Marvel Vs Capcom 3 !!! Get HYPED!

  • Thread starter Shigegaki
Burn to Cinder. Chaotic Flame :bowdown:

What do you think about a team consisting of Dormington, Hsien Ko and Ryu?

I can see potential with Dorm and Ryu, but not Dorm and Hsien Ko, yet I feel they would sit alright together.
I would to try it out. Hsien Ko has good assist and so does Dorm. I wonder if you change Ryu for Akuma
Nah, this team is just a "for fun" team (like a couple steps lower than casual-level), since I already run Akuma, Wesker and Wolverine.
Isn't Hsien Ko really good when you activate her armor? She gets super armor and it stays on till she gets called out. Currently, I am using Zero,Magneto, and Sent.
While the Armored assist is really good, I haven't found much of a chemistry with it and Dorm. Actually, I haven't even had much time to play around with him either.

Is Sent that much fun or is he just a placeholder for a future anchor? :P
Well, he can be replaced with Wesk, Trish. But I try using him without X-factor stuff. I need to play with that team more. After mag's gravity squeeze, you can prop them back up for a bit more. But each character can stand on their own. I need to try out Dom/ Hsien/Ryu. Any recommended Assists?
haven't tried out 80% of the cast.

If you were asking for the assists of those 3 characters, Senpu Bu for Hsien Ko hands-down. Ryu will almost always be tatsu imo, but if you already got a forward moving assist (senpu bu), you may as well use hadoken to fight projectiles or extend combos.
Oh and about Dormington, I actually don't know just yet. I tried Purification for the OTG, but the start up is hella slow. Seems most people go for Dark hole, as Liberation is way too complex and situational.

You meant Dorm and not Doom, right? "Dom" is confusing.
Dorm. Doom would be good if missiles or rocks were an OTG. I though about taking out Magneto for Doom because of Rocks and replacing Zero with Tron ( because of Bandit Boulder) Though Tron has a better AA than Zero.
Is it even a good idea to pick a character solely for one move you find great? Thing I find about doom is that he doesn't have many rushdown tools. Or maybe I haven't seen them. Zero's great for rushdown and perhaps the rocks make a great assist, but what are you going to do when someone defeats your zero? You're now no longer rushing down and instead playing keepaway. You're more than welcome to try, but I don't think Zero works all-too-well with doom (aside from Missles assist)
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I will try it out. So far, I couldn't stand Ryu, Dorm, Hsien Ko. Though I couldn't get the timing down to prop the opponent down with Dorm but I though of C.Viper would work. Its either that Dorm and Hsien Ko stood out too well or Ryu's timing was way too early.
Marn uses my team. Lol I didn't take it from him.

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I'm okay with Ryu, I value Ryu and Akuma both equally. They both have their ups and downs. While Ryu has no normals that OTG, he can aim his shinkuus and I think they do more damage than Akuma's Messatsu Beam. His grounded combos are easy and do solid dmg via C, f+C, Judo Kick.

Akuma on the other hand has an OTG, has his demon flip mixups and teleport (which i never find good use for), and packs a bigger punch.
Have you tried Judo Kick > metsu shoryuken?

No, If the kick sends them full screen I shinkuu Hadoken.
If the kick sends them to the corner (meaning the distance between the 2 characters isn't a screen width, I dash in with cr.B, S, j.B B C and either xx C-Tatsu xx Air Shinkuu or S, assist OTG...
If i can get in real close after the kick, I do A, C, S, j. B B C and either xx C-Tatsu xx Air Shinkuu or S, assist OTG...

using shin shoryu is good as it does a lot of dmg, but i usually go bruce lee and intercept their supers with this... I'm used to beating supers with my own (thanks to SF :P)
These guys would get destroyed by Max or any of the other super youtube players. They don't even kick out to knock out all of that red health they give when the other player's assist gets caught in a super.
I hate how that works though...but this game is broken lol

Beating Supers with another super? Invincible start-up causing the first super to whiff until the 2nd super connects. You should see all the video demonstrations of me beating whole bunch of Ultras with other Ultras in SSFIV. It's certainly not hard and I'd totally use it at high-level play.
Who doesn't? :sly:

SSFIV Ultra vs. Ultra 1/2
SSFIV Ultra vs. Ultra 2/2

I never got around to documenting every single combination as I got really bored of it. But for the most part Dragon-Punch style Ultras are the easiest to land. Surprisingly top level players feel the need to mash ultras out which I find shocking.

If Marvel had a save replay feature, I'd have recorded a few matches already to document my progress.
Yeah, though she has like 3 frames of invincibility? I have a horrible replay of me in a XBL tourney.
I don't know the each numbers but generally most ultras have some invincibility frames, therefore why most combinations work.
I'm pretty sure it's safe to say everyone has some level of invincibility except for grapple ultras that have 0-frame startups.. I'm sure there is one or 2 ultras that don't, like maybe Juri's FSE, but I can't be bothered to find out nor would it be very useful to know anyway.