Margaret Thatcher dies aged 87

  • Thread starter PeterJB
I have total respect for Margaret Thatcher and for what she achieved for this country, both at home and overseas. But also understand the feeling of those that are happy to dance a merry jig on her grave.
Come on, print Paris' opinion for us curious souls. :(

As a matter of fact, when "lol" makes its way to spoken language... well, you know that person in question isn't exactly the brightest of the bunch.
She was a bit before my time but I appreciate what she did for the UK and at least she had the guts stuck to her guns unlike the political parties and leaders today which basically all have the same policies, make U-turns every other week and are equally weak at doing something drastic.

I think its sad that she probably spent the last few years not even knowing who she was or how much of an influence she had been, much like how she was portrayed in the film 'The Iron Lady' which I can imagine every TV channel is dusting off right about now!

I don't pretend to know her and what the country was like with her in charge unlike some of the aforementioned teenagers who think they know everything. Unfortunately as has been stated they have probably been brought up on the distorted biased views by their parents.

I can't wait to hear what Arthur Scargill will say (you know the press are going to be all over that one).

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The only thing I can say about this person, as an argentine which doesn't have any kind of hatred towards Britain whatsoever over some islands which I sincerely don't know whether they belong to us or not, is that I found funny the fact a channel over here broadcasted scenes from The Iron Lady, particularly the scene where Meryl Streep decides to sink the Belgrano, in a (poor?) attempt to make us feel angry towards Thatcher.

I think Thatcher is a pretty cool gal, seh sinks ships and doesn't afraid of anything
RIP, Thatcher. Not my favourite policymaker but a heck of a person. They didn't call her the Iron Lady for naught.
Alzheimer’s Society comments on the death of Margaret Thatcher

It has been announced that former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died today (Monday 8 April).

'It was well known that Baroness Thatcher had dementia during the last years of her life. Dementia is caused by brain diseases; the most common are Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. One in three people over 65 will develop dementia but for too long dementia has been kept in the shadows and families have been left to struggle alone.

'Today, up and down the country people will be sharing memories of Baroness Thatcher. At this time we hope people will also reflect on the impact dementia can have on a person’s life. By speaking openly about the effects of the condition, we will begin to tackle some of the stigma that still surrounds dementia and ensure that everyone gets the support they deserve.'

I recall Thatcher mainly for the Falklands war and the fact she had dementia. My adoptive sister suffered and died of dementia, so I know something about it. It's bad.

Thatcher was also deeply involved in policy decisions which still affect the world today. There's no going back, but we should know how we got here.

Respectfully submitted,
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If needed she would have gone to war all alone. Men (politicians) were afraid of her, I guess.


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Did you also show nothing but respect when Kim Jong-Il died? Or how about Osama? Or Chavez?

Are you seriously putting Thatcher in the same category as those thugs?

RIP, Margaret Thatcher.

She broke every glass ceiling, destroyed the autocratic power of the trade unions, saved the British environment, introduced Libertarianism to Tory ideologies, boosted the economy by almost 25% during her time as Prime Minister, saw the British victory of the Falklands War, ended a recession - and was then stabbed in the back and forcibly ousted by her fellow Conservatives.

I honestly can't name a better British Prime Minister since Thatch; she had this incredible ability to get things done - and after almost a decade of Labour allowing the country to be held to ransom by unions and haemorrhaging money while taxing aggressively, Thatcher's mentality was a much-needed change. The country's market exploded, allowing Britain to become a truly competitive force in the then-expanding global trading environment - and under her time as leader, the British Pound grew ever-stronger, and inflation shrank by an incredible amount.

Of course, selfish former unionists will forever propagate the belief that she's the devil incarnate, but the country at large was a better-off, freer place after the union-run dictatorship's stranglehold over the UK's government was shattered - and the war between Thatcher's government and the self-appointed trade unions was a war between the majority-elected democracy and the narrow-minded, one-sided greed of the undeserving socialist minority.

So, here's to one of the most divisive, decisive and effective politicians of all time, whose influence we still see in economics, politics and the physical landscape of the United Kingdom to this very day: the original "Iron Lady", Margaret Thatcher.

This. 👍

Also this.

RIP, Maggie. The world is a better place for your having touched it.
Are you seriously putting Thatcher in the same category as those thugs?

She was bezzie mates with Pinochet and called Nelson Mandela's ANC party a "typical terrorist organization"
She was bezzie mates with Pinochet and called Nelson Mandela's ANC party a "typical terrorist organization"

Don't forget de-regulating the banks in '86.

Naturally, as an Irishman I have a jaundiced view of her. :indiff:
Politician dies. Scumbags use it as an excuse to be scumbags.

Can't say I'm surprised. Politicians may be bad sometimes but I'm still far less worried about dodgy policymaking than I am about the sort of people who'd use the death of a politician who was out of power before their lifetime as an excuse to do a spot of looting.

It really, really irritates me about this country. Yes, we're being pissed on from above much of the time, but there has to come a point where people stop using politicians as scapegoats for their own issues and just accept that they're probably a lazy oxygen thief completely responsible for their own pathetic life.

By all means be a dick and celebrate someone's death with a glass of champagne, but the second you chuck a bin through a window in celebration you're far worse a person than the society politicians have created.
By all means be a dick and celebrate someone's death with a glass of champagne

👍 Did exactly this last night with the side of my family whose own community (Grimethorpe, like many other communities in South Yorks, North Notts and South Wales) was annihilated by her actions.
Interesting to note that the country fell into a far, far worse position during Blair and Brown's time in power, yet I doubt there'll be riots when they pop it.

Of course, I could be wrong. Seems like anything's worth a riot these days. :indiff:
A friend of mine was at the cinema last night:

Wish I went, purely from a photojournalistic perspective though. I understand that Thatcher destroyed the lives of many and that her policies were too extreme of a reaction to the situation at the time (a reaction was needed though) and I'm not really offended by any of the jokes, it's just a bit weird to see such mass joy over someone's death.
Emergency! Grammar Nazi needed!!!!

I guess when you're that angry there's no time to find that damned apostrophy. :lol:
Are you seriously putting Thatcher in the same category as those thugs?

Actually not. I was stating that the comment was flawed, because there are some people who simply don't deserve respect, even post-mortem (although I've got to give credit for Kim Jong Il's remarkable golf skills).

However, if the Savile cover-up is true, then I don't see a reason to like this person either.
Those idiots that changed the cinema sign inadvertently destroyed promotional information relating to an Argentine film festival.
A friend of mine was at the cinema last night:
Bloody hell... you'd think a hotel of their reputation would be a little more discrete about the condition of their guests. Oh. Wait.