Mass shooting in San Bernadino, California

Did you want me spell it out for you?
By all means, please. You're trying to force the point that a determined terrorist attack won't be deterred by the presence of an armed populace, and using an example that potentially by law was prohibited from having an armed populace present to show why that point was true; then going so far as to backtrack and say that it will except in places where it can't. How is that a point against what gun lobbyists and second amendment supporters and the like claim when that is literally the exact argument they use for why their shouldn't be such areas in the first place? What is the proof that someone shooting up a government building full of possibly-by-law unarmed people means that if their were people there that were armed that they wouldn't accomplish anything for deterrence? Literally in the Guns thread just a few hours before the attack, someone posted this:
We know that shots fired back will likely result in slowing, if not ducking for cover, from the person or persons attacking. Maybe not much, but it could easily be enough to save lives.
That seems like a fair enough sentiment to me, even if I think it is wrong to apply it to every situation that someone rolls up on a place and starts shooting like when it was brought up in the Paris thread; and you essentially supported that statement just now. So how does a case where it perhaps couldn't play out in the way you're mocking mean that if it wouldn't make any difference if it could? No duh there are always going to be places where an armed populace can't defend, but if you wanted to mock that's probably what you should have brought up in the first place. You're not being satirical by using an incident that appears to support the point of the people you're mocking just because you stated it in a sarcastic way.

Put another way:
Terrorists that desire much attention and/or high body counts won't attack NRA meetings or shooting ranges, that'd be daft, they'll go after "soft targets" with sufficient firepower to overwhelm the security that is present.
If this happened in America, the armed populace would have protected themselves and subdued the attackers with their guns. The harm caused would have been drastically mitigated.

Oh wait...
Pick one.

2 minutes after you come up with this.
Which was perfectly relevant because I posted after I had listened to over an hour of people talking about how their needed to be a bunch of armed people in that building when the three guys started attacking, and it was almost certainly going to come up in this thread as well anyway.

Maybe you are desensitized to the point where it doesn't matter?
No it doesn't. To be frank, on a personal level I really don't care. I feel sympathy for the families affected by the tragedy that happened and I hope the inevitable investigation into the attack turns up something that we can learn from it, but I was never "sensitized" to begin with to mass shootings because as long as I've actually paid attention to them I've realized that as seemingly common as they are they still aren't something to constantly stress over so long as the response to them was measured and informed. Certainly not enough that it makes me feel like we should just not talk about something like this because of how recently it happened.
It happened in an area about as far away from where I live in the country as possible, in a type of community about as different from the one I live in as possible, in a type of place that I very rarely go into. For all intents and purposes, up until laws are changed in response this shooting that affect me it makes about as much difference to me as it does for the European members like MatskiMonk who have also been posting in this thread, at least insofar as it changes anything in my day to day life; because terrorists or disgruntled postal workers or any variety of crazy person with a gun aren't going to bust into my job (incidentally, a place that happens to sell guns) in bum-eff New York and start shooting people.

So why should I pretend differently?

I disagree with you, too soon, is too soon.
And when isn't too soon? A week later, when the public consciousness has mostly forgotten about it like what happens most of the time with these things, but then we have another one big enough to make the news that we can't talk about because after that it is also too soon to talk about it?
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Pick one.
Why? There's no contradiction. One quote mocks the notion that gun ownership prevents or hinders terrorist attacks and the other explains why the notion that gun ownership prevents or hinders terrorist attacks is faulty.
One quote mocks the notion that gun ownership prevents or hinders terrorists attacks (in response to a specific situation where it possibly couldn't have), and the other says that it would unless terrorists deliberately picked "soft targets" (which, again, tend to be places where it legally can't). Incidentally, the latter is once again exactly what proponents of an armed populace tend to say in response to "soft targets".

So, again, pick one.
The would is irrelevant, as any terrorist with a half-functioning brain will go after "soft targets".

And these "soft targets" are inherently vulnerable because allowing any sort of weapons into these buildings/venues completely undermines public security. Do these "proponents of an armed populace" seriously propose allowing guns into places such as hospitals and crowded areas where alcohol is served?
Sorry but I take offense at some of these comments, there is a time and a place to debate everything, but I don't think it's a very good idea while the blood of innocent victims is still drying, in other words, too soon.
Such is the nature of the 24 hour news cycle that by the time the blood has dried, everyone has already moved on.
Multiple news outlets are naming one of the suspects as Syed Farook, "a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile." Several sources are also saying it was a man and a woman killed in the shootout with the SUV.

Everyone was.
From what I've seen, CNN is about the worst for repetitive and seemingly unending coverage of some stories.
Multiple news outlets are naming one of the suspects as Syed Farook, "a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile." Several sources are also saying it was a man and a woman killed in the shootout with the SUV.

From what I've seen, CNN is about the worst for repetitive and seemingly unending coverage of some stories.
*cough* Fox News with Benghazi, IRS scandal, Clinton emails...*cough*

Anyway, an absolutely tragic event.
Multiple news outlets are naming one of the suspects as Syed Farook, "a business taxes representative for the California State Board of Equalization, according to his LinkedIn profile." Several sources are also saying it was a man and a woman killed in the shootout with the SUV.

Breaking News - Police has made entry into Farook's house in Redlands with a tactical robot. A neighbor reported that the house has received a unnatural number of packages.

FOX is reporting that the dead shooters are a male and female. Futhermore, they speculate that the woman was from Qatar.

CAIR is holding a presser right now.
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I have plenty to say on this subject but I feel like it boils down to a gun control issue, which is obviously a hot topic in the US right now, and it doesn't matter how many times I've hashed it out online or in real life I still feel like I'm pissing in the wind.

It's terrible that people have died, especially so needlessly. We need to remember that just because this happened in another town, state or country that isn't our own it doesn't mean that humanity isn't affected as a whole. That bell tolls for all of us.
No duh there are always going to be places where an armed populace can't defend, but if you wanted to mock that's probably what you should have brought up in the first place. You're not being satirical by using an incident that appears to support the point of the people you're mocking just because you stated it in a sarcastic way.

What? Did you confuse me for someone else?
It's looking more and more like a planned attack for the purposes of terrorism. The home has been described as an "IED factory" and the vehicle contained rollout bags with several pipe bombs.

Update: Connections to international terrorists reported by CNN.
San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook was in touch over the phone and via social media with more than one international terrorism subject who the FBI were already investigating, law enforcement officials said.

It appears that Farook was radicalized, which contributed to his motive, though other things -- like workplace grievances -- may have also played a role, other law enforcement sources said.
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I have plenty to say on this subject but I feel like it boils down to a gun control issue, which is obviously a hot topic in the US right now, and it doesn't matter how many times I've hashed it out online or in real life I still feel like I'm pissing in the wind.

It's terrible that people have died, especially so needlessly. We need to remember that just because this happened in another town, state or country that isn't our own it doesn't mean that humanity isn't affected as a whole. That bell tolls for all of us.

I feel it boils down to whatever makes someone like this think it is okay to kill innocent civilians, whether that is their religion, connections or whatever else. All gun control will do is stop law abiding citizens, which generally are not the people that commit these acts, from getting a firearm. If it was made illegal to own a firearm in this country, do you honestly think that something like this still wouldn't happen? There are a ton of ways to obtain a firearm illegally in America and that is generally the route these terrorists use so we need to talk about mental health and things of that nature, something that will actually prevent something like this from happening, rather than the tool a terrorist used. Also, it looks like they had some bombs with them as well, maybe we need to have some sort of law that makes making bombs illegal too.

My thoughts go out to the victims in this shooting. I'd also like to thank our men and women in blue for responding and stopping the threats, I think it is safe to say they prevented even more people from being needlessly murdered.
Muslims i take it?

From the CNN article Johnny Linked

Farook, an American citizen, was an environmental health specialist with the San Bernardino County health department, which was holding the holiday party. He had worked there for five years.

In an online profile, he described himself as a "Muslim Male living in USA/California/riverside" and his family as "Religious but modern."
I wonder what percentage of the other 354 mass shooting perps in the US this year were Christians? Sick lunatics like this are just sick lunatics no matter their religion ;)
Looking at the picture of them they are dark skinned so im assuming terrorist attack if muslim...If they were Sikh's then i would assume crazy assed peeps like the Christians. By the way do you guys not do atheists? Or are they the sane people that dont go on the rampage?