Mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio

  • Thread starter Novalee
More young, black males are killed in gun violence every fortnight (usually by other young, black males) than all people of all ages and races killed in all spree-shootings in a year - but this apparently doesn't merit a needle-twitch on media coverage of gun violence.

If white racist mass shooters merely want to kill people from other races, they should just go into inner cities and give their guns away to anyone who wants them.

This is not a solution, because it has been happening for over 60 years. Even after the civil rights movement, high powered semi defective guns were secretly dropped off in the poor inner cities for people to kill each other, a political strategy that effectively worked until some form a civility. Similar to the movie planet of the apes, you give them guns they will kill each other until they turn on the people who gave them guns. And the apes don't just symbolize blacks it could happen to anybody under the circumstances.

After slavery many migrated north to those inner cities for better life but instead they got beer life with lack of education, that has been passed down for generations to present. These people in inner cities are trapped in a gated fence of stupidity; any who seeks proper education gets a key to get out of the gate to truly start a better life.

Guns don't shoot people, but stupid people do. The terror on our nation lies outside the gates of those inner cities; but breeding of racist mass shooters evolved in a similar fashion as crime in the inner cities, it was nurtured for generations.
I was not hateful, I actually was very polite and said Please!

If you were talking about all forms of hate that may be considered then you would perhaps be engaging in meaningful subject matter. There are racist of all creeds, races and religions. Lets not forget BLM, Antifa and ISIS as well that promotes their brand of racism and the members are not white supremacist.

Race relations in this country are worse now in my opinion than they have been in over 50 years but trying to blame less than 1% of the white population who are members of these groups in this country for that is actually pretty weak and promoting and repeating exactly what these other racist group want you to believe. Ever heard of when a segment of the population are referred to as Sheep? There is a reason for that.

I will say that the blacks have their own tv channel, their own awards show, their own fashion show, the naacp, BLM, and expect preference in employment, college admissions, small business loans and this is just a sample and IT ALL IS BASED SOLELY OFF THE PIGMENT OF THEIR SKIN AND BEING BLACK! If a tv show was called whitish about a white family then of course that would instantly be racist but a tv show blackish is fine.

So if you want to discuss using and twisting racism in this country lets start with that. As far as being a danger to our country I think that 13% of the population committing over 50% of the nations crimes is more of a danger and threat than the limited shootings by crazy white people.

People in this country are tired of the race card, they are tired of every time they turn around that people are using race trying to hit the ghetto lottery by the I DN DO NUTHIN crowd. Civil rights were granted in this country 55 years ago and slavery was ended what 155 years ago so it is way past time for people to stand on their own laurels and accomplishments and take race out of it period!

I always hear about white privilege this and white privilege that but the only thing I personally ever saw was getting my white ass up every morning and going to work to earn a living and pay my bills to raise my family. NOTHING was given to me because I was white, I worked jobs and started at the bottom and advanced through hard work not because my skin was white.

So bottom line racism will never go away until race is not a factor, people in this country are getting tired of the excuse because it has been a century and a half since slavery was abolished and over a half a century since the civil rights bill. Just how long do people expect to use those as an excuse?

Time to quit blaming everyone else and do it on your own, when we have had a black president, black political leaders, black police chiefs it is way past time to get off the white man is holding me down train!
I was not hateful, I actually was very polite and said Please!

If you were talking about all forms of hate that may be considered then you would perhaps be engaging in meaningful subject matter. There are racist of all creeds, races and religions. Lets not forget BLM, Antifa and ISIS as well that promotes their brand of racism and the members are not white supremacist.

Race relations in this country are worse now in my opinion than they have been in over 50 years but trying to blame less than 1% of the white population who are members of these groups in this country for that is actually pretty weak and promoting and repeating exactly what these other racist group want you to believe. Ever heard of when a segment of the population are referred to as Sheep? There is a reason for that.

I will say that the blacks have their own tv channel, their own awards show, their own fashion show, the naacp, BLM, and expect preference in employment, college admissions, small business loans and this is just a sample and IT ALL IS BASED SOLELY OFF THE PIGMENT OF THEIR SKIN AND BEING BLACK! If a tv show was called whitish about a white family then of course that would instantly be racist but a tv show blackish is fine.

So if you want to discuss using and twisting racism in this country lets start with that. As far as being a danger to our country I think that 13% of the population committing over 50% of the nations crimes is more of a danger and threat than the limited shootings by crazy white people.

People in this country are tired of the race card, they are tired of every time they turn around that people are using race trying to hit the ghetto lottery by the I DN DO NUTHIN crowd. Civil rights were granted in this country 55 years ago and slavery was ended what 155 years ago so it is way past time for people to stand on their own laurels and accomplishments and take race out of it period!

I always hear about white privilege this and white privilege that but the only thing I personally ever saw was getting my white ass up every morning and going to work to earn a living and pay my bills to raise my family. NOTHING was given to me because I was white, I worked jobs and started at the bottom and advanced through hard work not because my skin was white.

So bottom line racism will never go away until race is not a factor, people in this country are getting tired of the excuse because it has been a century and a half since slavery was abolished and over a half a century since the civil rights bill. Just how long do people expect to use those as an excuse?

Time to quit blaming everyone else and do it on your own, when we have had a black president, black political leaders, black police chiefs it is way past time to get off the white man is holding me down train!
you didn't have to post all of that. In my beliefs, white black yellow brown people get along with each other from many parts of this nation. They are even having mixed relations and families. It is the racist white mass shooters who are a threat to our nation and are influence by the ideology of white supremacy hate groups such as kkk white nationalist neo Nazis. So the blame is not on everyone else but if one fits in line with similar groups mentioned, the blame is fitting.
It is the racist white mass shooters who are a threat to our nation and are influence by the ideology of white supremacy hate groups such as kkk white nationalist neo Nazis.
Your response shows you are clearly color blind and as far as racism and danger to this country the only color you see or acknowledge is white when they are only one piece of a very multi piece puzzle concerning racism in this country.
Keep drinking that same koolaid and you sir are one that is contributing to keeping racism alive and well within our population. My solution is take race out of everything and let actions and accomplishments speak for a persons worth or value not the color of their skin. In our nation anybody that want to put forth the effort to succeed can do so, there are entirely to many success stories of people of every race, color or country of origin to prove that come here legally and work you can have a good life no matter your race. A persons worst enemy against success is no one but themselves.
Go to those inner cities, that's where you will find the source, source? you have to pay a visit there to find out where those guns came from. Some people think they can learn everything inside an internet forum. There are no scholarly articles in these inner cities streets, this is street knowledge.

Your response shows you are clearly color blind and as far as racism and danger to this country the only color you see or acknowledge is white when they are only one piece of a very multi piece puzzle concerning racism in this country.
Keep drinking that same koolaid and you sir are one that is contributing to keeping racism alive and well within our population. My solution is take race out of everything and let actions and accomplishments speak for a persons worth or value not the color of their skin. In our nation anybody that want to put forth the effort to succeed can do so, there are entirely to many success stories of people of every race, color or country of origin to prove that come here legally and work you can have a good life no matter your race. A persons worst enemy against success is no one but themselves.
All you have to do is stop defending the racist mass shooters and all your issues will go away
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*popcorn eating intensifies*

All you have to do is stop defending the racist mass shooters and all your issues will go away
My wish anytime that there is a mass shooter is the police will shoot the perp dead right on the spot and I DO NOT CARE WHAT COLOR HE IS!
I do not think they deserve a court hearing or trial or a stint in prison.
If you see that as my defending mass shooters then I feel for you!
*popcorn eating intensifies*

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hey Im out for now, later. I see ImaRobot lurking and I don't want to be debating this topic with someone with the word 'Robot' in their name.
Only a 'robot' would require computer data or text alone to learn about something. realistic minds will also visit places physically to find source for information. To speak and debate about things you haven't been or seen, thats 'bollocks'
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high powered semi defective guns were secretly dropped off in the poor inner cities for people to kill each other, a political strategy that effectively worked until some form a civility

Go to those inner cities, that's where you will find the source, source? you have to pay a visit there to find out where those guns came from. Some people think they can learn everything inside an internet forum. There are no scholarly articles in these inner cities streets, this is street knowledge.

Is "street knowledge" a particular form of bollocks? It seems like it might be.

hey Im out for now, later. I see ImaRobot lurking and I don't want to be debating this topic with someone with the word 'Robot' in their name.

Yes. Quite.

I am referring in general how the left leaning media in this country tries to make it be a race problem anytime there is a white officer involved shooting with a black victim, but if the victim is white you do not hear the same racial overtones even if the officer were black.
I do know that the FBI can take a weapons serial number and track down the firearms point of origin and its first initial sale. It used to take the agents having to pull the dealers paperwork but even back in the early 70's they knew which dealer had had that guns serial number within their inventory to know where to go to pull the paperwork.
All that information is of the serial number and the buyer is now called in with the background check, I feel surely that information is retained after it is called in.

Because the only people that care about laws are law abiding citizens. As an example I know in the past all the parts to make an AK47 full auto and those parts could legally be purchased online. I also know that you only need to drill the receiver of a semi auto model in two locations to install the parts, most receivers are even dimpled where they need to be drilled. It is illegal to possess an AK47 that the receiver is drilled to accept the auto parts period.

A law abiding citizen would refrain from crossing that line and not use those legally available parts and illegally modify a legally obtainable semi auto AK47 to produce an illegal firearm. A convicted felon would not care about what the law stated just he could have a fully auto weapon.

Point being law abiding citizens follow the law and criminals could give a rats ass what the law says. Any laws passed only affect those that will follow the laws to begin with.

That is one specific example. You are going to great lengths to debunk stricter gunlaws as part of a solution. at least 60% of americans agree however they should be stricter.
hey Im out for now, later. I see ImaRobot lurking and I don't want to be debating this topic with someone with the word 'Robot' in their name.
Jesus how insecure are you :lol: I’m not even part of a discussion and you’re still talking about me. Glad to see that you still just seem to be blowing hot air without being able to prove the wild things you say. You even had to edit that little sentence in over 20 minutes later, jeez. Never change, please.
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That is one specific example. You are going to great lengths to debunk stricter gunlaws as part of a solution. at least 60% of americans agree however they should be stricter.

That one example proves the point that no matter what laws you pass the only ones concerned with obeying them are the law abiding citizens, criminals do not care about laws hence why they are criminals.

We have multiple laws on the books that if enforced should be sufficient to keep the firearms out of those hands they should not be in now. The only law I can see that may make a difference is requiring all firearm sales private or not to require a background check.

Again that actually only affects the legal law abiders from unknowingly making an illegal firearm sale to a person that legally cannot buy a weapon but still does not affect the criminal who again will not follow the laws and sell guns out of their trunk for cash but in my opinion would be a positive step forward to attempt to keep legal weapons from falling into the hands of those that cannot legally possess them..
That one example proves the point that no matter what laws you pass the only ones concerned with obeying them are the law abiding citizens, criminals do not care about laws hence why they are criminals.

We have multiple laws on the books that if enforced should be sufficient to keep the firearms out of those hands they should not be in now. The only law I can see that may make a difference is requiring all firearm sales private or not to require a background check.

Again that actually only affects the legal law abiders from unknowingly making an illegal firearm sale to a person that legally cannot buy a weapon but still does not affect the criminal who again will not follow the laws and sell guns out of their trunk for cash but in my opinion would be a positive step forward to attempt to keep legal weapons from falling into the hands of those that cannot legally possess them..

One anecdotal example does not disprove a system that does not have the chance to prove its effectiveness. Like I discussed with Danoff, there are elements of the Swiss gunlaws that could work in the USA. The swiss are only second to the USA in gunownership.
Just trying to keep this thread on topic. It wasnt my intention to ignore everything else. different violence/crime have different motivations and solutions not related to this thread. Why do a lot of people assume the rights of people are not being respected by stricter gun regulations?
Well strict regulations done incorrectly could definitely be a rights violation. A gun shouldn't be near impossible to obtain for someone with a legitimate use of it. I see merit in background checks, licenses, and similar concepts, but if they're implemented the focus should be on keeping guns out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them while at the same time allowing responsible people to acquire a gun if needed.
Well strict regulations done incorrectly could definitely be a rights violation. A gun shouldn't be near impossible to obtain for someone with a legitimate use of it. I see merit in background checks, licenses, and similar concepts, but if they're implemented the focus should be on keeping guns out of the hands of people that shouldn't have them while at the same time allowing responsible people to acquire a gun if needed.

Exactly what I would like to see for the USA. However any mention of gunregulation is quickly interpeted as a violation of rights or as banning all guns.
That is one specific example. You are going to great lengths to debunk stricter gunlaws as part of a solution. at least 60% of americans agree however they should be stricter.

Now how would stricter gunlaws have influenced this situation? There are already ample existing laws that cover this person not being allowed to possess a firearm period. So how would even more laws change that a criminal does not care about following the law and laws actually only affect law abiding citizens.

And yes with his past record the gun control laws and punishments still did not change his actions even after PRIOR CONVICTIONS for violating gun laws.
philly shooter.jpg
Now how would stricter gunlaws have influenced this situation? There are already ample existing laws that cover this person not being allowed to possess a firearm period. So how would even more laws change that a criminal does not care about following the law and laws actually only affect law abiding citizens.

And yes with his past record the gun control laws and punishments still did not change his actions even after PRIOR CONVICTIONS for violating gun laws.
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Study: where gun laws are weaker, there are more mass shootings
Study: where gun laws are weaker, there are more mass shootings

Here was something I found concerning VOX as a source.
Vox media bias rating is Left.
Vox has a Left media bias. In Sept. 2018, the AllSides team conducted an extensive editorial review and decided to shift Vox from a Lean Left to a Left media bias rating.

The AllSides team found that Vox consistently writes favorably about Left-leaning policies and never includes a Right-leaning perspective. Articles on have tied President Trump to fascism, and its "Explainers" section almost never includes Right-leaning opinions or viewpoints. Vox's Explainers provide only one side of an issue, making it seem as if the information provided is all readers need to know, when in reality, Right-leaning individuals would likely include other facts or make different points about the topic. This prevents readers from getting a holistic understanding of the highlighted issues.

AllSides notes that Vox often frames news and issues as if the Left perspective is the only perspective, and its hard news articles include commentary that is subjective in nature. Vox often blurs the line between news and editorial. One AllSides team member noted Vox "seems like advocacy outlet for the Democratic Party, showing all the "news" you'd like to hear as a Democrat."
I then did a search for the highest homicide cities in the U.S. and came up with this,
homicide rates.png

I then searched the top ten cities listed on the above chart and was not surprised to find that all the top 10 had been Democratic led locations, most for decades. Again not surprising at all if you look over the years of stats tracking this information. Also again it has also been shown over the years that generally the TIGHTER THE GUN REGULATIONS in these locations the higher the criminal offense rates and murders recorded as compared to Republican led cities with looser laws and firearm regulations.

What is interesting is the Liberals want to cherry pick and include ONLY what they consider to be mass murder events and not OVERALL firearm events which actually portray a much more accurate picture.

Many of the Democratic controlled cities which have the tightest and most restrictive gun laws and regulations in this country also have the highest homicide rates in this country. That is a fact but the liberals do not want to advertise that because it goes totally against the agenda they are trying to put forth, the very agenda they have proven time and time again in the cities they control as to how much their ideas and policies concerning gun control are a failure and do not work and actually cause more harm than good to the law abiding citizens.
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I then searched the top ten cities listed on the above chart and was not surprised to find that all the top 10 had been Democratic led locations, most for decades. Again not surprising at all if you look over the years of stats tracking this information. Also again it has also been shown over the years that generally the TIGHTER THE GUN REGULATIONS in these locations the higher the criminal offense rates and murders recorded as compared to looser laws.
Aren't the U.S. cities with the lowest murder rates in California? I thought that that was a Democratic led state with heavy gun control laws. Surely if the above were true, then the safest cities would be Republican ones with laxer laws. Or maybe this isn't as much of a factor after all?
Aren't the U.S. cities with the lowest murder rates in California? I thought that that was a Democratic led state with heavy gun control laws. Surely if the above were true, then the safest cities would be Republican ones with laxer laws. Or maybe this isn't as much of a factor after all?

California also has 2 cities in the top 25 and a third in the 26 spot.

The safest cities are also usually the richest cities. That seems more telling than gun regulations.
Now how would stricter gunlaws have influenced this situation? There are already ample existing laws that cover this person not being allowed to possess a firearm period. So how would even more laws change that a criminal does not care about following the law and laws actually only affect law abiding citizens.

And yes with his past record the gun control laws and punishments still did not change his actions even after PRIOR CONVICTIONS for violating gun laws.
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Perhaps, because the lack of strict gunlaws? You are posting one specific anecdotal example of an incident in a country that does not yet has implemented strict federal gunlaws. How is that proof that it doesnt work?

Also the point that was made by me and others is that only a federal system would work. States do not possess strong borders to prevent people to cross borders to purchase or smuggle weapons.

California also has 2 cities in the top 25 and a third in the 26 spot.

The safest cities are also usually the richest cities. That seems more telling than gun regulations.

Do these rich cities have the same gunlaws?

I then did a search for the highest homicide cities in the U.S. and came up with this,
View attachment 843918

I then searched the top ten cities listed on the above chart and was not surprised to find that all the top 10 had been Democratic led locations, most for decades. Again not surprising at all if you look over the years of stats tracking this information. Also again it has also been shown over the years that generally the TIGHTER THE GUN REGULATIONS in these locations the higher the criminal offense rates and murders recorded as compared to Republican led cities with looser laws and firearm regulations.

What is interesting is the Liberals want to cherry pick and include ONLY what they consider to be mass murder events and not OVERALL firearm events which actually portray a much more accurate picture.

Many of the Democratic controlled cities which have the tightest and most restrictive gun laws and regulations in this country also have the highest homicide rates in this country. That is a fact but the liberals do not want to advertise that because it goes totally against the agenda they are trying to put forth, the very agenda they have proven time and time again in the cities they control as to how much their ideas and policies concerning gun control are a failure and do not work and actually cause more harm than good to the law abiding citizens.

Why would you not want strict gun control? Would more people carrying guns be a better solution?
Aren't the U.S. cities with the lowest murder rates in California? I thought that that was a Democratic led state with heavy gun control laws.

Actually I was trying to stay away from a racial breakdown and how the numbers indicate that it does have an influence. I am not going trying to indicate why the numbers are the way they are only what the numbers indicate, but percentage of population that is of the black race by state,
California 5.9%
Illinois 14.3%
Michigan 13.9%
Ohio 12.3%
Maryland 29.6%
Louisiana 32.2%
Missouri 11.6%- Also roughly 50% of the population in ST. Louis which has the highest homicide rate in the country is of the black race.

Looking at the U.S. incarceration numbers below even though Whites make up 64% of the population they only make up 40% of the prison population and only 0.45% of the white population in this country is in prison.

But looking at the Black population although they only make up 13% of the total population in this country they make up 40% of the prison population and 2.3% of the total black population in this country is in prison.

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than European Americans,
2010. Inmates in adult facilities, by race and ethnicity. Jails, and state and federal prisons.[48]
Race, ethnicity % of US population % of U.S.
incarcerated population % of racial group

White (non-Hispanic)
64 39 0.45
Hispanic 16 19 0.831
Black 13 40 2.306

Whether you like it or not the areas and cities with the highest homicide and crime rates coincide with also having higher higher numbers of black residents, I pointed out the black population numbers in the murder capitol city of St Louis to show this.


I also pointed out the % of the black population in states that show higher murder rates over California as the trends would indicate that California's lower homicide rate very well is probably related to the State having such a low % of the black race for population that seems to have the a much higher rate for criminal violence than the other races a with much higher percentage of the nations population.

I will probably be labeled as a racist for this post, I did not manufacture these numbers, I did not manufacture the homicide numbers by city and the racial demographics of those areas nor did I manufacture that such a small percentage of this this countries overall population commits such a high number of its crimes and fills its prison systems.

But in my opinion the main thing that California has going for it as compared to not having a city listed as one top homicide areas in the country is not their gun laws but the smaller % of the most violent race by the numbers in their state. Places like Chicago and Washington D.C. have just as if not more draconian firearm laws but also a different racial profile and that seems to be the difference.

It not the laws but the people those laws are trying to be applied towards, again criminals do not care about the laws whether they are black, brown, red, yellow or white a criminal does not follow the law .
But in my opinion the main thing that California has going for it as compared to not having a city listed as one top homicide areas in the country is not their gun laws but the smaller % of the most violent race by the numbers in their state. Places like Chicago and Washington D.C. have just as if not more draconian firearm laws but also a different racial profile and that seems to be the difference.
Perhaps America should ban black people instead of guns. /s

Glad to hear that the severity (or laxity) of gun control laws or the party which most of its residents voted for doesn't make a difference to the safer cities and that your earlier unsourced quote in my last post appears to be unfounded.

However I'd say that how rich the residents of those cities are makes a far greater difference than how white they are. President Obama did not shoot up the White House when he was in power.

[EDIT] Meanwhile, I'll just leave this link here. Just because people are incarcerated doesn't necessarily mean their "racial profile" has turned them into a criminal. This report was written in the safest city in America by the way.
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However I'd say that how rich the residents of those cities are makes a far greater difference than how white they are. President Obama did not shoot up the White House when he was in power.
How many years have you been a resident in the U.S. to gather your knowledge to be able to understand its racial diversity or economic problems firsthand?
How many years have you been a resident in the U.S. to gather your knowledge to be able to understand its racial diversity or economic problems firsthand?
I wasn't aware that opinions were supposed to be geographically qualified. Anything I present as fact is accompanied by a linked source. Sorry I can't say the same thing for your posts. Perhaps they're filled with "street knowledge" instead?