Mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio

  • Thread starter Novalee

It's even worse than that when you realize:

Women rarely do it. Down to ~6,5%
Children don't do it. Down to maybe ~5%
Old men rarely do it. Down to ~3%

It's mostly young men between 18-30 who are committing (and dying in) roughly ~50% of the homicides in the country.

It is a big problem. Poverty, culture, broken families, easy access to guns (illegally and legally), no social security network in case of illness, etc.

But the numbers are staggering.
Actually I was trying to stay away from a racial breakdown and how the numbers indicate that it does have an influence. I am not going trying to indicate why the numbers are the way they are only what the numbers indicate, but percentage of population that is of the black race by state,
California 5.9%
Illinois 14.3%
Michigan 13.9%
Ohio 12.3%
Maryland 29.6%
Louisiana 32.2%
Missouri 11.6%- Also roughly 50% of the population in ST. Louis which has the highest homicide rate in the country is of the black race.

Looking at the U.S. incarceration numbers below even though Whites make up 64% of the population they only make up 40% of the prison population and only 0.45% of the white population in this country is in prison.

But looking at the Black population although they only make up 13% of the total population in this country they make up 40% of the prison population and 2.3% of the total black population in this country is in prison.

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than European Americans,
2010. Inmates in adult facilities, by race and ethnicity. Jails, and state and federal prisons.[48]
Race, ethnicity % of US population % of U.S.
incarcerated population
% of racial group

White (non-Hispanic)
64 39 0.45
Hispanic 16 19 0.831
Black 13 40 2.306

Whether you like it or not the areas and cities with the highest homicide and crime rates coincide with also having higher higher numbers of black residents, I pointed out the black population numbers in the murder capitol city of St Louis to show this.


I also pointed out the % of the black population in states that show higher murder rates over California as the trends would indicate that California's lower homicide rate very well is probably related to the State having such a low % of the black race for population that seems to have the a much higher rate for criminal violence than the other races a with much higher percentage of the nations population.

I will probably be labeled as a racist for this post, I did not manufacture these numbers, I did not manufacture the homicide numbers by city and the racial demographics of those areas nor did I manufacture that such a small percentage of this this countries overall population commits such a high number of its crimes and fills its prison systems.

But in my opinion the main thing that California has going for it as compared to not having a city listed as one top homicide areas in the country is not their gun laws but the smaller % of the most violent race by the numbers in their state. Places like Chicago and Washington D.C. have just as if not more draconian firearm laws but also a different racial profile and that seems to be the difference.

It not the laws but the people those laws are trying to be applied towards, again criminals do not care about the laws whether they are black, brown, red, yellow or white a criminal does not follow the law .

The implication of your post is that there is a cause and effect relationship between race and violent crime, which is at best...unhelpful. I think it's far more likely that it has to do with poverty. Do you know what all of those cities from your post have in common? They are all either fully post-industrial cities or have significant post-industrial components of them. The middle class and wealthy left years ago. They are largely stuck and have nothing. They are poor and fighting. I would be willing to bet that the crossectional crime rates in those cities correlate far more closely with poverty than they do with race.

Or think about it this way. Picture a well dressed, professional black man. Maybe a dentist or an architect. There are plenty of them. I'm sure you've seen or know somebody like that. Then think: Does this person (remember, an individual is not beholden to everyone that shares the same skin color as them) seem to have a higher chance of being a murderer than a white man of the same social standing? The answer is probably "no". So if that passes the test (nevermind statistics) it's probably a bad assumption to think that people are violent because they are black.

I also think it's helpful to understand why there are so many poor black people in these cities. After the civil war, many, many black people who were slaves moved to northern (at the time, what is now the midwest) and northeastern cities to work at factories there. All of these cities began to decline in the 1950s through now. The white people (predominantly) who started those factories (the management class) had nothing keeping them there and also the ability/resources to move out. And so they did - pursuing emerging fields like financial technology, computer industries, newer professional services, etc. What is left is large communities of black people in these former power-house cities with no work and not much hope. Blame it on globalism, blame it on inflexibility of unions, blame it on missteps by city leadership, blame it on poor city planning, blame it on failed investment ploys (Detroit has seen all of those things and more) it doesn't change that there is basically nothing left. I would love to see what a Republican mayor would do with Detroit...probably one of the things attempted decades before by others. Build stadiums? Didn't work. Build highways? Didn't work. Build casinos! Didn't work. Eliminate nearly all property taxes??! Really didn't work. 'Encourage investment?' Good luck. There's nothing to be done for Detroit (and I'm sure others like it) other than let it run it's natural course...eventually its size will come down to a sustainable level and the city will get better. But it's not gonna be leadership that gets it there. All of that is to say, the problems with violence in post-industrial cities is nothing like an easy or simple issue...and it will take time. Unlike 8channing mass shooters, I don't think its that much about guns (intrinsically) and these kids will absolutely go around knifing each other or even just beating each other to death, if they didn't have access to gun. They are fighting over far more closely resembles war.
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I wasn't aware that opinions were supposed to be geographically qualified. Anything I present as fact is accompanied by a linked source. Sorry I can't say the same thing for your posts. Perhaps they're filled with "street knowledge" instead?
No , but it does make sense that although you have never been here how you are able to make statements about how Obama never shot up the white house while many that do live in this country and have long before Obama sat in the oval office and still here after Obama is gone seem to agree that Obama set race relations back decades in this country from where they were at when he took office.

I like how many of your links "sources" that you purport to be facts are actually when validated come up with very left leaning tendencies and your Proetus fund the very first listed board member has solid ties to the democratic left leaning agenda.

The Proteus Fund is a publicly supported foundation, founded in 1994 and based in Amherst, Massachusetts which supports progressive organizations.
In 2004 Ludovic Blain was[1] Associate Director of the Democracy Program at Demos, a non-profit public policy research and advocacy organization in New York City.

Actually there are many large cities in this country run by Republicans and their leadership style and agenda and maybe the better question to ask is what are they doing different that not having draconian gun regulations and they still do not make the top of the murder list for the country.

I can all day show you different right leaning NRA publications that show that areas with looser gun legislation have lower crime rates and these numbers are factual by FBI statistics. But I prefer not to use numbers and stats that are using only a one sided view to support one side of the picture.

But I don't because the numbers and information can easily be cherry picked or manipulated to not actually tell the whole story. Can you say the same for the sources you use?
It is a big problem. Poverty, culture, broken families, easy access to guns (illegally and legally), no social security network in case of illness, etc.
I agree there are problems, but there have been social programs, workplace racial quota's, programs which helped blacks start businesses and go to college for decades but yet in general there are still a lot of issues. At what point do you start holding the individual responsible and quit making excuses? There are a lot of blacks that have done well for themselves, schools are not centralized by neighborhood anymore so the education is available to all in the district regardless of race.

Locally last week the "TEST" results for one of the school systems came in and they showed much lower scores for the black students than the white and asian students in the school district. One of the local tv stations news tried to contact them about the results but the school declined to talk to them.

Now these students all attended the same schools, same classes with the same teachers. So where is the excuse that these black students did not have the same opportunity offered at school to them that the other students of different races had that consistently had higher test scores?

At some point the excuses need to end and people need to look in the mirror to find the source of their lack of moving forward or up.

think it's far more likely that it has to do with poverty. Do you know what all of those cities from your post have in common? They are all either fully post-industrial cities or have significant post-industrial components of them. The middle class and wealthy left years ago.
And although I will not say that poverty does not have an influence you act like that working blue collar whites would not face the same challenges. Does the average poor white family have a money tree that the blacks do not have or something? Apparently the majority of the poorer whites found a way to leave the area or something because just because a persons skin is white does not mean they cannot be poor.

If I cannot earn a living where I am at then perhaps it is time to move into an area that I can make a living. But sitting on the porch smoking weed and drinking beer is not going to fix my problem. How do you motivate someone that apparently has no interest in motivating themselves? The government have been offering what was supposed to be a helping hand up for 50 years yet it is worse now in many respects than it has ever been.
And although I will not say that poverty does not have an influence you act like that working blue collar whites would not face the same challenges. Does the average poor white family have a money tree that the blacks do not have or something? Apparently the majority of the poorer whites found a way to leave the area or something because just because a persons skin is white does not mean they cannot be poor.

If I cannot earn a living where I am at then perhaps it is time to move into an area that I can make a living. But sitting on the porch smoking weed and drinking beer is not going to fix my problem. How do you motivate someone that apparently has no interest in motivating themselves? The government have been offering what was supposed to be a helping hand up for 50 years yet it is worse now in many respects than it has ever been.

See edit above.

I don't know the answer to why they didn't/don't leave but it's not an easy thing to do even if you have money. Working blue collar whites do and have faced the same challenges...that's the whole point of my post.
Here was something I found concerning VOX as a source.
Vox media bias rating is Left.
Vox has a Left media bias. In Sept. 2018, the AllSides team conducted an extensive editorial review and decided to shift Vox from a Lean Left to a Left media bias rating.

The AllSides team found that Vox consistently writes favorably about Left-leaning policies and never includes a Right-leaning perspective. Articles on have tied President Trump to fascism, and its "Explainers" section almost never includes Right-leaning opinions or viewpoints. Vox's Explainers provide only one side of an issue, making it seem as if the information provided is all readers need to know, when in reality, Right-leaning individuals would likely include other facts or make different points about the topic. This prevents readers from getting a holistic understanding of the highlighted issues.

AllSides notes that Vox often frames news and issues as if the Left perspective is the only perspective, and its hard news articles include commentary that is subjective in nature. Vox often blurs the line between news and editorial. One AllSides team member noted Vox "seems like advocacy outlet for the Democratic Party, showing all the "news" you'd like to hear as a Democrat."
Very true: The Left is the side which doesn't reject science or legitimate research.

If a Yale Philosophy Professor outlining modern fascism is the best you can find, Vox is in great company.
I agree there are problems, but there have been social programs, workplace racial quota's, programs which helped blacks start businesses and go to college for decades but yet in general there are still a lot of issues. At what point do you start holding the individual responsible and quit making excuses? There are a lot of blacks that have done well for themselves, schools are not centralized by neighborhood anymore so the education is available to all in the district regardless of race.

Locally last week the "TEST" results for one of the school systems came in and they showed much lower scores for the black students than the white and asian students in the school district. One of the local tv stations news tried to contact them about the results but the school declined to talk to them.

Now these students all attended the same schools, same classes with the same teachers. So where is the excuse that these black students did not have the same opportunity offered at school to them that the other students of different races had that consistently had higher test scores?

At some point the excuses need to end and people need to look in the mirror to find the source of their lack of moving forward or up.

I'm not excusing anyone. I was correcting your point about 13% of the population committing 52% of the homicides. It's not 13%, it's 2-3% of that population.

Also, what does school tests have to do with gun violence? Even if those kids went to the same school, there's >70% chance the black kids have no fathers at home (or less stable and healthy family environment). That alone is a big difference in care/help/attention at home.

I wouldn't blame the black kids for not getting the same grades. And I don't think grades or race have anything to do with this thread. Whatever differences we see between black, white, latino and asian populations, is more related to environment, culture (and sub-cultures) and societal issues than the fact they're black, white, latino or asian, IMO.
Also, what does school tests have to do with gun violence? Even if those kids went to the same school, there's >70% chance the black kids have no fathers at home (or less stable and healthy family environment). That alone is a big difference in care/help/attention at home.

I wouldn't blame the black kids for not getting the same grades. And I don't think grades or race have anything to do with this thread. Whatever differences we see between black, white, latino and asian populations, is more related to environment, culture (and sub-cultures) and societal issues than the fact they're black, white, latino or asian, IMO.

Actually in many cases it is blamed or used as an excuse that the black children are placed in inferior schools or the teachers are not as good and this is just one example of a smaller mid size city where the opportunity offered is the same.

This day and time I do not think that the black community is the only ones that have single parent homes with the divorce rates in this country that cross all racial, social and economic lines. But again why are we automatically making excuses blaming environment, home life or societal issues because the students not making the grades are black? If it were the white students they would not have those same excuses be the forefront for their lack of performance. Guess it would be questioning mental health, being bullied or possible depression issues as the first excuses offered up for them, but there would still today be some kind of excuse.

The whole school thing has to do with why are the races not performing on the same level when offered a level playing field but yet one of the prime excuses for the violence is not offered the same level of opportunity? How much longer do we continue to make the excuses when out of the other 87% (and according to your numbers 97%) of the population which is of mixed races, origins and ethic backgrounds and cultures are seemingly ably to make the system work for them? And please do not blame slavery that was over 150 years ago and civil rights was over 55 years ago, a half a century should be an ample time frame to fit into the program.
Education and the willingness to learn is the solution to supress homicides in inner metro cities in the US. view this video below on ideas to stop racist mass shootings.
Warning 'street knowledge!!!'
Actually in many cases it is blamed or used as an excuse that the black children are placed in inferior schools or the teachers are not as good and this is just one example of a smaller mid size city where the opportunity offered is the same.

This day and time I do not think that the black community is the only ones that have single parent homes with the divorce rates in this country that cross all racial, social and economic lines. But again why are we automatically making excuses blaming environment, home life or societal issues because the students not making the grades are black? If it were the white students they would not have those same excuses be the forefront for their lack of performance. Guess it would be questioning mental health, being bullied or possible depression issues as the first excuses offered up for them, but there would still today be some kind of excuse.

The whole school thing has to do with why are the races not performing on the same level when offered a level playing field but yet one of the prime excuses for the violence is not offered the same level of opportunity? How much longer do we continue to make the excuses when out of the other 87% (and according to your numbers 97%) of the population which is of mixed races, origins and ethic backgrounds and cultures are seemingly ably to make the system work for them? And please do not blame slavery that was over 150 years ago and civil rights was over 55 years ago, a half a century should be an ample time frame to fit into the program.

I could reply to this with one of these two:

1) other words for "excuses" are "facts" or "reasons".

2) black people are not dumber or more violent by default.

I also don't think if kids from different races go to the same school it automatically means they're on "a level playing field".

You're going hard on a tangent simply because I pointed out "simple" factors that contribute to the numbers. I don't want to discuss "race and IQ" here and I don't think it's relevant at all to the topic of gun violence in the USA.
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No , but it does make sense that although you have never been here how you are able to make statements about how Obama never shot up the white house while many that do live in this country and have long before Obama sat in the oval office and still here after Obama is gone seem to agree that Obama set race relations back decades in this country from where they were at when he took office.

I like how many of your links "sources" that you purport to be facts are actually when validated come up with very left leaning tendencies and your Proetus fund the very first listed board member has solid ties to the democratic left leaning agenda.
I've yet to see a single linked source from you. All you seem to be doing is dispensing wacky opinions from the mountaintop without backing them up in any meaningful way and then attempting to poison the well if anyone else dissents.

I'm done providing evidence for you to pooh-pooh because it's not right-wing enough for you. Since you seem to be setting yourself up as the expert on the American political situation, can you find us a non conservative source that blames Obama as you do for the deterioration of race relations over there? Can you show me how Trump's election has made things any better in this regard?

Personally I'd be willing to bet that the people who denied that Obama was born in Hawaii despite documented evidence to the country did as much or more damage to the state of race relations as anything the right blames Obama for.
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I've yet to see a single linked source from you.
Is your search engine broken? I generally do my own search and do not click on links that I do not know the source of the link,
Post this thread #441 source FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Post this thread #447 Source U.S. Department of Justice.
Source to both is actually clearly visible in the thread they are posted
I would say both of those sources are U.S. Government official agencies they would be considered credible and neither would be left nor right leaning coloring the results or figures for a political agenda or party.

I don't think it's relevant at all to the topic of gun violence in the USA.
I only opened this because of first off the gun violence problem is much larger than the limited scope of the "white" mass shooters as when the homicide by firearm numbers are examined are actually a very small percentage problem of the gun violence in this nation.
2nd, it was suggested why California did not place a city in the top ten of the homicide rates was because of their stricter gun laws. The racial demographics and race violence differences needed to be brought out to demonstrate that it was more probable to be California's racial demographics and not the laws that made the difference.
Like it or not the numbers, both homicide and incarceration rates does indicate problems that link to one race more than any other when it comes to murder and crime in this nation.
That is not a tangent just fact, but whenever those facts are mentioned it immediately seems to draw out reasons that stem to environment, home life and wealth and excuse me there are segments of all races and cultures that face poverty and home life issues but is not made as an excuse for committing crimes. That record and the race card excuse has been played over and over for 50+ years and the records worn out and the race card is as well for many people in this country.

People are tired of excuses, they are tired of being told we need more stricter gun laws that do not work because a few of those cities on the highest homicide list has the strictest gun laws in the country, the shooter last week in Philly was a convicted felon that has PRIOR CONVICTIONS for illegally possessing and using firearms but yet he was out on the street using a firearm to shoot 6 police officers.

Yes that is the tangent, quit talking about legislation and more laws, start enforcing the laws we have supported by punishments that keeps these criminals off the streets endangering the law abiding citizens. No one wants to talk about that.
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Is your search engine broken? I generally do my own search and do not click on links that I do not know the source of the link,
Post this thread #441 source FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Post this thread #447 Source U.S. Department of Justice.
These are just posted cold with no links to the articles from which they sprang. Your "link" to the DoJ is just a link to the wikipedia article about the DoJ rather than showing them backing up your points. When I directly countered your findings your only response was "there's a left leaning person on the board of directors so I don't have to answer this". I find this to be a poor and unconvincing method of argument.

Your Trace article says nothing about liberal gun laws being responsible for the murder rate, which all appears to be speculation on your part. I know because my search engine works perfectly so I'm able to provide the link you couldn't be bothered to:

And I guess that's a big no to whether you can answer my question regarding how Obama set race relations back to the proverbial stone age. Pew Research has this graph but stops short of blaming Obama himself.


As for my second question as to whether things have improved under Trump:
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Is your search engine broken? I generally do my own search and do not click on links that I do not know the source of the link,
Post this thread #441 source FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Post this thread #447 Source U.S. Department of Justice.
Source to both is actually clearly visible in the thread they are posted
I would say both of those sources are U.S. Government official agencies they would be considered credible and neither would be left nor right leaning coloring the results or figures for a political agenda or party.

I only opened this because of first off the gun violence problem is much larger than the limited scope of the "white" mass shooters as when the homicide by firearm numbers are examined are actually a very small percentage problem of the gun violence in this nation.
2nd, it was suggested why California did not place a city in the top ten of the homicide rates was because of their stricter gun laws. The racial demographics and race violence differences needed to be brought out to demonstrate that it was more probable to be California's racial demographics and not the laws that made the difference.
Like it or not the numbers, both homicide and incarceration rates does indicate problems that link to one race more than any other when it comes to murder and crime in this nation.
That is not a tangent just fact, but whenever those facts are mentioned it immediately seems to draw out reasons that stem to environment, home life and wealth and excuse me there are segments of all races and cultures that face poverty and home life issues but is not made as an excuse for committing crimes. That record and the race card excuse has been played over and over for 50+ years and the records worn out and the race card is as well for many people in this country.

People are tired of excuses, they are tired of being told we need more stricter gun laws that do not work because a few of those cities on the highest homicide list has the strictest gun laws in the country, the shooter last week in Philly was a convicted felon that has PRIOR CONVICTIONS for illegally possessing and using firearms but yet he was out on the street using a firearm to shoot 6 police officers.

Yes that is the tangent, quit talking about legislation and more laws, start enforcing the laws we have supported by punishments that keeps these criminals off the streets endangering the law abiding citizens. No one wants to talk about that.

If you want to bring up race in this thread, you better bring decent arguments and back them up then.

Some people in this thread went all out on "white males" and were not convincing, to put it mildly.

You're coming from another side with "black peole" but being just as unconvincing. I get that blaming a group of people who have skin color in common is easy, but it's also lazy and irresponsible.

There's a long list of factors that "filter" human beings to end up in a given group, doing a particular thing. That group can be "those who seat at the oval office" or "those who shoot other people in their 20s". Race, if it is a factor, is not as important as you and lots of people make it out to be.
I've never understood how people can blame 1 single person for something like race relations. Granted the president isn't just any person, but their actions and words only have the power to affect how we act if we let them. At the end of the day the state of societal issues like race relations are up to us as a society as a whole. We all play a part and until we are willing to look at ourselves in the mirror and change ourselves instead of looking to other people to make that change, nothing will happen to make things better.
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Like this (jump to 1'19"):

Just kidding as I understood your point, and me neither.

Haven't heard Candace Owens in ages. She's right where I'd imagine she'd end up getting, saying exactly the same stuff. You can't get better than Fox News + PragerU. :lol:

I laugh, but if I stop to think about it, it's pretty sad that this is the way things work.


Just a quick note here, it would be nice if someone with a history of violence could not buy a gun second-hand with zero checking or diligence of any sort. So a stricter gun law, specifically with regard to second hand sales (and gun shows) would prevent someone like that from having as easy a time obtaining a gun.

It's not going to stop him from wanting one, or even acquiring one illegally. It it would make the number of people that could sell it to him with zero questions asked drop precipitously.

Let me put it another way (one more time), it is perfectly legal for someone to sell him their used gun (or at a gun show), no questions asked. And that's a major issue.


Just a quick note here, it would be nice if someone with a history of violence could not buy a gun second-hand with zero checking or diligence of any sort. So a stricter gun law, specifically with regard to second hand sales (and gun shows) would prevent someone like that from having as easy a time obtaining a gun.

It's not going to stop him from wanting one, or even acquiring one illegally. It it would make the number of people that could sell it to him with zero questions asked drop precipitously.

Let me put it another way (one more time), it is perfectly legal for someone to sell him their used gun (or at a gun show), no questions asked. And that's a major issue.
Inner city black on black gun violence is not part of the problem we should be worried about. It is simply their way of coping with hopelessness.
I have so many questions

I am not sure I want to ask them
The solution to alienated and purposeless white boys with guns is a nationwide system of mental hospitals.
The solution to black on black inner city gun violence is unmet Civil War reparations - 40 acres and a mule.
The solution to alienated and purposeless white boys with guns is a nationwide system of mental hospitals.
The solution to black on black inner city gun violence is unmet Civil War reparations - 40 acres and a mule.

Have you ever experienced a heart attack?

You're that serious?

Hmmm.... well since you've got the solutions, do explain why you think each of those things will address the corresponding problems.
You're that serious?

Hmmm.... well since you've got the solutions, do explain why you think each of those things will address the corresponding problems.

White boys have zero purpose in today's society. There is no need for hunters, coal miners, lumberjacks, farmers, butchers, or even fathers past sperm donation. Yet there the poor out-of-place saps are; alienated and without purpose. Way too dangerous! We can't jail them all, so we hospitalize them and maybe lobotomize them if they won't go beta.

NPR tells us we failed to live up to the Civil War promise of 40 acres and mule for all former slaves. It's time to live up to that. Most of the Democrat candidates are for reparations, and so am I.
White boys have zero purpose in today's society. There is no need for hunters, coal miners, lumberjacks, farmers, butchers, or even fathers past sperm donation. Yet there the poor out-of-place saps are; alienated and without purpose. Way too dangerous! We can't jail them all, so we hospitalize them and maybe lobotomize them if they won't go beta.

NPR tells us we failed to live up to the Civil War promise of 40 acres and mule for all former slaves. It's time to live up to that. Most of the Democrat candidates are for reparations, and so am I.

Quality Dotini content right there.

Sperm donation, lobotomize, beta, mule. All in one post. Bingo!

Related: I'm kind of liking Andrew Yangs idea (though, I have to say, I thought of the same thing years ago) about taxing automation to provide universal basic income. It probably won't provide purpose...but it could fund...hobbies maybe? Idk. We're all screwed.
Still not sure if serious.

White boys have zero purpose in today's society. There is no need for hunters, coal miners, lumberjacks, farmers, butchers, or even fathers past sperm donation. Yet there the poor out-of-place saps are; alienated and without purpose. Way too dangerous! We can't jail them all, so we hospitalize them and maybe lobotomize them if they won't go beta.

Exactly what purpose do you think other people have?

NPR tells us we failed to live up to the Civil War promise of 40 acres and mule for all former slaves. It's time to live up to that. Most of the Democrat candidates are for reparations, and so am I.

Slavery ended in 1865 (in the US). The oldest black person alive in the US can't be more than 114. That would put them at having been born in 1905, 40 years after the end of slavery. The only way to make reparations is to bring people back to life.
Quality Dotini content right there.

Sperm donation, lobotomize, beta, mule. All in one post. Bingo!

Related: I'm kind of liking Andrew Yangs idea (though, I have to say, I thought of the same thing years ago) about taxing automation to provide universal basic income. It probably won't provide purpose...but it could fund...hobbies maybe? Idk. We're all screwed.
Please deposit my winnings in the slot at the bottom of the page.
White boys have zero purpose in today's society.
Park Life.
There is no need for hunters, coal miners, lumberjacks, farmers, butchers, or even fathers past sperm donation.
Park Life.
Yet there the poor out-of-place saps are; alienated and without purpose.
Park Life.
Way too dangerous! We can't jail them all, so we hospitalize them and maybe lobotomize them if they won't go beta.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the people, so many people, and they all go hand in hand, hand in hand through our... Park Life.
Park Life.

Park Life.

Park Life.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the people, so many people, and they all go hand in hand, hand in hand through our... Park Life.
What is this Park Life you go on about so much? Are you talking about a trailer park? I lived in a trailer park once, except I was in motor home rather than a trailer.