About not trusting...
I don't consider this to be unusual,
nor a sign of bad manners.
It's NOT unreasonable to think people might cheat if they could get away with it.
After all, people have been known to cheat in the most petty ways.
Some people exit races in RGO just to get pole position.

How petty is that? I mean really?
Sometimes I have seen in replays... people cut the track most deliberately when nobody's around to see it.

And I mean like really mowing the lawn across the inside on Tsukuba or something.
Just so you know, when I see things like that - I do remember the driver, and it makes me more likely to police more of their races looking for other infractions of rules. So be warned. If I see you breaking the rules a little... I'm going to scrutinize your races more.
In my old shuffle rooms, I used to do something maybe a bit petty myself... but out of curiosity... When I would set it to a Rec Garage car... I would wait sometimes to set the tire regs. And see who put racing tires on!

And you know, there were even a couple of REGULARS - who were clean fair drivers... who should've been WELL AWARE that I always set the tire regulations to the stock tires... And SHOULD have piped up & asked about it!
These people would assume I forgot, and try to take advantage of it - even though they could see that everyone else was on the stock tires!!
Not kidding.
So then when I'd set the tire restriction, and they'd be booted from the track - EVERYONE would have a good idea of why.
So yeah, remember, we're all pals here... but that doesn't mean someone might not be tempted to do something. And it's not unreasonable to be concerned about that, and to try and reduce the opportunities to cheat, and reduce temptations to cheat as well.
I've read studies that say even the most honest people could be tempted to cheat "just a little" if they're pretty sure they'll get away with it and nobody will know.
Here's some further reading on the subject:
So let's make it clear here... if you cheat - YOU ARE HURTING OTHER PEOPLE'S ENJOYMENT OF THE RACING.
So don't kid yourself.
So it's not the "big cheaters" you really have to worry about. After all, they'd be obvious.
It's the "little bit" of cheating here & there that a lot of ordinary people might be tempted to do.
And this one... just for laughs...

Take candy from children??? Really??

That's so silly - how did they test that?
And was it fair to the children involved in the study?
At any rate, we should feel free to discuss the topic of cheating here openly, and
with civility and level headedness.
You have a right, and a responsibility, to report cheaters, or rule breakers.
One thing nobody should do is sit in silent resentment against someone they believe is not playing by the rules!