Mass shooting in Southern Texas Church

  • Thread starter ryzno
Stephen Willeford, a 55 year old plumber and NRA member, got a call from his daughter alerting him to the gunshots. He removed his rifle from its safe, loaded his magazine, and ran across the street to the church. He didn’t even pause to put on his shoes. After hitting the shooter twice, the shooter dropped his weapon and took off in his SUV. Mr. Willeford flagged down Johnnie Langendorff while in his bare feet and holding his rifle, and Mr. Langendorff didn't hesitate to set off in pursuit at speeds up to 95 miles an hour, on the line to 911 at the same time. After the suspect crashed his SUV into a field, Mr. Willeford kept his rifle trained on the vehicle until the police arrived to find the suspect dead of a self inflicted wound.

Stephen Willeford

Johnnie Langendorff
This is getting ridiculous. I don't even know what to say any more. This happens so often in the USA without anything changing that it looks like the people in charge (and of course a lot of Americans as well) just don't care about it. We all hear the same vacuous words over and over after each mass shooting but things just stay the same, people continue to be slaughtered and life goes on.
Just like the Vegas attack, this was carried out through the proper channels; someone in the USAF however, will share partial responsibility for not blacklisting Mr. Kelley for that assault charge. This possibly could've been avoided or heavily deterred otherwise, but since that's not a guarantee, what would you do then? The man was, by law, not allowed to own or be in possession of a gun.
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The Air Force personnel associated with handling cases of violence or whatever should be properly punished for failure to do their job.

Ideally, I would've dishonorably discharged them.
Attacking a church, or ANY religious place for that matter, is the most cowardly thing you can ever do. To say it wasn't politically motivated, in my opinion, is total bull****. My heart hurts for this community, and mad props to the man with a RIFLE who came to the rescue and stopped this massacre from developing any worse.

I'm not going to get into a lot of details, but one day after I get my CHL, I'm going to go to my local gun store, purchase a handgun (and maybe a rifle, since I've always wanted my own), and put a long statement of how my purchase went, since I live in Texas. I'll see if these "background checks" the left so commonly refers to as "common sense gun control" are already good enough or if I feel they should be revised.

Also, if you have a domestic violence case on your record, you shouldn't even be having a gun anywhere near you, so how he got his weapons is a mystery to me.

Edit: Not sure how credible this verified account is, but this is just pure incompetence.

I mean it could've been religiously motivated.
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Just like the Vegas attack, this was carried out through the proper channels; someone in the USAF however, will share partial responsibility for not blacklisting Mr. Kelley for that assault charge. This possibly could've been avoided or heavily deterred otherwise, but since that's not a guarantee, what would you do then? The man was, by law, not allowed to own or be in possession of a gun.

Not selling the type of weapon the guy easily bought could help avoid mass shootings. I left my opinion about this already in the guns thread.

It's a sad situation for those involved who lost loved ones.
I mean it could've been religiously motivated.
Just on the limited information we have from the media I think it's safe to say, in layman's terms, this guy wasn't quite right in the head. Maybe not mentally ill perse but he didn't necessarily have the same thoughts and emotions running through his head that the rest of us do and obviously not the same mechanisms for self control most of us have. He cracked a baby's skull after all. There are reports that he was an avowed atheist and that his step mother-in-law, whom he apparently hated, was among the dead. In his twisted mind he may have had both a personal and religious motive and figured this was a good opportunity to take care of both things at once.
It's the leadslinger which makes it very easy to kill people.

America needs better regulations for their guns. Too many people out there who can't be trusted with them are able to get their hands on them.

Same political nonsense every single time. We've been over this. There was just a terrorist attack in NY city without the use of a gun, did we miss that? One does not need a gun to kill innocent people.
Not selling the type of weapon the guy easily bought could help avoid mass shootings. I left my opinion about this already in the guns thread.

It's a sad situation for those involved who lost loved ones.
Be sure to ask for them not to lend out UHaul trucks so easily as well. We could’ve avoided New York. :rolleyes:

The issue you’re ignoring is that the man wasn’t supposed to be sold that type of weapon (or ANY weapon) in the first place. Someone in the USAF didn’t do their job. Therefore, you can incorporate all the new gun laws you want, they won’t mean anything if people don’t carry them out correctly.
Same political nonsense every single time. We've been over this. There was just a terrorist attack in NY city without the use of a gun, did we miss that? One does not need a gun to kill innocent people.

Now see, it's just my opinion. I don't give a rat's ass that a lot of Americans prefer to keep going like this and have their innocent people killed on a daily basis of which a lot are probably preventable. Mass shootings in America are (for me) on the same level of interest as people dying of hunger in Africa.

You don't want change. A lot of your fellow countrymen don't want it either.

I'm going to say it again, I'm all for private gun ownership, but not like this.
Now see, it's just my opinion. I don't give a rat's ass that a lot of Americans prefer to keep going like this and have their innocent people killed on a daily basis of which a lot are probably preventable. Mass shootings in America are (for me) on the same level of interest as people dying of hunger in Africa.

You don't want change. A lot of your fellow countrymen don't want it either.

I'm going to say it again, I'm all for private gun ownership, but not like this.

Sure, but it's getting pretty hard to ignore the numbers - a gun makes it easier to kill more people in less time. Why isn't that a problem worth solving?

There is a problem worth solving, which is trying to identify, intervene, and monitor the people out there who want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. That's true of the NY truck attack, and true for the Texas shooter. I see no reason to discuss the weapon of choice. Trucks are very effective at killing people, even when not being driven. They can be parked and blown up. I know that you both want to believe that we can just pass some sort of legislation and save tons of lives. It's fantasy. All you'd be doing is preventing people from protecting themselves and their neighbors. Someone who is motivated to kill innocent people has many methods at their disposal. These methods get used all too regularly.

The US has a culture problem, it's violence.
Sad to hear this.

My friend said that he congratulates to the killer, because he hates religious people.
Come on, I accept that he doesn't like religous people, but do not wish somebody's death.
Sad to hear this.

My friend said that he congratulates to the killer, because he hates religious people.
Come on, I accept that he doesn't like religous people, but do not wish somebody's death.
If they really mean that and weren't just being flippant or trying to get attention, that is evidence of a sick mind. I'm not sure I could be friends with someone if I thought that's what they really believed.
If they really mean that and weren't just being flippant or trying to get attention, that is evidence of a sick mind. I'm not sure I could be friends with someone if I thought that's what they really believed.
Thats basically showing an absurdly and dangerously high intolerance towards people with other opinions, so yeah, its best to stay away from people like that.
Sure, but it's getting pretty hard to ignore the numbers - a gun makes it easier to kill more people in less time. Why isn't that a problem worth solving?

The solution exists but people wont like it.

Muskets or other barrel loading weapon.

People can still have guns but they have to use 1700s tech and carry gun powder in little paper wads as well as a pouch full of musket balls.

You get one shot and then you spend the next 5 or so seconds loading.
The solution exists but people wont like it.

Muskets or other barrel loading weapon.

People can still have guns but they have to use 1700s tech and carry gun powder in little paper wads as well as a pouch full of musket balls.

You get one shot and then you spend the next 5 or so seconds loading.

Why? You always say this yet lack an in depth reasoning as to why
It's another episode of "The rest of the world doesn't understand America's gun laws but try's to educate its people anyway."

These reruns are getting annoying honestly.
The solution exists but people wont like it.

Muskets or other barrel loading weapon.

People can still have guns but they have to use 1700s tech and carry gun powder in little paper wads as well as a pouch full of musket balls.

You get one shot and then you spend the next 5 or so seconds loading.

Nothing can possibli go wrong!

Guessing if we went that direction people would just forgo the pesky musket part and make a nasty bomb out of the gun powder and pellets.
Sure, but it's getting pretty hard to ignore the numbers - a gun makes it easier to kill more people in less time. Why isn't that a problem worth solving?

Because you can't solve that problem without infringing on my right to keep and bear arms.
The solution exists but people wont like it.

Muskets or other barrel loading weapon.

People can still have guns but they have to use 1700s tech and carry gun powder in little paper wads as well as a pouch full of musket balls.

You get one shot and then you spend the next 5 or so seconds loading.
It's almost as if that's what the writers of the US constitution had in mind...
It's almost as if that's what the writers of the US constitution had in mind...

What they had in mind was a government that worked for the people, a people able to protect themselves from tyranny. The weapon tech involved is not a consideration.

I know the differences but this is still thought provoking to me.

It’s astounding that in the age of the modern internet lots of Americans are still so isolated in their thinking. So many mass shootings and still no change in gun control. Almost all other western country have banned guns for the better. Some people just don’t learn from their mistakes at all!
Same political nonsense every single time. We've been over this. There was just a terrorist attack in NY city without the use of a gun, did we miss that? One does not need a gun to kill innocent people.

But it makes it a lot easier! Just look at the statistics around the world. Deaths caused by radical Terrorism pale in comparison with gun violence. Terrorist attacks without guns happen everywhere in the world, but mass shootings? Predominantly US only!

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