Chernobyl was a different kind of reactor.
So people this cloud full of radioactivity can come to Europe too?
So people this cloud full of radioactivity can come to Europe too?
So people this cloud full of radioactivity can come to Europe too?
It wasn't harmless, it's still a serious problem in the UK now and will be in many years into the future.If it's of any consolation, when Chernobyl happened (as entioned above), some fallout did reach the mountains of Wales, but in such tiny amounts that it was harmless.
It wasn't harmless, it's still a serious problem in the UK now and will be in many years into the future.
It depends what you call serious, but it did cause a lot of harm.
If there's one, it's, well, possible, although kinda unlikely because of the distance. The question is, will it "enter" in to the food chain?
can someone in a very simple way answer my question please
is it harmful for people?! how is it gonna affect other country s & which country s
10 years after sheep was still effected and we ain't had any British lamb to the standards it was at before Chernobyl since of Welsh sheep are still failing radioactivity tests a decade after the Chernobyl disaster,
Hundreds. A VERY small percentage.
can someone in a very simple way answer my question please
is it harmful for people?! how is it gonna affect other country s & which country s
10 years after it happened and sheep are still affected was the point i was making yes its small but they are still affected ain't they.
also that's hundreds have failed radioactive tests it don't say how many barely passed the test.
EDIT: it's 3.6 metres in Fukushima-Daiichi 1
Found a nice schematic here. It's missing the auxiliary and ordinary shut-down cooling loops, which are what failed after it shut down.
1316: Noriyuki Shikata, deputy cabinet secretary for public relations for the Japanese prime minister tweets: "Blast was caused by accumulated hydrogen combined with oxygen in the space between container and outer structure. No damage to container." Is the cooling loop that extra bit in this schematic?
Today's winner of the "Zero Excrement, Sherlock" Award, Walt Patterson:
BBC: "Let's have a look at the explosion, what is your view of what happened?"
WP: "Well, there must have been something that blew up..."
None of these sheep 'barely pass' the test. Radioactivity occurs everywhere in nature, naturally, in tiny amounts. These animals either pass, or fail the test. There are none which are 'just safe' or 'affected but edible' ! Scaremongering is not helpful in situations such as this.
and i'm not scaremongering i'm trying to join in with a discussion
but i give up now.
9500 people are missing.
"Precaution", how can they still talk about "precaution"?#
1149: A team from the National Institute of Radiological Sciences has been despatched to Fukushima as a precaution, reports NHK. It is reportedly made up of doctors, nurses and other individuals with expertise in dealing with radiation exposure, and has been taken by helicopter to a base 5km from the nuclear plant.
9500 people are missing.