Mac Korince Racing

  • Thread starter Mac K
My What?
I figured I'd throw one of these up too.. Bare with me for a little background story first :lol:

Ever since I was a little kid, I've been into anything with 4 wheels on it, my room was lined with posters of cars, my shelves were loaded with model cars and I had a rather extensive (more like still do..) Hot Wheels collection, I don't know what really started it, my dad worked for General Motors for over 30 years, but I think it was just something that happened.. when I was a kid obviously my access to racing was very limited, NASCAR and Formula 1 were about the only things that I could get access to, and at the time I wasn't interested in either. For Christmas one year, prior to going into the first grade (yes I still remember this) I received a model of a Porsche 911 GT2 RSR that raced at Le Mans in 1998, this might have been what sparked my interest in racing I don't know, but I remember that year we had a "what I want to be when I grow up" and it could be anything we wanted, obviously people were picking astronaut, Olympian, hockey player, etc but I stood out as the kid who wanted to race cars, and I even remember bringing that little Porsche with me! My interest in racing started to peak much more over the past couple years and I always thought "could I really do it?".

After that little Porsche, my dad brought me home a beautiful Corvette C5-R, driven by Canadian legend Ron Fellows. The following week Ron would actually be in town doing a meet and greet. I went down with my dad, and politely (well my dad did..) asked Ron to sign my car, he signed it, talked to my dad for a good 10 minutes, and he's been my hero ever since, and is one of the people who inspired me to get into racing. I expressed interest from that point on that I wanted to race Go-Karts, my parents have always been overprotective (and I thank them for it), and it didn't help my cause that my mother was a nurse, so anything with potential for injury was an automatic no. I kept pushing it, but neither of my parents would budge, so eventually I just gave it up and continued on. About 3 years ago my interest in racing sparked up again, probably thanks to the ALMS race I went to at Mosport, so again I really wanted to go racing, but I had no karting experience whatsoever, so again it was a no go and I looked for ways to get involved in the racing world outside of being a driver.

Last summer however, I saw an ad for the Skip Barber Racing School, so after a lot of convincing, my parents agreed to let me try it out. In March of this year, I did the Driving School at Limerock, just to make sure I was comfortable going fast, etc. I ended up fastest of my class and really impressed my instructors so much that I was recommenced to take the 3 Day Racing School. I took the Racing School at the beginning of June, again at Limerock in the Mazda MX-5, I passed that, and I now have my SCCA Regional Racing License, with plans to get my National when I go back in August for the advanced. Up until about a week ago, I was planning on running in the SCCA with a B-Spec car in hopes of getting somewhere, but after a lengthy discussion with my parents, we ended up agreeing on running the Skip Barber Winter Series in the Mazda MX-5 this winter. Once I complete the full season, I'll be able to get my Pro License and hopefully race PlayBoy MX-5 Cup or something similar. My ultimate dream would be to race something at the Le Mans level, but realistically a ride in World Challenge or the Continental Series would be awesome.. So there's my story, I'm writing this at 12 AM so it's not to exciting and won't win any awards, but hey..

Racing in incredibly difficult to get into, I'm not going to lie and anyone even remotely involved in the scene knows this, I understand the challenges that lay ahead, but this is something I want, I'll do whatever it takes to achieve my dream, but I understand if it isn't meant to be, then it isn't meant to be, but it's worth a try right?


October 15th-19th (Skip Barber Summer Series MX-5 Race Weekend @ Limerock)

November 16th-17th (Skip Barber Winter Series MX-5 Race Weekend @ Road Atlanta)

January 18th-19th (Skip Barber Winter Series MX-5 Race Weekend @ Homestead Miami Speedway)

February 15th-16th (Skip Barber Winter Series MX-5 Race Weekend @ Sebring)

April 4th-5th (Skip Barber Winter Series MX-5 Race Weekend @ Sebring)


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If you do end up in MX-5 cup, or at SCCA Runoffs next year over here, you can bet I'll see ya at the track, make a sign, cheer, etc.
Good luck, and kudos to your parents for letting you have a chance! I'm at the age I'm getting too old to really start but would love one.

I can't wait to see how you do overall.
This is great, I really admire you for giving it a go. It is difficult, but I hope it works out for you. I'd love to race in the Continental Series as well, one of those 'would be nice' things. But I know it likely won't happen for me. It's good to see it might come true for someone though. I'll cheer you on if I'm ever at one of those weekends.
I should point out that despite my parents assistance, I'm not having this handed to me nor am I just some rich kid who plans on buying my way into everything, I've been working my butt off recently and have been training as well in an attempt to get in better shape. I'm also not here to gloat, I just want to share what my plans are with my fellow GTP users, thanks for all the kind words :).
I should point out that despite my parents assistance, I'm not having this handed to me nor am I just some rich kid who plans on buying my way into everything, I've been working my butt off recently and have been training as well in an attempt to get in better shape. I'm also not here to gloat, I just want to share what my plans are with my fellow GTP users, thanks for all the kind words :).

Bah, don't worry Mac, I wanna get into rallying soon, but I'm not going to have any financial help. I'm going to insist on not needing it, so that my "sponsors" or business partners can give me a break for my first few seasons, while I learn the tricks of the trade, without having to worry about whether they're going to back out or not.
Proof that having determination and persistence pays off. ;)

Follow your dreams bud, follow your dreams. 👍

Congratulations. Here's hoping you do well. :cheers:
Bah, don't worry Mac, I wanna get into rallying soon, but I'm not going to have any financial help. I'm going to insist on not needing it, so that my "sponsors" or business partners can give me a break for my first few seasons, while I learn the tricks of the trade, without having to worry about whether they're going to back out or not.

If you want a 2nd driver don't hesitate to ask! :P. Good luck! You running with the CRC?
I somehow missed this thread entirely. Awesome Mac, I wish you all the best in your racing and do hope you get where you want to go. Maybe one day I will cheer you passing by between Indianapolis and Arnage! ;)

Keep the news coming! 👍
Wait, who says where Mac wants to end up? I don't know, where he wants to race, and in which series, so how do you?

Speaking of, this is what Mac should PM me. :P
Good luck Mac, your stories are always great to read.👍

Good to know I have something to fall back on then. :lol:You'll have one in about 2 weeks..
I've been making a few contacts recently, I met a few fellow Skip Barber racers at Road America and met and received advice from Leo Parente (fans of /Drive know who he is) and Robin Liddell (Stevenson Camaro in Grand-Am GT, I actually met him last year and he actually remembered me which I thought was pretty cool). I spent a good portion of the weekend racing the rental karts which were actually pretty decent and for sure the best rental karts I've ever driven, they'd hit speeds close to 50MPH and on a tight track can be a lot of fun. I'm leaving for Lime Rock this upcoming Monday for my 2 Day Advanced Skip Barber MX-5 School, so I'm really looking forward to that. The last of my new gear came in today..




-Bell Helmet M4
-HANS device (adjustable)
-Alpinestars GP Tech Racing Suit
-Alpinestars Tech 1T Racing Shoes
-Alpinestars Tech 1Z Racing Gloves
-Alpinestars Balaclava and Nomex Underwear
-Alpinestars Nomex Socks
-Sparco Race Bag
-Go Pro Hero 3+Mounts

Alpinestars underwear not shown but really who wants to see that? :lol:
I'm trying to find the motivation to move up the Autocross/Time attack ladder, and dragging my feet on just getting a Motorsport helmet. All this stuff? Lol.
Mac means business. :lol: 👍

Also, a word of warning, Mac, now that I think about it. The Nomex is surprisingly weak. Follow the instructions when you wash it. Even though I followed the instructions when washing it, they came out with a little bit of frayed material. :scared:
I guess it's story time once again..

Tuesday and Wednesday I was back at Limerock for the 2 Day Advanced Skip Barber school in the MX-5. This time we had much more track time and didn't use the chicane, the first day was some basic warmup on the autocross course, and then some lead follow on the main track (students follow instructors around at a resonable but not flat out pace) to learn the proper line, braking points, etc. We were then allowed to open lap, with passing allowed only on the straights. I ended up setting the fastest lap time and had the best average lap in this session. I had the same 3 instructors as I had in my 3 day school a few months ago, and I'll have them throughout my upcoming "winter series" championship season, so I'm getting to know them really well. The second day was much better, we had a short lesson in the classroom, then the rest of the day was just flat out, 30 minute open lapping sessions with passing drills in the beginning, then once the instructors were satisfied with our progress, then let us open lap. We had a total of four sessions on the second day, two in the morning and two after lunch. I ended up having a pretty good battle in all my sessions with two of my instructors, Eric Ives and John "Murph" Murphy, they were helping me get used to having some run in my mirrors and pressure me so that way I was better prepared for my winter series races. We kept together though the entire session and passed every car but one numerous times. My best lap I've timed so far was a 1:04.8, averaging low to mid 1:05s, which like I said is front runner pace. All 3 of my instructors were very helpful and they all said I was pretty quick, so that was a big confidence booster. With their advice I was able to knock almost 3 seconds off my lap time on the 2nd day, so again it was a great experience. Now I might be contesting a single Summer series round at either Mid-Ohio in September or Lime Rock in October. I'm still not sure if I'll race them, but I will be around for the practice session at one of them for further experience, practice, and coaching. I'll post my on boards periodically over time, they take awhile to edit, process, and upload. First one from the first session of day 2 should be up later today! :)
Mid-Ohio is one of my favourite courses from anything I've driven in simulations.

Even in iRacing, I love Mid-Ohio.

A good driver will build a "toolbox" of talents to draw from. Any chance you get to learn a new track should be taken. Seriously, go to Mid-Ohio. :D You'll learn a lot!
Looks like I'll be in for Limerock, doing the full race weekend in the middle of October. Thing is, I know Limerock so it isn't an issue to learn the track, I'm already a step ahead compared to going to Mid-Ohio. Now all I'll need to focus on is getting better and being a bit more consistent.
Video time, I over drive turn 3 like crazy, especially under pressure. I'll work on that..Filmed on my Go Pro (pardon the wind noise..) instructors in red cars, #42 and #30. Enjoy.

Well my very first race is next week, at Limerock for one final time. It's the finale of the "summer series" so since I'm not a full season competitor I probably won't be placed with the championship leaders (even though I want to). I'll be in an MX-5 Cup again, and right now my schedule looks like this..

Wednesday: Travel
Thursday: Practice session 1&2
Friday: Qualify, Warmup, Race 1
Saturday: Warm Up, Race 2, Banquet
Sunday: Travel

I haven't slept well recently because I'm way too excited :P