Mazda MX-5 Cup Official Thread

  • Thread starter Green_Flag
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Yeah, looking back over the thread, the only contact rules we were abiding by are the ones that I "Hazarded a guess" at in my post in the absence (again) of any information by the person supposedly in charge of the series.

jmgyro & myself were a lot less rough with the AI than yourself and Kevin, although a lot of the contacts in both your races are prolongued events due to the AI trying to move back into it's pre-programmed "slot" despite your MX-5 being alongside it! :dunce: The events I raised flags about were ones where you clearly "rode" cars through turn 7, having T-boned them first. However, since there's no rules, and you didn't suffer penalties for it, it has to stand as submissible.

Now since replay checking is complete, this unfortunate chapter of GT Planet Racing history is going to get closed and we'll all look forward to MX-5 Cup (MkII) in a new thread that's run fairly, maturely and clearly.

Anyone else that wants to submit a replay for their Infineon race should probably do so in the new thread when it gets started, and I suggest that since Green_Flag has decided to edit all the relevant posts in this thread, we post our finishing times for this race in the new thread or PM them to our new results Guru, EDK. 👍

I hope whoever takes it over does a good job. I would have done better if I had the time but I don't right now.

Why didn't you just admit this in the first place, accept the help that you were generously offered, heed some of the friendly advice you were given and avoid the mess that this has become because you insisted on acting like a spoiled-child?
Nobody hates you, we just didn't like the lack of clarity and the delays in getting answers when we're taking part in your series, and playing to a deadline.
You're now being given a chance to have your cake and eat it too, :D by having your brainchild organised by someone else, giving you the chance to race and enjoy it without the added pressure of concocting race venues, results tables and rulebooks.
If you're too stubborn and foolish to accept this, then frankly you're the only person that loses out. ;)
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Please PM submissions for last week's race to me and I will post them once RACECAR and I have determined the points system and handicaps. 👍

We'll request this step in the new thread as well.

EDIT: BTW, Green_Flag, I don't hate you. I just think you might have bitten off more than you can chew with this. Hopefully it will be a lesson learned. 👍
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Yeah, looking back over the thread, the only contact rules we were abiding by are the ones that I "Hazarded a guess" at in my post in the absence (again) of any information by the person supposedly in charge of the series.

jmgyro & myself were a lot less rough with the AI than yourself and Kevin, although a lot of the contacts in both your races are prolongued events due to the AI trying to move back into it's pre-programmed "slot" despite your MX-5 being alongside it! :dunce: The events I raised flags about were ones where you clearly "rode" cars through turn 7, having T-boned them first. However, since there's no rules, and you didn't suffer penalties for it, it has to stand as submissible.

Now since replay checking is complete, this unfortunate chapter of GT Planet Racing history is going to get closed and we'll all look forward to MX-5 Cup (MkII) in a new thread that's run fairly, maturely and clearly.

Anyone else that wants to submit a replay for their Infineon race should probably do so in the new thread when it gets started, and I suggest that since Green_Flag has decided to edit all the relevant posts in this thread, we post our finishing times for this race in the new thread or PM them to our new results Guru, EDK. 👍

never mind
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Alright, explain to me how "you guys" (plural, meaning more than one of us) is "attacking" you when only I made that post? There's no conspiracy here, there's no discussion group going on outside of this thread regarding you.

As has been pointed out before, you openly requested advice on how to improve things. Now that you've been offered it, you've thrown it all out of the window, and shut down the whole series because it doesn't suit you.
That sort of behaviour doesn't strike me as being fair, mature or clear, and I stated as such.

Please read the edits that EDK & myself made to our last posts.
You've grossly overinflated a questioning of the rules for racing and time submissions into a "We all hate Green_Flag" campaign, which is categorically untrue.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and come back fighting by letting your MX-5 driving do the talking! :D
That's all anyone here is actually wanting! 👍

Sleep on it, and hopefully we'll see you at the wheel of an MX-5 soon.

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