It is a difficult situation to understand, as we only have what this article tells us.
Let's take the above two statements and combine a rather malicious situation together. Say that what strtgng mentioned, "cell phone pics" and what wfooshee mentioned: "hey, watch this kid for us!!!".
What if the parents has planned for this person that they were inviting along to be subjected to a "rape" case of their own 2 year old daughter? And simply transferred their doctored pictures over to the accused mobile phone through bluetooth? And then blame it on the accused?
Obviously, whatever happened was very sick and very twisted. But as we only have one side of the story and not the full facts of the story/situation, we cannot say what has truly happened. We can only hope that the people in law enforcement and the qualified judges are able to pass the right judgements, whatever they may be.
It seems to be popularly known that kiddy fiddlers have the shortest life expectancy in prison. So with this in mind, this person, if convicted and proven guilty, is most likely to be separated from the general population.
Whether this is useful or not.....To be honest, this is a punishment that is rather extreme and extremely soul destroying to a human being. To be isolated for a (supposed) 23 hours a day with only your mind to keep you company? You would literally go insane. You would want to be killed to take the easy way out.