Mass shooting in San Bernadino, California


Well known double poster
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Happening live, potentially several victims and potentially 3 shooters, possibly in body armor.

As many as a dozen people have reportedly been killed in what police call an active shooter situation Wednesday in San Bernardino, Calif., where SWAT teams were pursuing as many as three suspects.

Other reports said as many as 30 hostages were seen coming out of a building near a public gold course where the event occurred. The local Fox TV affiliate said at least 12 fatalities occurred inside the building, which was surround by authorities, just before noon local time.
I have been watching this live on TV for the past 15-20 minutes. Absolutely frightening.
It apparently happened very quickly and stopped just as quickly and it's possible that the (up to) 3 suspects have up and left the scene already. Reports of a potential explosive device left behind as well.
I don't want to jump to conclusions about the situation but the name Farouk Saied is coming over the police scanners a lot as a suspect. Supposidly 3 shooters and the bomb squad is using a robot to try to detonate a possible IED.
If only all of the mentally disabled people had guns.
Problem is 3 mentally deranged people did have guns and targeted defenseless targets. Can they just not bother with a trial on these 3 men and do as they did to their victims?
If this happened in America, the armed populace would have protected themselves and subdued the attackers with their guns. The harm caused would have been drastically mitigated.

Oh wait...
This probably doesn't actually work as satire for this case.
As much as I agree with this statement, I don't think that this is the time or place to be making jokes.

Sorry, but as tragic as this is for the families of the victims, the first thing I thought when I saw "20 dead in US shootings", was #WhiteNoise. Pro- and Anti- gun will no doubt go around in circles over this can of worms, and no matter who is right, people will die again. I am sympathetic for the dead, I am not sympathetic for the society. Apologies if this is seen as poor timing, but lets be honest, me calling it as I see it makes as much difference as people wishing well or hoping for the best.
Fox is reporting that 2 people are dead, and police have issued a BOLO for a black GMC Yukon.

EDIT: the conference room that was shot up was rented to a different group for a Christmas party.

EDIT 2: local reports are saying that 12 people have died.
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Just shocking.
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FOX has confirmed at least one to three active shooters with long guns and tactical gear have vanished. Also, there is no official BOLO as there is not enough specific information about the vehicle in question to issue one.

EDIT: Johnathan Hunt is reporting that the shooters have completely vanished from the area.

The owner of the complex being shot up is being interviewed on TV.

EDIT 2: The owner is reporting that the San Bernadino county may have rented the conference center that was shot up.

EDIT 3: Local reports have reported that an abandoned Yukon has been found in San Bernadino (Pasadena). Police activity have also picked up in Pasadena, CA. Lastly, there is another press conference in 20 minutes local time.

EDIT 4: The event that was being targeted was an event honoring county personnel, not the Christmas party, according to Johnathan Hunt.

EDIT 5: NBC is reporting that a mall is being evacuation due to a suspicious person.

EDIT 6: Authorities are still clearing the scene, no sign of the shooters as of 13:41 local time.
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Seeing there are 3 of them and all heavily armed, i'm thinking more along the lines of a terrorist attack than one of the 'trademark' shootings that happen in the US.

Might be wrong though, as always.
As much as I agree with this statement, I don't think that this is the time or place to be making jokes.
Nope. Sagaris is likely off base with the target of his satire to the point that it loses meaning (since I would personally be amazed if a center for mentally disabled people in California wasn't a gun free zone, so he'd be mocking a sentiment that this incident theoretically reinforces rather than contradicts), but you just need to look at the Paris shooting thread to see the sort of idiocy that pops up whenever something happens abroad with how the "muh freedoms!" people crawl out of the woodwork to attack people who aren't comfortable with everyone in every area packing some sort of firearm. It's low hanging fruit to be sure, just like the joke I made earlier was, but the Wild West mentality keeps getting served up (along with the ludicrous Heroes/Victims dichotomy) which makes it perfectly justifiable to mock when something happens domestically.
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Police: Upwards of 14 are dead, another 14 are wounded.

EDIT: Police - Victims were localized in one area.
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If only all of the mentally disabled people had guns.

If this happened in America, the armed populace would have protected themselves and subdued the attackers with their guns. The harm caused would have been drastically mitigated.

Oh wait...

Nope. Sagaris is likely off base with the target of his satire to the point that it loses meaning (since I would personally be amazed if a center for mentally disabled people in California wasn't a gun free zone, so he'd be mocking a sentiment that this incident theoretically reinforces rather than contradicts), but you just need to look at the Paris shooting thread to see the sort of idiocy that pops up whenever something happens abroad with how the "muh freedoms!" people crawl out of the woodwork to attack people who aren't comfortable with everyone in every area packing some sort of firearm. It's low hanging fruit to be sure, just like the joke I made earlier was, but the Wild West mentality keeps getting served up (along with the ludicrous Heroes/Victims dichotomy) which makes it perfectly justifiable to mock when something happens domestically.

It's probably terrible, but for me, I can see comedy in this of the likes I learned from Dr. Strangelove...

So... as a simple statement taken from an opinion of a greater situation,

I agree.
Initially had CNN on for the coverage of this as it's the first news channel I got to. Then they started speculating that it was "muslim related terrorism" and that's when I stopped watching CNN. :rolleyes:
I don't get it. How can some of you be so obsessed with a political soap box that you can't see a tragedy for what it is even when it's still happening in front of you? How can you even possibly think you have enough information to come to a conclusion about this incident when it itself hasn't even come to a conclusion? Are we in such a frenzy to confirm our biases that we can't even stop long enough for the information to exist? We have to proclaim that we know what has happened and what should be done to stop it from happening again before it even happens in the first place?

If you jumped to a political conclusion prior to my post, your political positions are weak and should be re-evaluated.
Initially had CNN on for the coverage of this as it's the first news channel I got to. Then they started speculating that it was "muslim related terrorism" and that's when I stopped watching CNN. :rolleyes:
So then CNN will report that Muslims hate the disabled? Trying to follow this giant leap they've taken.
I don't get it. How can some of you be so obsessed with a political soap box that you can't see a tragedy for what it is even when it's still happening in front of you? How can you even possibly think you have enough information to come to a conclusion about this incident when it itself hasn't even come to a conclusion? Are we in such a frenzy to confirm our biases that we can't even stop long enough for the information to exist? We have to proclaim that we know what has happened and what should be done to stop it from happening again before it even happens in the first place?
They call it 'speculating' ;)
I don't get it. How can so many of you be so obsessed with a political soap box that you can't see a tragedy for what it is even when it's still happening in front of you? How can you even possibly think you have enough information to come to a conclusion about this incident when it itself hasn't even come to a conclusion? Are we in such a frenzy to confirm our biases that we can't even stop long enough for the information to exist? We have to proclaim that we know what has happened and what should be done to stop it from happening again before it even happens in the first place?

If you jumped to a political conclusion prior to my post, your political positions are weak and should be re-evaluated.

Quite. How can we know what we think until the media spin-doctors on both sides work their magic in the media, enabling us to come to no suitable conclusion either way.
It looks like the perpetrators got away cleanly and without much of a trace so far. Eyewitnesses are saying there were 3 of them. They could be a long way away by this point.

For those of you talking about speculation, if it was 3 people and they got away cleanly as it appears they have, this is obviously not your typical lone gunman with a death wish scenario. It appears they were organized, extremely well armed, and were in an out in a big hurry, indicating they didn't plan on hanging around for a shootout or their 15 minutes of fame. I think we're talking about some kind of organized terrorist action here and seeing as how they got away, there's a good chance they'll repeat this scenario.
It looks like the perpetrators got away cleanly and without much of a trace so far. Eyewitnesses are saying there were 3 of them. They could be a long way away by this point.

I hope they are caught and brought to justice swiftly. Sickening.
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