there would have been 2 separate incidents at the turn 2. Anyone curious about the incident watch my onboard with throttle and brake indicators. I'm currently trying to fix my sticky brakes.

I did something similar like Phouchg, only not so prominent. :)
Screw the bottom from the pedal block open and just put something in the place where the brakepedalspring is sitting.
In my case I folded a part of a paper tissue so small it could fit in there.
This makes the spring come up a bit more as it rests a bit higher.
That took away all my issues with the brakes sticking on 5%.
Just be carefull when opening it up. Not that all kinds of springs will go flying around but just so you can see where everything is placed.
Good luck! 👍
I did something similar like Phouchg, only not so prominent. :)
Screw the bottom from the pedal block open and just put something in the place where the brakepedalspring is sitting.
In my case I folded a part of a paper tissue so small it could fit in there.
This makes the spring come up a bit more as it rests a bit higher.
That took away all my issues with the brakes sticking on 5%.
Just be carefull when opening it up. Not that all kinds of springs will go flying around but just so you can see where everything is placed.
Good luck! 👍

I'll give that a go, thanks Speedy.👍
Why does it always scare me when a Moderators post is one of the last ones on my thread? :D

Haha, too funny. :lol:
Just helping you guys out from something I have had too.
Mods are just people too, you know. ;)
speedys solution sounds a bit more discrete ^^ mine was done during an endurance race so didn't really have time to think out that kind of solution :P
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