Man Shot and Killed... For A PS4

Human kind at it's best.

The 'killer' is probably going to have a lot of time to play with his new PS4 .......... in his "cell".
Considering people have been murdering each other over Jordan's, this isn't that shocking.
Or $20. I'm guessing the victim put up a fight, but either way, it's sad to see how selfish some people can be.
Of all the possible reasons for murder, a PS4?
There is never a "reason" for murder. People whom have a reason to murder someone/animal clearly have serious issues, problems and psychological disorders.

It is!

A few years back a young guy was killed over an MP3 player. The murderes fled to Poland.
Next thing you know, there'll be guys getting killed for trying to sell their Xbox Ones... the only difference being that the console will be left at the scene of the crime. :P