McLaren Senna (P15)

  • Thread starter RocZX
Looks straight out of something a GTA Online update will have.

Yes! my thoughts exactly, looks like a knock off version of some other cars mixed with GTA goofiness. I hate the looks of this new Mclaren.

I cant seem to like any of their new cars except the MP4-12C and the 570.

When I saw the first leak I thought it was a joke. Or maybe someone's backyard garage kit car made out of wood and fiberglass...

It seems like Mansory had an affair with a guy who makes Replica's, or Kit Cars in a shed, and then sent the design to McLaren, and McLaren approved it. And they are like "This is glorious! lets name it Senna!"
Well iam a big Mc fan but this is ugly......

Love the idea striped down hardcore i see nice details but the total picture...... ai ai ai my eyes are burning.
OMG THE 720S HAS MEGA EVOLVED. It looks absolutely hideous! Then again, my dad says the Honda Civic Type R is uglier...:boggled:
It's like Mega Mewtwo X. Why would you take something which looks good and ruin it? Doesn't deserve to have the Senna name.
Aside from the one-off X-1, this is by far the ugliest McLaren that I have laid my eyes upon. It's like McLaren is in a competition with Lamborghini to create the world's ugliest hypercar.
I agree with most of the posters in this thread; it is one ugly McLaren. But and I can't explain it, I also like this car.

I'm going to post it here!
This is one of the worst looking cars I have ever seen. I can appreciate form over function (to an extent), but this thing just looks horrid
McLaren paying homage here to its fellow British manufacturers by building something looking like a kit car.

And they're actually planning on selling some of these. Like, in public.

Good lord.
I read in the article "... there’s virtually no clutter in the cockpit. .. Even the steering wheel is absent.", and then on one of the screenshots of the cockpit screen menu "Uber manual" instead of "User manual", wondering whether that was appropriate for this car. 'Twas a long night.
On the bright side, if there is something that can bring the world together, it's this car. Most people from different race, religion, political views would all agree in one thing : this car is ugly and doesn't deserve Senna's name.

:lol: of course i'm exageratting.
3/4 angles are fine. I'm picturing it in all-black, screaming at high revs, then the glowing brakes... and i kinda like it :lol:

I find it hard to dislike cars like this, the Gumpert Apollo, Lambo Veneno... Vector W8...

The Porsche 959 was pretty ugly too... this is sort of the same thing.

That profile thou, it's so bad lol
If this was Ginetta with the Needell edition, I'd say good on them for trying.

As a McLaren though?! The Ferrari X program hasn't turned out anything near as bad as this, for a similar purpose.
My goodness, that's one ugly looking car.
Hopefully it performs better than it looks.
It will. It will. The only thing that I don't like about it is that McLaren once said the F1 successor would likely have three abreast seating and this thing doesn't. It's more track car than road car really.
The only thing that I don't like about it is that McLaren once said the F1 successor would likely have three abreast seating and this thing doesn't.
This isn't that car. That car is currently known as the BP23 (production name as-yet unreleased), and when it goes into production McLaren will limit it to 106 units - the same as the F1.

The P15/Senna is a different car.
To think that they would name this abomination, Senna. The only thing I like is the damn see through panel In the door. Rear wing needs to trim the end plates in height and lower the thing closer to the body. The front of the car seems to stick out for a mile in front of the front wheel from that side view making the proportion look weird.

Aside from the see through door panel, the only good thing about this car is that I believe one was auctioned off with the proceeds going to the Senna charity.