Mass shooting in Southern Texas Church

  • Thread starter ryzno
It’s astounding that in the age of the modern internet lots of Americans are still so isolated in their thinking. So many mass shootings and still no change in gun control. Almost all other western country have banned guns for the better. Some people just don’t learn from their mistakes at all!

Okay, so let's hear the plan.

Keep in mind the fact there is a ridiculous amount of guns in the hands of gangs, they aren't likely to give them up without a fight. Oh and you'll have to do something about Mexico as well.

So yeah Europe, would love to hear the plan!
It's almost as if that's what the writers of the US constitution had in mind...

Based on? Several supreme court cases that have dealt with the second amendment have recognized that such weapons are legal and do so by addressing what the writers of the constitution had in mind. They couldn't see the future nor envision guns advancing this far, if we want to try and pretend what they meant for a modern society and go back to the original thought. Then anyone of color should not be allowed to own guns, people who speak out against the U.S. as U.S. citizens shouldn't own guns and so on. If we're going to be that reactionary and want to do a black and white wash over for what was said by the framers, then clearly the more clear parts on who should and should not own from back then should be supported.

It's hard to understand why we're going to cherry pick the founding father's voice on these subjects as if they were framed in perfection in the original point of time. As if simply "doing" what they "intended" this would be resolved. To say it is or even almost is is quite a claim.

But it makes it a lot easier! Just look at the statistics around the world. Deaths caused by radical Terrorism pale in comparison with gun violence. Terrorist attacks without guns happen everywhere in the world, but mass shootings? Predominantly US only!

Could you show us those finding? You're essentially saying that a global issue (terrorism on various levels) has caused less death on a significant scale to that of a single countries violence based on one form of enacting said violence. Considering bladed, and blunted weapon violence is higher than long gun violence, and the biggest issue has been hand guns. So unless terrorism has been outdone by gun violence by handguns then I'm confused where you're grabbing this info?

This is just murder, I don't believe it shows all violence murdered or not.
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Okay, so let's hear the plan.

Keep in mind the fact there is a ridiculous amount of guns in the hands of gangs, they aren't likely to give them up without a fight. Oh and you'll have to do something about Mexico as well.

So yeah Europe, would love to hear the plan!

Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

There are gangs all over the world. There are much less deadly with knives then with guns. Also if there are no more guns, any black market gun in circulation will be much easier to spot then in combination with a circulation of legal and illegal guns.
Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

If you're ever in a big city I want you to do something. Find whatever area is gang turf, walk up to one of the members and ask them to give up their gun. I would say tell me what happens, but that likely wouldn't happen due to no longer being alive.

That is where our gun problem really lies, but it never seems to garner much attention.

So let me rephrase my question, give us a plan that will actually work and I'll fully support it. Until than I suggest you worry about your own back yard and I'll worry about mine.
If you're ever in a big city I want you to do something. Find whatever area is gang turf, walk up to one of the members and ask them to give up their gun. I would say tell me what happens, but that likely wouldn't happen due to no longer being alive.

That is where our gun problem really lies, but it never seems to garner much attention.

So let me rephrase my question, give us a plan that will actually work and I'll fully support it. Until than I suggest you worry about your own back yard and I'll worry about mine.

It does work. Newsflash There are other big cities in the world with gangs.

The police force needs to concentrate to get guns off the streets. Right now it’s much more difficult with legal (and illegal) widely available. It already worked everywhere else. Most recently Australia, where there once was the same mentality on guns similar to the US.
But it makes it a lot easier! Just look at the statistics around the world. Deaths caused by radical Terrorism pale in comparison with gun violence. Terrorist attacks without guns happen everywhere in the world, but mass shootings? Predominantly US only!

Given your categorical assertions above, I'm sure you will have no problem citing the relevant statistics and their source. So how about it? I strongly suggest you back up your claims, or withdraw them.
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The police force needs to concentrate to get guns off the streets.

You've paid attention to the news right? Do you really think people would react well to the already disliked police going door to door confiscating things?

Most recently Australia, where there once was the same mentality on guns similar to the US.

Australia is a horrible example considering its only neighbors are sharks and other sea creatures.

All banning guns would do is make the already powerful Mexican cartels even more powerful as they would expand into mass weapons smuggling.
@PocketZeven You ever hear of the expression "From bad to worse"? Yeah. Taking away the legal guns will only make things worse. The only people that gun control truly rules over are the law-abiding citizens.

The criminals will have guns regardless, and I doubt they'd surrender them so easily.
@PocketZeven You ever hear of the expression "From bad to worse"? Yeah. Taking away the legal guns will only make things worse. The only people that gun control truly rules over are the law-abiding citizens.

The criminals will have guns regardless, and I doubt they'd surrender them so easily.

Not entirely correct. Example: the rest of the world. Please visit Europe, Asia etc. they all have problems, but not at the alarming rate the us has. You have to look outside the box (USA).
Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

There are gangs all over the world. There are much less deadly with knives then with guns. Also if there are no more guns, any black market gun in circulation will be much easier to spot then in combination with a circulation of legal and illegal guns.
This has to be the WORST argument I've ever seen for a solution to the problem. We are not a fascist country.

Also quick question, have you ever shot a gun before, or been to a shooting range?
You've paid attention to the news right? Do you really think people would react well to the already disliked police going door to door confiscating things?

Australia is a horrible example considering its only neighbors are sharks and other sea creatures.

All banning guns would do is make the already powerful Mexican cartels even more powerful as they would expand into mass weapons smuggling.
Nevermind. You’ll never understand it as long you have never lived abroad. Btw USA is also surrounded by oceans. Even more then Australia instead of 1 there are 2 of them!

I mean what do drug kartels have to do with gun control? The high number of mass shootings weren’t caused by criminals by the way. Drug kartels have guns to defend against law Enforcement and other kartels. They are not going to shoot law abiding citizens. But I don’t have to defend myself, because all Europeans know exactly what I meant.

Thank you for reading my opinion!

This has to be the WORST argument I've ever seen for a solution to the problem. We are not a fascist country.

Also quick question, have you ever shot a gun before, or been to a shooting range?
Yes I have. What does fascism have to do with it? I don’t understand the argument?
Banning drugs is not fascism? Banning “kinder eggs” is not fascism? And the rest of the western countries are not fascists at all. Yet guns are illegal.
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I mean what do drug kartels have to do with gun control? The high number of mass shootings weren’t caused by criminals by the way. Drug kartels have guns to defend against law Enforcement and other kartels. They are not going to shoot law abiding citizens.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Drug cartels sell weapons. They sell drugs and will use lethal force on anything even slightly obstructing their path.

Let me reiterate: Drug cartels sell illegal weapons.

They have everything to do with gun control because they bypass it completely.

Edit: And for the record, Kinder Eggs are banned in the U.S. because of a choking hazard related to the toy inside. They're coming to the States legally next year.
Yes I have. What does fascism have to do with it? I don’t understand the argument?
Banning drugs is not fascism? Banning “kinder eggs” is not fascism? And the rest of the western countries are not fascists at all. Yet guns are illegal.
Your argument is to literally ban everything, even from legal citizens. if that isn't fascist then I don't know what is. If you honestly expect me to believe that criminals will stop trying to get guns due to a fairy tale system you want to set in place you're dead wrong. Criminals WILL USE WHATEVER MEANS TO CAUSE CHAOS. Banning everything will NEVER be the solution to this problem. Senator Feinstein, a hardcore leftist, said no gun law could've prevented what happened in Vegas, yet still pushes for the same bs moments later. We wouldn't even be talking about this tragedy if government incompetence didn't screw up.
With freedom comes responsibility, that is one of the problems our society is struggling with and the lazies will eventually win.

It sounds nice to live in a dream where there are no guns or violence at all, big brother brings you fancy steaks for dinner and cleans your teeth.

What needs to be addressed is what happened to this guy to push him off the deep end, escape from a mental ward?(I've read), angry at his mother in law, and whatever else. Start there and not with an inanimate object.
With freedom comes responsibility, that is one of the problems our society is struggling with and the lazies will eventually win.

It sounds nice to live in a dream where there are no guns or violence at all, big brother brings you fancy steaks for dinner and cleans your teeth.

What needs to be addressed is what happened to this guy to push him off the deep end, escape from a mental ward?(I've read), angry at his mother in law, and whatever else. Start there and not with an inanimate object.
This guy fractured a baby's skull, and beat his previous wife. No normal person does that.
This guy fractured a baby's skull, and beat his previous wife. No normal person does that.

Then he should have been under supervision of some kind, did everyone simply turn a blind eye? I know whenever I ignore powder kegs they simply go away ;)
It’s astounding that in the age of the modern internet lots of Americans are still so isolated in their thinking. So many mass shootings and still no change in gun control. Almost all other western country have banned guns for the better. Some people just don’t learn from their mistakes at all!

That's because enough of us understand principles and don't have a myopic focus on a particular method of violence. Take legal guns out of the situation in this shooting and the body count goes up.

But it makes it a lot easier! Just look at the statistics around the world. Deaths caused by radical Terrorism pale in comparison with gun violence. Terrorist attacks without guns happen everywhere in the world, but mass shootings? Predominantly US only!

You act like eliminating legal guns will also eliminate non-terrorist violence. James Holmes for example (Aurora theater shooting in Colorado) had plans for bombs, and stabbing attacks that he ultimately didn't execute (although he rigged his apartment with bombs). He doesn't suddenly become a happy law abiding citizen in the absence of guns. He still would go on to kill people, quite possibly a lot more than 12.

Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

There are gangs all over the world. There are much less deadly with knives then with guns. Also if there are no more guns, any black market gun in circulation will be much easier to spot then in combination with a circulation of legal and illegal guns.

Yes, governments can violate the rights of their citizenry and do all of the above. You'd drastically reduce the number of legal guns out there, and would probably get me to turn in mine (which are hurting no one). You might even reduce the number of illegal guns out there. You'd probably reduce gun deaths too, because people would commit suicide with their car running in their garage instead of shooting themselves (that's really the way to do it anyway). You'd probably reduce accidental gun death, and might even stop of a few of these mass shootings from happening. Other crime would go up though, and mass shooters like this guy would use trucks as weapons or bombs. Light aircraft would also make a good weapon. Rigged explosives, random stabbings, and of course illegal guns would continue to be available for would-be mass-killers.

You might be able to slosh the statistics around. Gun deaths down, vehicular homicides up. Gun deaths down, armed robbery, assault, and rape all up. Ultimately you accomplish nothing except sensationalism over having "done" something. And you manage to trample human rights and torch any semblance of a principled government in the process.

With freedom comes responsibility, that is one of the problems our society is struggling with and the lazies will eventually win.

It sounds nice to live in a dream where there are no guns or violence at all, big brother brings you fancy steaks for dinner and cleans your teeth.

What needs to be addressed is what happened to this guy to push him off the deep end, escape from a mental ward?(I've read), angry at his mother in law, and whatever else. Start there and not with an inanimate object.

This guy fractured a baby's skull, and beat his previous wife. No normal person does that.

Our system for legal gun ownership failed in this instance. We had someone we knew was violent and a threat and did not act on it. The failure is regulatory. This is our big challenge, tracking people like this, incarcerating them if they commit crimes, preventing them from owning weapons... I don't even really know how to stop them.

When you can rent a truck from u-haul and pack it with fertilizer and kill hundreds of people and destroy buildings... I don't know how to actually stop someone that you know is dangerous short of locking them up. You can try, but ultimately you'd have to remove all of their freedom to succeed. I'd hate to see a wife be able to lie about being beaten and have an innocent guy barred from owning or renting a vehicle for the rest of his life as a result. On the otherhand, when someone beats his wife and then goes out and rents a truck and runs people over, we'd think "gosh, why was that guy allowed to have a truck".

Psychiatric help is really the only thing I can think of. And that's not exactly a magic bullet. Ultimately, for people we know might be dangerous, we can try to take guns away. But we have to know that if we don't have enough to incarcerate them forever, they may ultimately kill people. That's just the price for living in a free society. Not that the US is free, but it is free in at least some respects still.
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Not entirely correct. Example: the rest of the world. Please visit Europe, Asia etc. they all have problems, but not at the alarming rate the us has. You have to look outside the box (USA).
Please provide some examples of European countries that banned guns and their resulting total murder rates in the decade or so following the ban. 4 or 5 should do. England and Ireland come to mind off the top of my head.
Please provide some examples of European countries that banned guns and their resulting total murder rates in the decade or so following the ban.

And when you do bring those statistics, make sure to compare the murder rates against similar countries which did not ban guns at that time so that we can attempt to isolate the effect of legislation from other trends.

...and if anyone can provide that and show that banning guns saves lives, I'll explain the trolley problem and why we still can't do it.
Nevermind. You’ll never understand it as long you have never lived abroad. Btw USA is also surrounded by oceans. Even more then Australia instead of 1 there are 2 of them!

I mean what do drug kartels have to do with gun control? The high number of mass shootings weren’t caused by criminals by the way. Drug kartels have guns to defend against law Enforcement and other kartels. They are not going to shoot law abiding citizens. But I don’t have to defend myself, because all Europeans know exactly what I meant.

Thank you for reading my opinion!
We banned drugs once. Guess whose bringing them into the country. Cartels.

Ban guns. Guess whose still bringing them in. Those same cartels. That’s how they stay in business. Banning guns means business about get a whole lot better for them.
It would be impossible to ban guns in the US. There are over 300,000,000 the government knows about and likely hundreds of thousands of them the government doesn't. It would take a massive military force to make it happen and would result in massive casualties on both sides. It's not feasible and good luck getting the US Military to rise against it's Citizens exercising Constitutional rights they took an Oath to uphold.
Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

There are gangs all over the world. There are much less deadly with knives then with guns. Also if there are no more guns, any black market gun in circulation will be much easier to spot then in combination with a circulation of legal and illegal guns.

1. Ban guns how? By law? Decree? Magic potion? Then what?
2. Destroy how? Collect them? Buy them back? At full price? Using what money?
3. You mean reduce the production of guns made in Germany, Austria, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Turkey, The Philippines, South Korea and many other countries that export billions of dollars worth of guns and ammo to the USA for private purchase? How will you replace those countries lost revenues?
4. Increase the punishment? You mean like how in the USA where all the fines and punishments for Federal Gun Crimes are already very harsh? Increase to what level - death?
5. Raid who? Private people who legally purchased and own guns currently? 299,999,000 of which have never killed any one? Or do you mean like the weapons raids that currently get carried out against known illegal gun traders?
6. Why? Why should I have to go to some expensive gun club to exercise my Constitutional Right to self defense and to keep and bear arms?
7. If the victims were armed they would not have been victims. The would have been able to fight back. This is fact.

Actually, black market prices will be far lower than the legal prices - currently black market guns sell for pennies on the dollar compared to legal weapons.

The last sentence makes no sense so I am not sure how to answer.

But in reference to the Church Shooting - we are all very glad that the legal civilian gun ended the massacre.

Would you have preferred that more people would have died while waiting for the authorities to arrive?
1. Ban guns how? By law? Decree? Magic potion?
With armed law enforcement as stated.

I'm pretty sure this is real :lol:

I'll have to reconsider what I think about gun sales now, here is where I found the video that pic is from.
Sure the site is wack but apparently so is U.S.A. Today :lol:
Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
3. Reduce production of guns and bullets
4. Increase punishment for gun ownership (fines and prison) guns are more dangerous then drugs
5. Instead of drug raids, focus on weapons raids
6. Gun ownership only in shooting clubs (you cannot take your gun home) and extensive vetting.
7. If there still is a mass shooting... don’t shout that if the victims had guns they wouldn’t have been able to protect themselves (that is total BS). That means more focus on illegal gun trade.

If an automatic costs Xxx dollars when it’s legal. It will cost a lot more on the black market (xxxx dollars). That makes it a lot more difficult for mentally disturbed people to get them.

There are gangs all over the world. There are much less deadly with knives then with guns. Also if there are no more guns, any black market gun in circulation will be much easier to spot then in combination with a circulation of legal and illegal guns.

Banning guns won't curtail crime. Many of the guns used in murders (whether mass or single) are not legal. They are bought through back channels and frequently comes from the Philippines.

The best way to combat gun violence is to heavily crack down and police the black market. Also, border imports need more inspections to stop the firearms from ever entering the black market in the first place.

Most legal gun owners will never commit a crime with their gun. Also, most legal gun owners are average people who either like to hunt or target shoot, those people are highly unlikely to ever hurt anyone. Sure, there are a few nut jobs in the NRA that think infants should have guns and whatnot, but that's by no means the majority.

Also, I don't think automatic weapons are legal anywhere in the US.
Actually quite easy.
1. Bann guns (except law inforcement)
2. Destroy “legal” guns in circulation
Sounds like a legal and logistical nightmare to be quite honest. Changing the constitution and removing millions of firearms isn’t exactly what I call easy.

Nevermind. You’ll never understand it as long you have never lived abroad. Btw USA is also surrounded by oceans. Even more then Australia instead of 1 there are 2 of them!
So, I guess Canada and the entirety of Central and South America doesn’t exist.