Marvel Vs Capcom 3 !!! Get HYPED!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
I really don't like playing fighting games online. Seems like more work than fun.
nice double post coming from a Mod...don't take FG online seriously... try your best not to. Are you in States, Omnis? If so, is it in any of the Northeastern states?
Its a broken game that is meant to play casually..X-factor really doesn't help.

I have to agree with you nk4e, I don't see how this game will keep up with the hype that MvC2 still has. X-Factor is very broken, Sentinel shouldn't be able to kill you in 3-4 hits. Anyways, if anyone wants to play some casual matches for fun. Add me on my rhymesxreasons account.
I'm betting there's going to be one of those "Low-Tier Tourneys" some time in the future... If ya don't wanna play the game broken, play with friends who don't use broken characters...Then KFC won't look as bad.. that or just change the dmg output to low or something. Then we'll be talkin' casual *insert coolshades*
X-Factor (aka XF) is a universal power-up move that powers up your characters for a limited time. During X-Factor mode, your characters goes into a Godlike-RAGE-Power-up Mode and will destroy any character with one combo [/partial exaggeration]. Your attack strength and speed greatly increase and the point character will continuously recover health magically (which heals red health first). Your assists will also be powered up during X-Factor.

The attack strength, speed, and healing rate all depend on how strong the X-Factor is when activated. It consists of 3 levels; 1st level when you still have all 3 characters, and 3rd level when you are down to your last character.

X-Factor can be used to cancel just about anything and can be activated anytime, this is called X-Factor Cancelling (aka XFC or KFC). People use it strategically to save their butts if they screwed up a hyper combo, or if they want to extend their hyper combos by KFCing and performing another hyper combo.

X-Factor can only be used once per match.

Trivia: Reason why some people call it KFC is because the letter K looks like the letter X, and it is easier to pronounce KFC then XFC....

It's like Makoto's Tanden Kitauki Semu no Kata
I'm thinking about picking this up to kill time until Shift 2 rolls around, but I want to know one thing in particular: will I enjoy kicking ass with Dante?

Oh, and is Juggernaut still in?
Even though this isn't going to prevent me from picking this up but will I enjoy this more than, say, CvSNK 2 or MvC 2?

Or should I not bother comparing the three?
Its more easy going and casual than CVS2 and MVC2. Its like playing TvC without the Robots and BBQ.
Or because its so greasy and goes down easier..

In terms of pronunciation, this is very true.:lol:

That Dante combo was sick...

Aha this is too good:
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I finally decided to just sell off my copy. I wanna focus with SSFIV and now that Tekken Tag 2 is in the works and SFvTK looks like a decent game.
I've been playing this game once in a while, but today I jsut got back on SSFIV and man I was brain-dead...
I take it you didn't watch Battlefield Arcadia Returns yesterday?

Yipes was blowing up the stream with epic commentary
The stream was on MvC intentionally, bu oncethe SF tourney started, Seb switched to that. :/ It was all good either way. All them projectile on the screen by Rahsaan was too much...

Zero Shadow Mode, charge buster spam projectile, sentinel drones, shoot buster, repeat. He held down a Sent with it.

One match got so ridiculous Yipes and Seb were laughing out loud.
nk4e, I've got a frying pan, hold these eggs for me........

Boot boot boot boot, Rocket Punch, HYPER SENTINEL FORCE!