Marvel Vs Capcom 3 !!! Get HYPED!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Dark Phoenix RISING!

Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this! Dodge this!

Burn in the Flame! DIE!

I've destroyed whole planets. So what chance have you got?

<3 Jennifer Hale's VAing
Hey, guess what...So far in the new update, Sentinel got nerfed at some point.
Change list (Version 1.02) -

-Sentinel's health is now 905,000, down from 1,300,000. (DarkRagna says he lives at 904,900 damage, but dies at 905,000. Thanks!)
-The Haggar/Spencer freeze glitch is fixed. (Tip from trag)
-The Spencer loop shown in this video is gone. (Stark tipped in that "Spencer's M followup to ground QCF now bounces him up instead of returning him to the ground, so you don't land and can't keep it going")
-Hitstun deterioration on Akuma's air Tatsu is now more severe, preventing his infinite. (Thanks to Desk for the info and research)
-This update sets the game up for the new Event mode.
So far, its
Chun,Zero, Sentinel
Sentinel, Dante, Storm
Magneto,Storm, X23
Alt 3
Zero,Tron, Sentinel
Alt 5
Cap, IronMan, Spidey.
So your first team is Chun/Zero/Sent, second team is chun/zero/sent, 3rd team is chun/zero/sent, 4th team is chun/zero/sent, 5th team is chun/zero/sent, and 6th team is chun/zero/sent. Am I reading this right? I love the variety. 👍

I'm running Wesker/Akuma/Trish
Yup :lol:
They also nerfed Akuma
I don't play too much anymore because people tend to turtle alot or are very good.
XF is bloody's saved me a couple times, but it doesn't justify the countless times i've gotten destroyed by it.

Zero + Shadow mode + X-factor... I mean, why??????
Dante + Devil Trigger + X-Factor... Why??????
Dark Phoenix + X-factor?!?!? WHY?!?!??!!
Oddly, I would of post that where the buttons are and Dante's Symbol where the stick is. But AWESOME!!
none. I make my own cases, SE and TEs are overrated plastic boxes :P

18x12x2 all in acrylic. It's one heavy-ass box.
I was just wondering. I wonder if we should make a thread for arcade sticks. I wish I could build my own. Though for now I am satisfy with my SE's.
I'm not sold by the custom case makers on SRK. One; because some of their prices are over the top, and two; wood (regardless of how luxurious the quality) doesn't fit in with "video games". How does nature and digital screens and plastic micro switches fit together? IMO, they don't.

The joystick I feel are the best in terms of style are the ones that stay true to arcade cabinets, Plexiglas panels, and graphics that'd you see on it; video-game related content, or simple stuff, like the VLX or V3 SA.
Do you go to arcades? I don't :P I've played on cabs once in a while but not enough for me to be like those guys who value joysticks over pads. I only really like joysticks for SHUMPs as those were the only memorable games I played on cabs, like metal slug and Strikers.
I use to go to the local arcade every weekend to play :
Initial D
Wangan Midnight
Soul Calibur 2 ( Was ranked 4th at a local tourney)
Metal Slug
Raiden series
Marvel Vs Capcom series
X-men Children of the Atom
Tekken series
I use to play Street Fighter at home.
aha, i played Initial D once, i thought you could drift in that game and i could never do it. i would throw steering wheel hard into the corner to perform a feint and nothing comes out. and when i do this i consequential throw my entire body to the side when doing this :lol:
Phoenix only has revive that is an pain. Sent is over powered when in X-factor that a Rocket punch takes out a good portion of your life. Aside from the nerfing. His Cr.M can be cancelled into anything just like Zero.
You want to know something? I haven't even fought a Sentinel yet.

What it looks like IRL




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