Love Parade 2010: 21 dead, 511 wounded

  • Thread starter Ibonibo


Already paying my Isp 4 Access
So as in enough news today and yesterday, the Love Parade 2010 was a complete disaster.

the city of Duisburg and the Organizer put the event on a spot for 350000 people. Well known of the last years events, the event attracts more than a million people. The spot was sealed down to "safen" the people of the nearby autobahn and trainrails.
Not only the place was too small and confined. No they organized the entry and exit for the event on one little strait 2lane tunnel for 1 000 000 people to enter and exit the event.

At 5 o'clock a mass panik started and people were run down.
Final report : 19 dead (11 females/ 8 males / 7 foreigners) 511 wounded. No more Love Parade

As is this was not enough the local police, the city and organizer see the fault in the reaction of the people and not their organization.
they say people died because they wanted to take shortcuts which is not what happend as you can see for yourself on youtube videos.
police were blocking people off because their orders (some police officer did help, and acted humanly)
The dead were evacuated 7 hours later.

This is sad. Germans who have legislation for everything, and are good organisers.... i can not help but thinking : push income up, push costs down (by not letting the parade happen in downtown)

The next weeks and months will tell us if justice will be made or not. The organization was unacceptable and I hope that some people heads will roll (police chief and mayor need to take responsiblity for their acts like decent people and not begin to blame the organizer alone)

to all the families and friends of the wounded and deceased : my deppest regret. :ill::ill:
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Is this the Techno Viking thing or is that Hate Parade?

You can't blame the people in a trampling incident, because organizers have should take into account the hysteria that can occur in a panic.
It could be, Love Parade is in West Berlin and IIRC the Techno Viking was wandering around at a "dance music festival in Berlin".
I went and found out. It's not HateParade, it's F---Parade. I figured it was something like that though.

Too bad about those people though. Such a shame.
According to Bild, there was room for 250k people. With past years being visited by well over 1m people, I think it's safe to say both organisation and local authorities screwed up big time.
I'm not entirely sure why I've heard so many people blaming the police for not controlling the crowd, it's completely the organisers fault. Since when do you ever have a single entrance and exit to a venue? Never. There didn't seem to be any directional lanes to keep everyone moving at a similar pace and avoiding people walking against the main crowd when they got turned away. Appalling organisation, the police were doing the best they could from a bad situation.
The Police closed the exit.... :nervous:

BBC News article thing
Police had reportedly closed the exit to the tunnel and were telling those trying to get in to turn around when panic broke out, although the exact circumstances of the stampede are still not clear.
It also says:

Police said that no-one had died inside the tunnel.

Deputy police chief Detlef von Schmeling said: "Fourteen people died on the metal steps leading away from the tunnel, two on a wall outside the tunnel."

So if the police closed the entry/exit nobody could get in - fair enough, but nobody could get out either... Big 👎 for "organisaion" there!
The problem is that police were given the order to close down the barriers when panic started (they might not have known about the panic). There is a video where you see people trying to run over fences to get out, and police from the other side of the fence pushing back. And when you see the deformed fences , there was huge forces...

But some police officers acted humanly: police man on a big container hapling people get up.

They simply should have opened all the fences when people were screaming for help.

Now can you blame one for executing orders ? That´s what the real term of burocraty is about, what milgam experience is about and it´s in human nature...
But you can reject orders if they are contradary and not suited to the situation in place, and some of the officer did. Kudos for that

Some police officers acted humanly others acted on their orders.

But for sure the police officers are not responsible for the situation as it happend, to blame are those who gave the order to lock the tunnel down.
I blame the police chief of the city for blaming the dead people, and lying people into the face at the press conferance which was a joke.

It´s true what the police said that people died in front of the stairs, but they didn´t try to get a shortcut to the loveparade as police said. They were trying to get out in order to survive.
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Very true. I wasn't really blaming the police, just the fact that the exit was closed by anyone was a stupid idea... :indiff:
Was just to clarify.

Some new facts from today:

The attorny corrected the wounded number up to 511.
Still one person in critical condition.

The police of Duisburg will not participate in the process of investgation due to their involvement in the events. KUDOS for that. (still what the police commissioner of Duisburg said is inadmissible, but he doesn´t represent the whole police force)

At the beginning the Love Parade was a political demonstration. In 2001 it lost this status due to commercial aspect and non-political message.

In 2006 the Concept Love Parade was bought by an business man (Owner of McFit (fitness gyms)). He continued the Love Parade for commercial reasons. This could be a factor for the disaster of saturday. Income UP, Costs down....

The major of the city was boo´ed today when he put flowers down. After he flet the masses....
The city had some regulations for safty loosen, like a plan for urgence (from firedepartement), less exits, exit not as wide as nesessary,....
Police and fire departement and habitants of the city argued about the location and safty weeks before the event

Some videos: Attention this can be hard to watch

Youtube is full of it as are social networks
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The serious wounded has deceased.

now the dead toll is at 20 people.

the organiser only assured the event for 7.5 million €!!

at least he has a private fortune (owner of a big gym) which will be ceasable
a girl (25) died this night because of the severe injuries.

Now the responsibles are pushing the responibility an each other.
What a respect for the deads, wounded and families
Saw the footage of this on the news... I use to frequent parties like this a lot in my past years... but not anymore... This was always one of the concerns in the back of my mind while attending those massive parties. Now everyone can see the devastation caused by poor organization. Its a tragic situation and I hope they can punish the people responsible in some way because this is unacceptable for an event of this scale.
A few Acquaintance (think its the right word,[google-translate]) of me were there, but they celebrated as the disaster begin. Luckily, they survived without Injuries.
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A few Acquaintance (think its the right word,[google-translate]) of me were there, but they celebrated as the disaster begin. Luckily, they survived without Injuries.

My acquaintance were not yet arrived due to traffic. When they heard about the disaster they returned.

As it seems for now (german medias) the main cause was greed.
at least he has a private fortune (owner of a big gym) which will be ceasable

Won't be necessary. In Germany equitable remedies are much, much (about 100 times) lower than in America. Even if all of the 500 still injured people die, the 7.5 million € are enough. I tell you how it will end: the question of guilt can't be answered or it was a chain of unfortunate circumstances. The survivors and the families of the 21 dead ravers won't get anything.
The Love Parade's organizer had a close call himself, 12 days later with his Lambo.

Won't be necessary. In Germany equitable remedies are much, much (about 100 times) lower than in America. Even if all of the 500 still injured people die, the 7.5 million € are enough. I tell you how it will end: the question of guilt can't be answered or it was a chain of unfortunate circumstances. The survivors and the families of the 21 dead ravers won't get anything.

True but normally in Europe the average indemnisation for a human life under those circumstances for insurance are between 250000-500000 *21 is a bit more than the 7500000. And the 500 hospitalized people can get between 5000 100 000€.
Plus the insurance can deny payement because it was an known security issue and that can be viewed as a negligant action from the organisator.
Like if you let you car open and it get stolen you get nothing from the insurance.

lambo : what a idiot this guy is. Money chaser! When i see this face i always hope Dr Steelhammer punshes him (Klitschko, made an ad for him)