Maybe we should give Sony/SCEA/PD a little break

  • Thread starter n3eo
First, noone has really cheated. If the penalty system PD put in place allows you to do something, and there are no rules against doing so, as much as it may be bad sportsmanship and may anger most, it's not cheating.

This reasoning, if you could even call it that, is why GT Academy got canceled. PD realized they were going to have to babysit people who operate by the policy that if it isn't explicitly against the rules it must be ok. It's cheating, stop trying to rationalize it otherwise.
What about other things the game doesn't simulate well?

Take fear for instance. I don't know everyone in this event, but I bet there are some number among us who wouldn't attack the "flick" on the Rome course simply because of good old fashioned fear.

Simply put, many can't do that in real life. Are people cheating by simulating courage/insanity they don't have in real life.
"The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who is dead." Einstein

The argument you set forth is used a lot, at least on GTPlanet. Although that idea may hold true for some, it certainly doesn't hold true for all. Considering many people take part in sports without reinforced roll cages and are off the ground, I assure you it doesn't apply to everyone.

Now, a fear of being disqualified from a competition like no other is justified for several reasons, but one in particular. Whether it's called cheating, cutting, or whatever, it's not fair because of this justified fear for legitimate participants.

I had to give my own eulogy in a speech class, that quote is how I started it off. To my surprise, even though I laughed, no one else did!
This reasoning, if you could even call it that, is why GT Academy got canceled. PD realized they were going to have to babysit people who operate by the policy that if it isn't explicitly against the rules it must be ok. It's cheating, stop trying to rationalize it otherwise.

That is your opinion, and it differs from GeorgiaDawgs. That doesn't make what you say a fact. I remember when I used to love playing Halo 2. I wasn't very good, but I played for hours every night. I kept hearing about how some people were able to reload their battle rifles faster by pressing BXB instead of just X. Obviously not intended by Bungie as a part of the game, so by your definition cheating. However, in MLG tournaments, which involve a lot more money than this Academy, all the pro players were doing it. Why? Because they could. And if they didn't, they would get beat by those that did, and walk away without any chance at the prizes. Sound familiar?

Ethics have their place in gaming, I agree with that. However, we can not expect everyone else to agree to our own personal set of ethics. The only way we can do that is to organize the event ourselves, therefore giving us the right to enforce whatever rules we see fit (like GTP races). These threads are pointless, it is impossible to get everyone to think the same. Which is why life is so interesting after all ;)
This reasoning, if you could even call it that, is why GT Academy got canceled. PD realized they were going to have to babysit people who operate by the policy that if it isn't explicitly against the rules it must be ok. It's cheating, stop trying to rationalize it otherwise.

Let's get this straight, I hate the cutting, mowing, wall bashing, whatever it is that's going straight sucks. So, quit trying to paint me as some kind of grass cutting wall rider trying to rationalize the behavior.

But no, it's not cheating. No rule was posted to say it was illegal, and the in game penalty system allowed everyone to do it if they choose to. No codes were punched in, nothing was manipulated. It just doesn't cross the line to cheating in my book.

Again, PD deserves all the blame for not doing enough research into what happens on the internet when you hold a competition. All it would have taken was paying attention to what has happened for years on XBL to know that unless you make something like cutting corners and wallbashing completely impossible, that people WILL do it.
Really? Not that I don't believe you, but the grand prize is easily worth 6 if not 7 figures (when you consider equipment, living expenses, training, staff, crew, etc...).

Yes, but there is only one grand prize ;) MLG gave out contracts worth $250,000 to some players. Maybe I am wrong, maybe this Academy has more total money on the line. But my point still stands. When there is this much money up for grabs, people will do what it takes. I hate when people take advantage of the system to win as much as anyone, anyone who knows anything about TRC would already know that. We have built our team on honour and ethics in gaming. But the Academy is not controlled by us gamers, it is controlled by corporations. Our code of ethics will not influence what happens, only the rules of the Academy will.
I find it odd that some people chose to call what these drivers are doing "cheating."

I'm kind of old, but I always thought cheating required some degree of secrecy. Everyone knows that the top ten times are posted for all the world to see and mimic.

Also, cheating normally implies and requires an advantage unavailable to other competitors. (like changing the code on your copy of the game while leaving everyone else to compete with unaltered versions. Or inviting The Stig to put some runs down for you.)


I'm not picking on you directly but your comment echoes many comments here on this subject.

My opinion: you have got to be kidding me if you think driving across the grass cutting off part of the track just because the game lets you do it is not cheating.

SCEA's big mistake is not realizing they need to hold the hand of competitors in this competition to hold true to the most basic and implied rule in all of motorsports.

Cheating does not normally imply an advantage not available to everyone, because EVERYONE can cheat, its just a matter of if they choose to or not.

Yes theres cheating in game competitions of other games that was mentioned here, but as I said Sony's only mistake was forgetting that many people in this are gamers, not racers, and gamers will push every possible exploit no matter what to gain an advantage, because its as simple as pushing a button and if everyone else is doing it, they have to to compete with them.

They however did make themselves very clear by eliminating Indy from the competition that they didn't expect people to exploit the game like that, they were wrong.
Right on...that's huge money. A friend of mine played on a top ranked CS team, and his teammate n0thing makes some good cash now - I think he said 6 figures.

Racing is expensive too, but your point is well taken.
This reasoning, if you could even call it that, is why GT Academy got canceled. PD realized they were going to have to babysit people who operate by the policy that if it isn't explicitly against the rules it must be ok. It's cheating, stop trying to rationalize it otherwise.

You couldnt be further from the truth with this statement... Well you got the reason why round 2 was canceled right.
Ya I guess I did say that, but you didnt say round 2, cause GT Academy wasnt canceled. Its not cheating, just cause you dont think its fair doesnt make it cheating; thye were doing everything the game let them do.
I think it's more of an inconsistency of in-game rules than anything else that has most people in an uproar. If you go out of bounds to cut a corner or bounce off a wall in a license test or one of the special challenges like the S. Vettel Red Bull Challenge, you get a DQ, so running a "clean" lap or curve or stopping in the proper zone in the fastest time possible, without going out of the pre-defined bounds is the only way to "win".

I think the main criticism should be the the lack of consistency. If driving out of bounds and bouncing off of walls is "cheating", then you should get DQ'd for it in the GT Academy time trial like you would in the License tests and special challenges.

If it's not cheating then the bounds should be turned off, so I can get an easy X2010 in the S.Vettel challenge... ;) It's all about consistency.
you say this like everyone's definition of cheating is the same thing...cheating pretty much is doing what ISN'T allowed by the rules. the rules didn't say anything about the way people were driving this round. so, cut this whole "my definition of cheating is the universal definition" bullcrap, ok? get off your freaking high horse. (referring to a generic "you" addressing all the people that think like this)

I apologize m8, but you can get off your damn high horse. Anybody who tries to justify this type of behavior has no business competing in this race.

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